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Ways To Become A Cyber Security Engineer In Circa 2022

It is with no doubt that technology has made life easy, but unfortunately, it also paved the way for a list of cybercrime activities. This is one of the main reasons cyber security engineers play a prominent role in our lives today. They are vested with the role of protecting various sensitive data and information that you share online about yourself and your dear ones. With technology taking over the present generation and the future, there is a growing need for cyber security engineers who can assist with data protection. If you wish to become a cyber security engineer, the very first thing that you have to do is getting a bachelor’s degree in cyber security.

In this blog, we will discuss about cyber security engineering facts and how to earn it in the easiest way in 2022.

Who Is Referred To As A Cyber Security Engineer?

An engineer responsible for keeping the data and information of the company and the clients they are working for safe is referred to as a cyber security engineer. As a cyber security engineer, you will be responsible for building the company’s cyber security systems and monitoring security controls to keep your client’s sensitive data protected from any unauthorized users, cyber attacks, and more.

You will also be implementing and testing the new cyber security features, ensuring troubleshooting issues, responding to various security incidents, conducting network upgrades, and planning your course of action.

 What are the roles of a cyber security engineer?

 The responsibility and role of a cyber security engineer differ from one another based on the type of company they are working for, its size, the industry the company is serving, and the size of the security team they have. To be specific, the roles of a cyber security engineer include:

  • Evaluating the cyber security needs of the company and carrying out the functions required to meet them.
  • Proper designing, implementing, overseeing, maintaining, and upgrading different cyber security tools for a company to protect its data, networks, and systems.
  • Conducting cyber security assessments
  • Responding to different cyber security breakthroughs affecting the company network and the systems associated with it.
  • Planning and developing specific technical solutions to address cyber security insecurities.
  • Carrying out penetration testing.
  • Conducting various scans and tests to find out the vulnerabilities likely to be present in the networks and systems, if any.
  • Automating improvements in cyber security.
  • Playing a prominent role to alter the management process for good.
  • Troubleshooting all types of cyber security issues.
  • Coordinating proper incident response with various teams in the office.

How to begin a career as a cyber security engineer?

Before you start earning a bachelor’s degree in cyber security, it is essential to understand the prerequisites of cyber security first. The prerequisites for cyber security engineering are as follows:

  • You must have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field.
  • You need to have a good knowledge and understanding of firewalls and other endpoint security types.
  • It is even recommended to get concrete knowledge of languages/tools such as java, node, ruby, c++, Python, pore shell, go, and others. Knowledge of these languages will be a benefit in the long run.
  • Most essentially, you should be capable of working under real-time pressure without missing deadlines.
  • Update yourself with the latest trend and hacker threats in the field of cyber security.

Top skills required by cyber security engineers

There are different skill sets that you, as a cyber security engineer, need to possess. These skills are broadly categorized as soft skills and cyber security skills. Take a look below to learn more.

Cyber security skills

You will need to have a proper understanding and knowledge of different prominent cyber security technologies and tools to excel as a cyber security engineer. Some of these core skills are:

  • Network security and networking

Most security threats are present in the networks. Hence, it is highly essential for any cyber security engineer to learn the ways to secure network architecture properly. You need to be completely familiar with different routing protocols for serving this purpose, along with virtual private networks (VPN), secure network architectures, encryption, voice over IP (VoIP), network security technologies like firewalls, and other related technologies.

  • Good knowledge of Programming/Coding

It is important to learn the coding languages properly. This includes ideas about Java, Python, C++, Bash, Ruby, Assembly, PHP, PowerShell, shell scripting, JavaScript, SQL, and more. Of all these mentioned above, Python is considered one of the most used programming languages.

  • Database platforms

Data is a company’s most valued asset. As a cyber security engineer, you will be responsible for trying out all means to keep the data about the company stored safely. You need to have an idea about how the data is stored and structured as well as details about people who enjoy access to the data.

  • Good idea about the operating systems

In order to be capable of diagnosing and resolving all the vulnerabilities of the operating systems, it is essential to possess a good amount of knowledge about the operating system. According to the experts, some of the skills that companies want to have in their security engineers include:

  • Data science
  • Foundational coding such as C++, Java, Python, PHP/Hack, and Golang
  • Data structures
  • Network protocols
  • Browser security
  • Security of web application
  • Software architecture and system design
  • Security protocols
  • Penetration testing
  • Security assessments
  • Applied cryptography
  • Binary analysis
  • Project management
  • Authentication and access control
  • Forensics and incident response
  • Team management

Soft skills

  • Outstanding ability to solve problems
  • Ability to perform in risk-prone situations
  • Ability to work properly with the teams
  • Amazing verbal and written communication skills
  • The desire to learn and develop performance
  • Strong leadership potential
  • The ability to determine potential threats to cyber security.

Qualifications required by a cyber security engineer

To take up a career as a cyber security engineer, it is essential for a candidate to have a bachelor’s degree in cyber security. Further study opens up more scope for a better career.

  • Tech in CSE- cyber security

A B.Tech degree in CSE cyber security is a 4 years undergraduate degree course emphasizing the comprehensive knowledge of data structures, cyber crime, cryptography, network security, designing and analyzing algorithms, detecting crimes and adopting preventive measures and more, from a well-acclaimed board with physics, chemistry and math as compulsory subjects, along with securing at least 50% marks.

Find the top engineering colleges in Odisha

  • D. in cyber security

If you want to continue further in this stream and get higher degrees, Ph.D. in cyber security is the next thing to check out. It is a 3-year doctoral program teaching the graduates process to discover the potential risks of cyber crimes and the ones already committed, followed by taking measures to safeguard essential confidential data in the servers and computers. Students would be able to master different aspects hutched to data collection, IT security, reverse engineering software development, and code analysis.

B.Tech in cyber security engineer at Centurion University

Centurion University is a prestigious private university in India. With campuses in West Bengal and Orissa, this university offers B.Tech cyber security courses and has received a top rank in the year 2021. The university’s curriculum for cyber security engineering has been properly framed by field experts keeping the prevailing market trends concerned. All these modules are designed in a manner to help the students stay ahead in the race of learning.

B.Tech in cyber security engineering is a 4 years degree program, with Centurion University bringing to the students a good self-developed network. This network assists the students to work on various live projects and get an idea of real-life situations through practical classes. Students getting enrolled with Centurion University will also get a certificate in Amazon web services with certain enrollment procedures. Faculties teaching the department of cyber security are highly qualified professionals from top most institutions around the world.

Prime research areas in the field of cyber security

  • Virtualization
  • Exploit development
  • Malware analysis
  • Core android/iOS

Final say

While this blog aims to answer most of your questions related to in cyber security engineering, remember a degree in this file in the present era and future will help you to earn a good and attractive salary.

Besides working for the private sector, you will also be able to work for the government sector, such as ISRO, DRDO, and more. Remember, with every advancement technology makes, the need for a cyber security engineer grows twice.

To get more information on B.Tech courses in cyber security engineering, reach out to

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