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What are the Best Career Options to Take Up After Computer Science Engineering?

Computer Science Engineering (CSE) happens to be a domain of engineering that is a blend of computer engineering and computer science. It makes students learn about various programming languages, algorithms, computation, multimedia tools and much more. Successful completion of Class 12 exams is necessary for entry into B.Tech computer science engineering programs while a B.Tech degree in any specialization in computer science is necessary for M.Tech program admission. In many Indian engineering institutions, admissions are also granted on the basis of entrance exams like GATE and JEE. Know about some of the best career options to consider after completing a Computer Science Engineering course.

Hardware Engineer:
You have to develop a PC’s physical components. Your work would involve development, research, design, monitoring and testing computer hardware setup, such as keyboards, printers, modems, circuit boards, systems and computer chips.

Networking Engineers:
You need to implement, design and troubleshoot PC networks, and ensure network infrastructure availability and integrity as well as maintain organizational data communication systems.

System Analyst:
Deep research is needed to spot out issues in an organization’s PC system network and resolve them. It can improve efficiency of the system and ensure smooth workflow.

Software Developers:
You have to code, design and program various software packages, and manage projects. A CSE program can make you aware of how to apply the knowledge of computer science in various software design and development, to satisfy client requirements.

Information Security Analyst:
The job is to ensure that the IT system of an organization can survive all kinds of disruptions, like hacking, data breaches, natural disasters etc. Data and information must be kept safe from possible attacks.
Database Administrator

You have to design, maintain, implement and repair the database of an organization, and ensure data consistency and accessibility; supervise changes made to existing software programs and check database software purchases.

Graphic Designer:
Designing website blueprint, design application, design decoration etc are the jobs of a graphic designer. You may work at a company or as a freelancer, taking up projects from various organizations.

To be successful as a professional Computer Science Engineer, you need a basic knowledge of software tools, multimedia design, network design, programming languages, software design etc, as well as have excellent team spirit, communication skills and proficiency in expressing ideas through written and formal form. You must be capable of data evaluation and analysis, as well an expert in managing time.

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