
School of Engineering and Technology

International Collaboration
Best In
Class Facilities
Scholarship Opportunities
Startup/Venture Opportunities
Placement Assistance

School of Engineering and Technology


         At the centurion university’s  School of Engineering and Technology (SoET), we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of engineering leaders who transcend conventional boundaries. Our interdisciplinary approach, fueled by the convergence of academia and industry, empowers students to tackle multifaceted engineering challenges with ingenuity and resilience. Through dynamic mentorship from our distinguished faculty and seasoned industry professionals, students embark on a journey of experiential learning, where theoretical knowledge seamlessly integrates with practical application. Our student-centric pedagogy emphasizes critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving, and hands-on experience, fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. At SoET, we embrace complexity as an opportunity for growth, cultivating in our students a deep-seated curiosity and a relentless pursuit of excellence

         Embedded within our curriculum is a commitment to social responsibility and ethical leadership. We believe in harnessing the power of technology to address pressing global issues and create positive societal impact. Our graduates emerge not only as technically proficient engineers but also as empathetic and socially conscious citizens, poised to effect meaningful change in their communities and beyond.  Driven by our unwavering mission, SoET stands as a beacon of excellence in engineering education, inspiring future generations to push the boundaries of what is possible and leave an indelible mark on the world.



         The programmes under the School of Engineering & Technology are designed to enable students to:

         Possess a Strong Foundation: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the scientific and mathematical principles underpinning their chosen field, providing a solid foundation upon which to build their professional skills.

         Demonstrate Problem-Solving Proficiency: Develop the ability to integrate knowledge from various disciplines and apply their understanding to identify and address complex problems effectively, leading to innovative and impactful solutions.

         Embrace Diversity and Social Awareness: Cultivate awareness and appreciation of diverse cultures and social conditions, fostering empathy and understanding that enable them to collaborate effectively in diverse global settings.

         Exhibit Professionalism and Ethical Leadership: Attain professional competence, intellectual maturity, and personal growth, guided by a commitment to ethical conduct and responsible stewardship of the industry, thus contributing to the betterment of society.

         Communicate Effectively: Develop proficient written, oral, and graphic communication skills, enabling them to convey ideas, collaborate with peers, and engage with stakeholders in a clear, articulate, and persuasive manner.

Key Highlights

         The School of Engineering and Technology (SoET) offers a comprehensive array of opportunities and resources aimed at preparing students for success in the dynamic and competitive field of engineering. Here are some highlights of what we offer:

         Industry Certification Programs: Students have the opportunity to earn industry certifications alongside their degree, enhancing their credentials and competitiveness in the job market.

         State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our campus features cutting-edge facilities including High-Performance Computing Labs, IoT-enabled labs, drones for various applications, and design labs equipped with the Dassault Systems 3DS platform. Additionally, we provide industry-class production facilities for specialized areas such as renewable energy, wood engineering, precision engineering, and apparel manufacturing.

         Multidisciplinary Focus: Students can explore multidisciplinary areas such as smart infrastructure, e-mobility, and digital design leveraging advanced digital technologies including AI/ML, IoT, Analytics, Bioscience, Biomedical and AR/VR.

         Placement Support: We offer comprehensive support for placements, including counseling and training in verbal and written communication, logical and analytical reasoning, quantitative aptitude, as well as personal interview and group discussion skills. Our aim is to ensure that all students are well-equipped to secure rewarding employment opportunities upon graduation.

         Internship and Training Opportunities: Students have the chance to gain practical experience through industrial internships as well as on-campus training in industry-level manufacturing operations. This hands-on experience enhances their skills and understanding of real-world engineering practices.

         Cutting-Edge Equipment: Our university-owned equipment includes best-in-class resources such as a 5-axis CNC machine, PCB machine and 3D printers, providing students with access to the latest tools and technologies to support their academic and research endeavors.

         Strong Industry Connections: We maintain strong linkages with industry leaders, facilitating frequent interactions with leading scientists and professionals. These connections provide valuable networking opportunities, mentorship, and insights into industry trends and best practices.
