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Center For Communication Technologies


Dr. Murali Malijeddi

Mr. Prabhat K. Patnaik

Mr. D Ramesh Varma

Mrs. Srikala EVSDSNSLK

Mr. T Sairam Vamshi

Dr. M Vamshi Krishna

Mr. Akash Kumar Gupta

Focus Areas

  • Mm Wave Antennas
  • Base station Antennas
  • Baseband Algorithms for 5G Applications


  • Design aspects of the antennas to use in mobile handset and base stations at 18 GHz and above frequencies
  • Baseband Algorithms to enhance the parameters of the channels


Completed projects

Case Study 1: Microstrip Patch Antenna Array 

Operating Frequency : 6 GHz

Material:  FR4

Feeding Technique Used: Edge Feeding


Case Study 2: Circular Patch Antenna

Operating Frequency : 1.575 GHz

Material:  FR4

Feeding Technique Used: Back Feeding


Case Study 3:Vivaldi Antenna

Operating Frequency : 24GHz

Material:  RT Duroid 5880

Feeding Technique Used: Edge Feeding


Case Study 4: SIW Antenna

Operating Frequency : 24GHz

Material: Rogers RO3003

Feeding Technique Used: Edge Feeding


Case Study 5: Circular Patch Antenna

Operating Frequency : 24GHz

Material: Rogers RO3003

Feeding Technique Used: Edge Feeding

On-going projects

  • Wearable Antennas
  • Antenna’s for mm wave frequency
  • BeamForming Algorithms


Center Patents/ Design Patents/ Copyrights


1.     K Satyanarayana Raju, Prof. GSN Raju, Dr. M. Murali, published a paper on “Influence Of Admittance Parameters On Coupling And VSWR In Waveguide Junctions “, High Technology Letters, Volume 26, Issue 8, 2020 pages: 708 to 717, ISSN: 1006-6748.

2.     Ramesh Varma, Dr.T.Sudeer Kumar, Dr.M.Murali, published a paper on “A Survey of Antenna Array Optimization Using Meta-Heuristic Algorithm “, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882.

3.     Pradeep. Dr R Prasanthi, Dr M. Murali, published a paper on“Low SLL Narrow beam Planar Array: Design & Analysis “, IJRAR June 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138).

4.     Pavan Raju,Dr .A. Sri Krishna, Dr.M. Murali, published a paper on “ Classification and Filtered Framework for DDOS Attacks in IoT of Wireless Networks , Test Engineering and Management, Volume 83,May – June 2020 ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 24372 – 24385.

5.     Pavan Raju, A. Sri Krishna, M. Murali, published a paper on “Automatic Speech Recognition System Using Mfcc-Based Lpc Approach With Back Propagated Artificial Neural Networks”, ICTACT Journal On Soft Computing, VOLUME: 10, ISSUE: 04, JULY 2020,Pages 2153-2159,ISSN: 2229-6956.

6.     Pavan Raju, A. Sri Krishna , M. Murali, published a paper on“ Design and Development of Speech Recognition: A Review ”,The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis, Volume XII, Issue VIII, August/2020,Page No:810-817,ISSN: 0886-9367.

7.     K Satyanarayana Raju, Prof. GSN Raju, Dr. M. Murali, published a paper on “Implementation Of Corner Sliced Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antenna” Solid State Technology 63 No. 4 (2020).

8.     D RAMESH VARMA, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, Published ”Review of wearable antennas and design of microstrip antenna with metamaterial”, Springer book chapter ICMEET 2021

9.     Ramesh Varma Dr.M.Murali, Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, published a paper on “ Sidelobe reduction in an Antenna Array using natured inspired Genetic Algorithm”, High Technology Letters,Volume 26, Issue 8, 2020ISSN NO : 1006-6748.

10. Ramesh Varma, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, published a paper on “ A Review Of Wearable Antennas In The Field Of Medicine And Its Challenges “, PIERS(Communicated).

11. Srikala EVSDSNSLK, M.Murali, M. Vamshi Krishna, GSN Raju, published a paper on“Optimization of linear array using modified social group optimization algorithm”, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (JSIR),Vol. 80, April 2021, pp. 354-359.

12. Srikala EVSDSNSLK, M.Murali, M. Vamshi Krishna, GSN Raju, published a paper on“ Linear antenna array synthesis using metaphor-less algorithm”, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations(Communicated).

13. Ramesh Varma, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, published a paper on“ A Survey on Synthesis of Linear antenna arrays, circular antenna arrays, conformal arrays and Beamforming Techniques, Solid state Technology” ,Solid State Technology ,Volume: 63 Issue: 4 ,2020.

14. Ramesh Varma ,Dr.M.Murali ,Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, published a paper on“ Reducing Interference and Thinning of an Antenna Array using Genetic Algorithm “ , IJE (Communicated).

15. D RAMESH VARMA, Dr.M.Murali, Dr.M.Vamshi Krishna, published a paper on“Miniaturized Novel H Shaped Patch Antenna for Bio Medical Applications “, PIER (Communicated).

16. K Satyanarayana Raju, Prof. GSN Raju, Dr. M. Murali, published a paper on“ Implementation Of Corner Sliced Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antenna K “, solid state technology, Volume: 63 Issue: 4 Publication Year: 2020, pages: 1321 to 1328.

17. Dr M Murali, Dr Anthony Sunny Dayal Pendurthy, B. Yashwanth Sai, P. Sai Kiran“Design and Analysis of a Multispectral Disk Shaped Microstrip Patch Ariel”, (Communicated).

18. Dr M Murali ,Dr Anthony Sunny Dayal Pendurthy, K.Sanketh, M.Vivek Vardhan Achari, “ Design and Analysis of a Slit Microstrip Patch Ariel for 5G Telecommunication Applications”, Wesleyan Journal of Research Journal ( Communicated).

19. V.S.D.S.N.S.L.K.Srikala, Dr.M.Murali ,M.Vamsi Krishna, GSN Raju, published a paper onElement Failure Correction Techniques of Linear Array Antenna- A Short ReviewTEST Engineering & Management May – June 2020,ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 14182 – 14187.

20. L.N.Acharyulu ,Dr M.Murali , G.Arun Manohar published a paper on Smart Transportation Using Missiles, Test Engineering & Management, : 0193-4120 Page No. 17195 – 17197, Volume 83 Page Number: 17195 – 17197 Publication Issue: March – April 2020.

21. Jogi Naidu, Prof G.S.N. Raju, Dr. M. Muralipublished a paper onA Review On Bandwidth Improvement Techniques Of A Waveguide Arrays ,Journal Of Critical Reviews

22. Ramesh Varma, Dr.M.Murali , Dr.T.Sudeer Kumar “ A Survey Of Antenna ArrayOptimization Using Meta-HeuristicAlgorithm” International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) ,Volume 8, Issue 5 May 2020 | ISSN: 2320-2882

23. Vamshi M Krishna, G S N Raju and S Mishra,”Generation of Low Sidelobe Difference Pattern using Nature Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms” International Journal of Computer Applications 143(3):29-35, June 2016.

24. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S “Non-Uniform Circular Array Synthesis using Cuckoo Search Optimization”, International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research, ISSN 2348-2370, Volume No.08, Issue No.05, May 2016.

25. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S., “Null Positioning in Circular Arrays using Cuckoo Search Algorithm” ,International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research, ISSN 2319-8885, Volume No.05, Issue No.11, May-2016.

26. Prabhat K. Patnaik, Dhruba C. Panda, M. Vamshi Krishna,” Different Fractal Antenna Structure Analysis using ANN”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol.: 9 Issue:3 Page No.: 1787-1791 ,Mar 2020.

27. Shibashis Pradhan, Deepak Kumar Barik, Dr M Vamshi Krishna, Sujatarani Raut ,” Generation of Spreading Codes with Minimum Correlation using Sorting Genetic Algorithm- II”, IJITEE -International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Vol.:9 Issue: 1, November 2019.

28. Kunja Bihari Swain, M Vamshi Krishna, Murthy Cherukuri, Satya Sopan Mahato, “ Situational Awareness Enhancement in Transmission Lines using NI Based PMU ”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume 9,Issue 3, Pages 2987- 2997,Publisher Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication.

29. Sairam Vamsi, Dr. M.Vamsi Krishna, Dr. T.Sudheer Kumar, “Channel Estimation Techniques for OFDM and GFDM: A Review”, Test Engineering and Management, Article Info Volume 83, Page Number: 17143 – 17149, Publication Issue: March – April 2020.

30. V.S.D.S.N.S.L.K.Srikala, M.Vamsi Krishna, GSN Raju, M.Murali “Element Failure Correction Techniques of Linear Array Antenna- A Short Review”, Test Engineering and Management , Article Info Volume 83, Page Number: 14182 – 14187,Publication Issue: May – June 2020.

31. Vamshi Krishna A.V.S Swathi , V.V.S.S.S Chakravarthy “Techniques of Optimizing Circular Array Using Novel Evolutionary Computing Tools”, Test Engineering and Management , Article Info Volume 83, Page Number: 14204 – 14207,Publication Issue: May- June 2020.

32. Vamshi Krishna Akash Kumar Gupta, P S R Chowdary “Trends in IoT Antenna Design- A Brief Review”, Test Engineering and Management, Article Info Volume 83, Page Number: 14198 – 14203, Publication Issue: May – June 2020.

33. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S.,” Sidelobe Level Reduction in Linear Antenna Array synthesis Using Cuckoo Search & Accelerated Particle Swarm Algorithms”, Proceedings of Springer International Conference on Micro- Electronics, Electromagnetics and

34. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S.,” Design of linear and circular arrays using natural search algorithms for generation of low sidelobe patterns ”, Proceedings on IEEE International Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility

35. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S.,” Synthesis of Optimal Sum and Difference Patterns using Cuckoo Search Algorithm”, 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Computing Techniques in Engineering, Science and Management, January 27-28,2017.

36. Vamshi Krishna., M, Raju, G.S.N., and Mishra, S.,” Design of Linear and Circular Arrays Using Natural Search Algorithms for Generation of Low Side Lobe Patterns ”, Proceedings of Springer International Conference on Micro-Electronics, Electromagnetics and Telecommunications.

37. Srikala EVSDSNSLK, M. Vamshi Krishna, GSN Raju,” Pattern Recovery In Linear Array Antenna Using Flower Pollination Algorithm ”, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Green Technology (ICISGT), 10.1109/ICISGT44072.2019.00027, 29- 30 June 2019.

38. M Vamshi Krishna T Sairam Vamsi, T Sudheer Kumar,” Impact Analysis of Black Hole,Flooding Attacks and Enhancements in MANET Using SHA-3 Keccak Algorithm”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 655, Pages 105-113. Springer, Singapore

39. M Vamshi Krishna Anil Kumar Gupta, S Suresh, P Satish Rama Chowdary,” DGS -Based TShaped Patch Antenna for 5G Communication applications ”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Volume 655, Pages 11-19. Springer, Singapore.

40. Prabhat K. Patnaik, Deepak Kumar Barik, Shibashis Pradhan, Subhraraj panda and Chandra Sekhar Dash “Parameter Analysis and Different Geometrical Approach for Ultra-Wideband Planar Antenna“, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 19973-19980, June 2020

41. Shibashis Pradhan, Prabhat Kumar Patnaik and Subhraraj Panda and ” Superposition Modulation and its Power Distribution Method ”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 59, pp 18798-18803, April 2020.

42. Deepak Kumar Barik, Prabhat K Patnaik, Subhraraj panda and Shibashis Pradhan, “Analysis and Report Generation of 4G LTE Drive Test: A Case Studies ”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23379-23382, June 2020

43. Deepak Kumar Barik, Subhraraj panda, Shibashis Pradhan and Prabhat K Patnaik,” Drive test Analysis for a 3rd Generation of GSM System and its EMF Survey ”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23372-23377, June 2020.

44. Deepak Kumar Barik, Chandra Sekhar Dash, Prabhat K Patnaik and Shibashis Pradhan, ” A Comparative Design and Analysis of Broadband Rectenna application to wireless Energy Generation ”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23369-23372, June 2020

45. Prabhat K. Patnaik,” A Novel approach of Parameter Extraction of Distributed MEMS Transmission Line using Neural Network ”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,  Vol 6, Issue 8,pp,Dec 2017.

46. Prabhat K. Patnaik, Dhruba C. Panda “A Simple and Elegant Technique to Improve Hammerstad Formula to Calculate Resonant Frequency of Microstrip Antenna on Thick Substrates”, International Symposium on Antennas & Propagation APSYM-2014, Dec 17-19 2014, Cochin.

47. Prabhat K. Patnaik etal, “Fast Extraction of Resonant Frequency of Square Ring Microstrip antenna using Neural Network Approach” International Journal of Power System Operation and Energy Management ISSN (PRINT): 2231 – 4407, Volume-3, Issue-2, pp-60-62, 2013.

48. Prabhat K. Patnaik,Dhruba C. Panda, “Fast Extraction of L & C Parameters of MEMS Transmission Line using Neural Network ” Proc. IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference(AEMC-2013), Dec 18-20 2013,KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.

49. Prabhat K. Patnaik,Dhruba Charan Panda, ” CAD modeling of Complex Resonant frequencies of a Rectangular Microstrip Patch with a Superstrate using Complex Backpropagation Algorithm” Proc. IEEE Applied Electromagnetics Conference(AEMC-2013), Dec 18-20,KIIT University, Bhubaneswar.

50. Prabhat K. Patnaik etal,“Fast Extraction of Resonant Frequency of Square Ring Micro-strip antenna using Neural Network Approach” Proc. International conference on Communication ,Control and Instrumentation(ICCCI-2013)” ,October 25th-27th , GIET,Gunupur, INDIA pp-195-197, ISBN:978-93-83060-15-3


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