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10 Best Apps for Students to Download in 2022

The pandemic restricted the students indoors, making e-learning essential. However, for an uninterrupted learning experience, it is significant that the students have more than just study material. eLearning is now a global trend that is here to stay. However, to ensure that students are able to efficiently take away whatever they are being taught, it is necessary that they have access to good apps that aid in the learning experience.

Here are some apps that will help students immensely in their studies:

Coursera – The app allows students to pursue various courses online. There are video instructions available to guide them through their course.

Khan Academy – Available for both iOS and Android, the app allows students to learn from teachers who custom create content for every student they teach.

Oxford dictionary – You don’t have to cart around a heavy dictionary to decipher word meanings when you have an app for it. The Oxford Dictionary has compiled over 150 years of research in one place. There are more than 350,000-word meanings and their uses. Students also get audio pronunciations for 75,000 words that are rare and have different pronunciations.

Document Scanner – With more than 50 editing tools, it is a delightful online document scanning app that allows you to scan, edit and save documents. It also offers other features, including creating PDFs in different sizes.

Google Classroom – Developed by Google, this app allows creating, distributing and grading assignments. Students get to work on the same document with their entire class.

Microsoft Lens – Another amazing app that allows students to convert images to PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word. It also digitizes handwritten or printed text and saves it to OneDrive/OneNote/any local device. Students can scan classroom handouts or handwritten notes and save them.

Grammarly – The app helps in correcting the grammar of a specific content. Sentence structure, correct grammar, and spellings can be corrected with the help of this app. It is extremely useful for students who are submitting projects, preparing presentations, writing essays, etc., and need guidance on their grammar.

Google Drive – This app is a safe haven for storing all types of content. It is secure and private.

Duolingo – Learning a new language is both exciting and may offer interesting opportunities, especially if the student is looking for a career related to foreign languages. Duolingo is a wonderful app that allows students to learn a new language. There are several effective courses and various stages that take them through the course step-by-step, enhancing their reading, listening, and learning skills of the specific language they want to learn. There are more than 40 languages to learn. The app has billions of users.

Motion – This is an interesting browser extension that can block desired sites such as Instagram or Facebook – which the students think may be a hindrance to their studies. It is highly customizable, and the user can block the sites for certain days or during certain times of the day (which they think is their study time).

These apps are extremely beneficial for students and can help them in their journey of online studies.

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