
Dr. Ashok Misra

Dr. Ramesh Chandra Mohanty

Dr. Banitamani Mallik

Dr. K. Venkata Prasad

Dr. P. Hari Krishna

Dr. Tumbanath Samantara

Dr. Goutam Kumar Mahato

Dr. Swarnalata Jena

Dr. Bhairaba Kumar Majhi

Mr. Sasi Bhusan Padhi

Mr. Manas Ranjan Padhi

Mr. Balaji Padhy

Mr. Sujit Mishra

Mr. Satyabrata Shadangi

Mr. Sangram Keshari Biswal

Mr. Aditya Kumar Pati

Mr. Arun Patra

Mr. Kamal Kumar Pradhan

Mr. Soumendra Mishra

Mr. Sudhanshu Shekhar Samantaray

Ms. Rojalin Pattnaik

Ms. Subhashree Panda

Ms. Kanipakam Anuradha

Mr. Santosh Kumar Rath

Mr. ASESN Sudhakar

Mr. Anup Patnaik

Mr. Radhamadhaba Dash

Mr. Rajesh Kumar Mohanty

Ms. Debashree Debdatta Behera

Mr. Nimay Giri

Mr. B. Tirupathi Naidu

Ms. G. P. Gifty

Ms. Priyashree Ch. Pattanaik

Mr. Subhrajit Kanungo

Mr. Jayaprakash Mishra
Focus Areas
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
- Quantum Computing (QC)
Center Patents/ Design Patents/ Copyrights
Indian Patent No.: 448/KOL/2015
Publication Date: 05 / 06 / 2015
Title: Enhancement of Thermal Conductivity through best Nanoparticle and Liquid Pairing
Institute: Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha
Inventors: Prof. Ashok Misra, Prof. S.K.Misra, Prof. D.Nageswar Rao & Dr.P.K.Tripathy
- Ashok Mishra, K.P. Priyadarsan, S.Mishra and M.K. Nayak, MHD nonlinear radiative flow of Carreau nanofluid with variable chemical reaction: An approach to control global warming, Heat Transfer, Willey, Accepted on 25th July 2020.
- A. Patra and A. Misra, Mhd 3d Non-Linear Radiative Stretched Flow of Nano Fluids, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.12, Issue 06, 2020, pp.1530-1538. ISSN: 1943023X
- S. Mishra and A. Misra, Entropy Minimization Impact On 3d Mhd Radiative Flow of Cu-H2o Nano Fluid, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol.12, Issue 06, 2020, pp.1516-1529. ISSN: 1943023X
- A. K. Patra, M. K. Nayak and A. Misra, Viscosity of nanofluids-A Review, International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, Vol.7, Issue 2,2020, pp.1-49.ISSN:2706-9885
- S. Mishra, A. Misra and M. K. Nayak, Flow and heat transfer of Oldroyd-B nanofluid with relaxation-retardation viscous dissipation and hyperbolic boundary conditions, International Journal of Thermofluid Science and Technology, Vol.7, Issue 1,2020, pp.1-18. ISSN:2706-9885
- A.K.Patra, M.K.Nayak and A.Misra, Effects of Non-uniform Suction, Heat Generation/Absorption and Chemical Reaction with Activation Energy on MHD Falkner-Skan Flow of Tangent Hyperbolic Nanofluid over a Stretching/Shrinking Edge, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 6(3), 2020, pp. 640-652. ISSN: 2383-4536
- Subhashree Panda, Ashok Misra, and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Effect of Charged Nanoparticles and Viscous Dissipation on the Nanofluid Flow over a Moving Plate, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020, pp.220-226.ISSN:0193-4120
- Kamala Kumar Pradhan, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer on Nano Fluid over a Linear Stretching Sheet with the Effect of Electrification, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020, pp. 13718-13727.ISSN:0193-4120
- Rojalin Pattnaik, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Effects of Electrification of Nanoparticles on the Flow and Heat Transfer over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020, pp. 17725-17735.ISSN:0193-4120
- Aditya Kumar Pati, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Modeling Electrification of Nanoparticles in Free Convective Nanofluid Flow, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020, pp. 17663-17669.ISSN:0193-4120
- Sujit Mishra, Ashok Misra, P.S.V. Ramana Rao and D. Nageswar Rao, Analysis of Two Equations Turbulent Scheme with Structured Meshing over Generic Ahmed Body Model, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020, pp. 17319-17326.ISSN:0193-4120
- Aditya Kumar Pati, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Effect of electrification of nanoparticles on heat and mass transfer in boundary layer flow of a copper water nanofluid over a stretching cylinder with viscous dissipation, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.17, 2019, pp. 97-117.ISSN: 0973-5763
- Rojalin Pattnaik, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Effect of electrification on natural convection boundary layer flow of nanofluid past a vertical plate with heat generation, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.17, 2019, pp. 577-595.ISSN: 0973-5763
- Epsita Mohanty, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Natural Convection Boundary Layer Flow of Nanofluid Past A Vertical Plate with Thermal Radiation and Electrification of Particles, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.17, 2019, pp. 597-618.ISSN: 0973-5763
- Subhashree Panda, Ashok Misra, and Saroj Kumar Mishra, A review on thermal conductivity Enhancement of Nanofluids, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.115, 2019, pp. 143-156.ISSN: 0972-0871
- Kamala Kumar Pradhan, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, A review on flow characteristics of Fluids with nanoparticles, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.115, 2019, pp. 51-59.ISSN: 0972-0871
- B. S. Panda, Ashok Misra and S. S. Gantayat, Methods and concepts of data mining Techniques to impute missing Data information, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.20, 2019, pp. 41-54. ISSN: 0973-7006
- Satyabrata Dash and Ashok Misra, Prediction of exposed and infectious Virtual machines with increasing Number of attacks in cloud, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Vol.20, 2019, pp. 55-66. ISSN: 0973-7006
- Kamala Kumar Pradhan, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Modelling boundary layer flow and heat Transfer of nano fluid over a moving plate with electrification of nanoparticles, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, Vol.22, 2019, pp. 175-189.ISSN: 0973-4686
- Sujit Mishra, Ashok Misra, P.S.V. Ramana Rao and D. Nageswar Rao, Multiphase mixture model simulation over a simplified car, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, Vol.23, 2019, pp. 17-24. ISSN: 0973-4686
- Aditya Kumar Pati, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Heat and mass transfer analysis on natural Convective boundary layer flow of a Cu-water nanofluid past a vertical Flat plate with electrification of nanoparticles, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, Vol.23, 2019, pp. 1-15. ISSN: 0973-4686
- Aditya Kumar Pati, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Effect of Electrification of Nanoparticles on Natural Convective Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer of a Cu-Water Nanofluid, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1254-1264. ISSN: 2320-0294
- Ashok Misra, Modeling Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer of a Particulate Suspension, Neural, Parallel, and Scientific Computations, Dynamic Publishers, Inc. USA, Vol.25, 2017, pp.417-433. ISSN: 1061-5369
- Sujit Mishra, Ashok Misra, P.S.V. Ramana Rao and D. Nageswar Rao, Simulation of Aerodynamic Flow Parameters over a Simplified Sedan Car, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1265-1274.ISSN: 2320-0294
- Satyabrata Dash and Ashok Misra, Classification of Threats in Cloud Environment, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1316-1327. ISSN: 2320-0294
- Satyasis Mishra, Ashok Misra and Tadesse Hailu Ayane, Separation of Indian classical seven tune signal from musical instrumental mixed signal 16using PCA ICA based Fast-ICA method, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1301-1307. ISSN: 2320-0294
- B.S.Panda, Ashok Misra and S.S.Gantayat, Approach and Impute the Missing Data using Rough Set Rule Induction Method, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1238-1247. ISSN: 2320-0294
- Ashok Misra, Modeling electrification of SPM on the thermal radiative Boundary layer flow of a particulate suspension over a Stretching sheet in presence of heat source sink, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, Vol.6(9),2017, pp.505-513. ISSN: 2277-9655
- B.S.Panda, S.S.Gantayat and Ashok Misra, A Comparative Study of Handling Missing Data in Student Data Analysis using Rough Set and Soft Set, International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Technology, Vol.8, No.8, 2017, pp.195-204. ISSN: 2229-3345
- S.B.Dash, H.Saini, T.C.Panda and A.Misra, Mathematical Ontology for Infectious Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud Environment, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9(34), 2016, pp.1-7. ISSN: 0974-6846
- S.B.Dash, A.Misra, T.C.Panda and S.Pani, EVM and IVM Dynamics in Cloud Environment, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2016, pp.1-9.ISSN:1877-0509
- Sujata Panda, Ashok Misra and Saroj Kumar Mishra, Flow and Heat Transfer in a Radiative Boundary Layer of Dusty Fluid with Internal Heat Generation/Absorption over a Flat Plate, Elixir International Journal, Vol.84, Issue-1, 2015, pp. 33430-33439. ISSN: 2229-712X
- B.Dash, H.Saini, T.C.Panda and A.Misra, Predator-Prey Model for Infectious Virtual Machines in IaaS Cloud Environment Based on Lakota- Volterra Equation, Asian Journal of Information Technology, Vol.14(3),2015, pp.84-91. ISSN:1682-3915.
- T.K. Chand, M.K. Mohant and, R.C. Mohanty, An Overview of Solar Energy and its Application in Solar Dryers with Brief Concept of Energy and Energy Analysis, International Journal of Research,Vol. 2(1),2015, pp. 870-877. ISSN: 2348-6848.
- N.H.S. Ray, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Water Scrubbing of Biogas Produced from Kitchen Wastes for Enrichment and Bottling in LPG Cylinder for Cooking Applications, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, Vol.2(5),2015, pp. 45-53. ISSN: 2348-7968.
- Nabnit Panigrahi, Mahendra Kumar Mohanty, R.C. Mohanty and Sruti Ranjan Mishra, Performance of a C.I. Engine with Energy and Exergy Analysis Fuelled with Neem Oil Methyl Ester, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, Inderscience,Vol. 7(3), 2016,pp. 264-287. ISSN: 1757-3971.
- Surya Narayan Padhi, R.C. Mohanty and Trilochan Rout, Sigmoid Timoshenko Beam on Variable Elastic Foundation, International Journal of Engineering Research and Science & Technology,Vol. 5(2),2016, pp. 96-106. ISSN: 2319-5991.
- N.H.S. Ray, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Biogas Compression and Storage System for Cooking Applications in Rural Households, International Journal of Renewable Energy Research ,Vol. 6(2), 2016,pp. 593-598. ISSN: 1309-0127.
- S.B. Mohapatra, P. Das, R.C. Mohanty and Dhaneswar Swain, Non-edible Mahua Oil: A Critical Evaluation of Oil Extraction, Methyl Ester Production, Characteristics, and Possibility of Bio-Additives, Remarking An Analysation,Vol. 1(5), 2016. ISSN: 2394-0344.
- S.B. Mohapatra, P. Das, R.C. Mohanty and Dhaneswar Swain, Non-edible Kusum Oil: Potential Foliage of Biodiesel Production and its Productive Use in Marine Engines, International Journal of Research in Engineering & Technology,Vol. 4(9),2016, pp. 25-36. ISSN: 2347-4599.
- S.B. Mohapatra, D. Swain, R.C. Mohanty and P. Das, Olax scandens Roxb: A Rarefied Non Edible Potential Leafage of Bio Diesel for Diesel Engines, International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research ,Vol. 4(11),2017, pp. 514-525. ISSN: 2394-3386.
- Saumyadarsan Mohanty, R.C. Mohanty and Siba Sankar Mahapatra, Study on Performance of EDM Electrodes Produced through Rapid Tooling Route, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems , Vol.16(4), 2017,pp. 357-374. ISSN: 0219-6867.
- N.H.S. Ray, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Statistical Analyses of Energy and Exergy of a diesel engine using diesel and biogas in dual fuel mode by Taguchi method, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,Vol. 6(8), 2017,pp. 1167-1175. ISSN: 2320-0294.
- Rajesh Kumar Mohanty, S.K. Sabut and R.C. Mohanty, Polycentric Prosthetic Knee Joint: A Review, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,Vol. 6(8), 2017,pp. 503-510. ISSN: 2320-0294.
- Tapas Kumar Chand, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Optimize Newton Statistical Models for Fish Drying by using Regression Analysis, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics ,Vol. 6(8),2017, pp. 104-109. ISSN: 2320-0294.
- Nabnit Panigrahi, Mahendra Kumar Mohanty, Sruti Ranjan Mishra and Ramesh Chandra Mohanty,Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel and Simarouba Biodiesel Blends, Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, Springer, Vol.99(1),2018, pp. 9-17. ISSN 2250-0545.
- Sanket Sahu, R.C. Mohanty, R.R. Panda, A.M. Mohanty and G.N. Arka, Optimization of EDM Machining Parameters to Machine INCONEL-825, International Journal of Engineering and Management Research , Vol. 8(2), 2018,pp. 36-45. ISSN: 2394-6962.
- T.K. Chand, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Exergy and Energy Analyses and Evaluate Drying Parameters to Develop a Statistical Model for a Solar Dryer in Fish Drying, International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management,Vol. 4(3),2018, pp. 460-464. ISSN: 2454-9150.
- T.K. Chand, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, An Experimental Statistical Model Developed in Fish Drying using Regression Analysis, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Technology ,Vol. 9(10),2018, pp. 1149-1156. ISSN: 0976-6340.
- Ipsita Mishra, R.C. Mohanty and A.M. Mohanty, A comprehensive review on Performance analysis of parabolic trough solar collectors, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ,Vol. 5(4), 2018,pp. 692-710. ISSN: 2349-5138.
- S.D. Mohanty, S.S. Mahapatra and R.C. Mohanty, PCA Based Hybrid Taguchi Philosophy for Optimization of Multiple Responses in EDM, Sadhana – Indian Academy of Sciences & Springer, Vol.44(1),2019, pp. 1-9. ISSN: 0256-2499.
- Rajesh CVS, T. Krishnaiah and R.C. Mohanty, A Review on Performance Evaluation of Solar Parabolic Trough, International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering,Vol. 9(6),2019, pp. 175-182. ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Subrat Kumar Barik, P.S. Rao and R.C. Mohanty, A Review on Initiation, Structure and Advance Utilization of Shape Memory Polymer, Journal of Advanced Scientific Research , Sciensage, Vol.10(3),2019, pp. 131-138. ISSN: 0976-9595.
- R.C. Mohanty, N.H.S. Ray and M.K. Mohanty, Exergy Analysis in a Dual-Fuelled Diesel Engine, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , Vol.18(2),2019, pp. 437-449. ISSN: 0973-5763.
- Nimay Chandra Giri and R.C. Mohanty, Accelerating India’s Energy Sector to Sustainable Sources, Potentials and Prospects, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,Vol. 10(58),2020, pp. 18066-18076. ISSN: 0976-0997
- Nimay Chandra Giri and R.C. Mohanty, Performance Evaluation of One MW on-Grid SPV Power Generation Plant in Odisha, India, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,Vol. 10(58),2020, pp. 18084-18091. ISSN: 0976-0997
- Debashree Debadatta Behera, R.C. Mohanty and A.M. Mohanty, Development of a Solar Operated Blower for Forging Operation: An Initiative for Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Area, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol.9(3),2020,pp. 3281-3284. ISSN: 2249-8958.
- Debashree Debadatta Behera, R.C. Mohanty and A.M. Mohanty, Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Solar Dryer for Drying Food Products, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.29(3), 2020,pp. 7788-7800. ISSN: 2005-4238.
- N.H.S. Ray, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Optimization of energy and exergy parameters of a C.I. engine in dual fuel mode using Taguchi method, International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy , Inderscience,Vol.16(5/6),2020, pp. 510-528. ISSN: 1472-8923.
- Sudeep K Singh, A.M. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Experimental investigation for sustainable welding based on Taguchi and Artificial Neural Network, Adalya Journal, Vol.9(5), 2020,pp. 87-94.ISSN: 1301-2746.
- S.D. Mohanty, S.S. Mahapatra, R.C. Mohanty and Jagannath Mohapatra, Performance Analysis of EDM Process Varying Tool Material, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,Vol. 10(60),2020, pp. 25219-25227. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Sudeep K Singh, A.M. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Parameter Selection in MMAW for Reduction in Power Consumption, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol. 10(60),2020, pp. 20056-20062. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Sudeep K Singh, A.M. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Sustainability Oriented Parameter Selection in Arc Welding of Mild Steel using ANN, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences , Vol.10(60),2020, pp. 20090-20097. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Satyasis Mishra, T.H. Ayane, Sunita Satapathy, M. Siddique, D.J. Gelmecha and R.C. Mohanty, Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using a Novel Fast and Robust FCM Segmentation and MWCA based LLRBFNN Machine Learning Model: Breast cancer classification and detection using machine learning model, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ,Vol. 29(5), 2020,pp. 12355-12372. ISSN: 2005-4238.
- Prateek Ray, Kula Bhusan Pradhan and R.C. Mohanty, Bioconversion of Lignocellulosic Materials into Ethanol, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83, 2020,pp. 17235-17245. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- S.D. Mohanty, S.S. Mahapatra, R.C. Mohanty and J. Mohapatra, Optimization of Material Removal Rate in EDM of D2 Steel by Taguchi Method, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development ,Vol. 10(3),2020, pp. 2633-2642. ISSN: 2249-6890.
- V.S. Jagadale, S.N. Padhi and R.C. Mohanty, Finite Element Analysis of Banana Fiber Reinforced Composites for Tensile Properties, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development ,Vol. 10(3),2020, pp. 2651-2660. ISSN: 2249-6890.
- V.S. Jagadale, S.N. Padhi and R.C. Mohanty, Investigation of Natural Frequencies of Composite Shaft using FFT and Numerical Method, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development ,Vol. 10(3),2020, pp. 2643-2650. ISSN: 2249-6890.
- K.S. Raghuram, S.N. Padhi, R.C. Mohanty and K. Suresh,Grinding, Sieve Shacking and Evolving a Material from Shells of Crabs used for Light Weight Bio Medical Applications, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development , Vol.10(3), 2020,pp. 2625-2632.ISSN: 2249-6890.
- V.S. Jagadale, S.N. Padhi and R.C. Mohanty, Experimental Approach to optimize the Fiber Volume Fraction and Orientation for Reinforced Banana Composites, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development ,Vol. 10(3), 2020,pp. 2619-2624.ISSN: 2249-6890.
- Debashree Debadatta Behera, A.M. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Modeling and Simulation of Solar Tree for Domestic Lightning Purpose, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences , Vol.10(60),2020, pp. 22686-22689. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Debashree Debadatta Behera, Abinash Rout, R.C. Mohanty and A.M. Mohanty,Experimental Study of Solar Dish Type of Solar Concentrator, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,Vol.10(60),2020, pp. 22705-22708. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Ramesh Chandra Mohapatra, R.C. Mohanty and Dayanidhi Jena, Numerical Analysis of Fatigue Damage Development for Braided Carbon-Fiber Polymer Matrix Composite, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,Vol. 10(60), 2020,pp. 23125-23130. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Prateek Ray and R.C. Mohanty, Use of Hydrogen in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells: An Overview, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol. 10(60),2020, pp. 23131-23138.ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Prateek Ray and R.C. Mohanty, Effects of Process Parameters of Metal Inert Gas Welding on Welding Strength of AISI304 Stainless Steel, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol. 10(60),2020, pp. 24597-24603. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Sunita Satapathy, Satyasis Mishra,R.C. Mohanty, Dereje Tekilu Aseffa and Tadesse Hailu Ayane, Non-Stationary signal Frequency Identification using Frequency Improved Fast S-Transform, Test Engineering & Management, Vol. 83,2020, pp. 24466-24473. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- N.H.S. Ray, R.C. Mohanty and M.K. Mohanty,Biogas Enrichment by Water Scrubbing, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol. 10(60),2020, pp. 25228-25236.ISSN: 0976-0997.
- R.C. Mohanty, Mukundjee Pandey and Ipsita Mishra, Experimental Analysis of a V-shaped double rectangular tube parabolic trough collector, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10(60),2020, pp. 22515-22520. ISSN: 0976-0997.
- Rajesh Kumar Mohanty, S.K. Sabut and R.C. Mohanty, Clinical gait analysis of subjects with trans-femoral amputation using polycentric four bar linkage prosthetic knee joint, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, World Scientific,Vol. 20(5), 2000. ISSN: 0219-5194.
- Rajesh Kumar Mohanty, S.K. Sabut and R.C. Mohanty, A Systematic Review on Design Technology and Application of Polycentric Prosthetic Knee in Amputee Rehabilitation, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, Springer, 2020. ISSN: 2662-4737.
- T.K. Chand, M.K. Mohanty and R.C. Mohanty, Fabrication and Optimization of Fish Drying, Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India) – Series A, Springer. March 2019. ISSN: 2250-2149. (Accepted).
- B.K. Mahatha, G. K. Mahato, G. P. Gifty and S. B. Padhi, Radiation and Dissipative Effects on MHD Stagnation Point Nano-Fluid Flow Past a Stretchable Melting Surface, Test Engineering and Management, Vol. 83,2020, pp. 14107-14117.ISSN: 0193-4120.
- B.K. Mahatha, G. K. Mahato* and C. Jena, Dissipative Effects on MHD Stagnation Point Flow of a Heat Absorbing Nano-Fluid Past a Stretchable Surface with Melting, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, Vol. 10 (2b), 2019,pp. 179-187. ISSN: 0975-8364 (Print), 2249-3255 (Online).
- G. K.Mahato*, B. K. Mahatha and S. Samal, Melting Heat Transfer on Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Flow of a Heat Radiating and Chemically Reacting Nano-Fluid past a Stretchable Surface, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, Issue 2,2019, pp. 379-398. ISSN: 0973-5763.
- B.K. Mahatha, G. K. Mahato* and S. Nayak, Dissipative Effects on MHD Stagnation Point Nano-Fluid Flow past a Stretchable Surface with Melting, Advances and Applications in Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2019,pp. 97-118. ISSN: 0973-4686.
- G. K.Mahato and B. K. Mahatha, Melting Heat Transfer on MHD Stagnation Point Flow of a Heat Absorbing Nano-Fluid past a Stretching Sheet, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 2 (XXVI),2019, pp. 202-213.ISSN: 2394 – 7780.
- B.K. Mahatha and G. K. Mahato*, Radiative Heat Transfer on MHD Nano-Fluid Flow past a Stretchable Surface with Melting, International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research, Vol.6, Issue 2 (XXVI),2019, pp. 177-189.ISSN: 2394 – 7780.
- R.Nandkeolyar, B. K. Mahatha, G. K. Mahato and P. Sibanda, Effect of Chemical Reaction and Heat Absorption on MHD Nanoliquid Flow Past a Stretching Sheet in the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field, Magnetochemistry, Vol. 4, Issue 1,2018, pp. 1-14.ISSN 2312-7481.
- B.K. Mahatha, R. Nandkeolyar, G. K. Mahato and P. Sibanda, Dissipative Effects in Hydromagnetic Boundary Layer Nanofluid Flow Past A Stretching Sheet with Newtonian Heating, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 9, No. 4,2016, pp. 1977-1989.ISSN: 1735-3572, EISSN: 1735-3645.
- G.S. Seth, S. Sarkar, S. M. Hussain and G. K. Mahato, Effects of Hall Current and Rotation on Hydromagnetic Natural Convection Flow with Heat and Mass Transfer of a Heat Absorbing Fluid past an Impulsively Moving Vertical Plate with Ramped Temperature, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 1,2015, pp. 159-171.ISSN: 1735-3572, EISSN: 1735-3645.
- S.Jena, S.R. Mishra and G.C.Dash, Chemical reaction effect on MHD Jeffery fluid flow over a stretching sheet through porous media with heat generation / absorption, International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 1225–1238.ISSN: 2349-5103.
- S.Jena and S.R. Mishra, MHD stagnation-point flow past a stretching sheet through porous media with heat source/sink, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol.6, Issue 8, 2017, pp. 1-10. ISSN: 2320-0294.
- S.Jena, S.R. Mishra and G.C.Dash, Chemical reaction effect on MHD viscoelastic fluid flow over a vertical stretching sheet with heat source/sink, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Vol.9, Issue 1, 2018, pp. 1205-1213. ISSN: 2090-4479.
- P.K. Pattnaik, S.Jena and N.Mishra, Effects of Thermal Stratification in Mhd Radiative Nanofluid Flow Over Nonlinear Stretching Sheet, EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), Vol.3, Issue 11, 2018, pp. 142-155. ISSN: 2455-7838.
- P.K. Pattnaik and S.Jena, Flow and heat transfer of a nanofluid over a nonlinear stretching sheet, International Journal of Research Culture Society, Vol.2, Issue 11, 2018, pp. 28-37. ISSN: 2456-6683.
- S.R.Mishra, A. Shaid, S. Jena and M.M. Bhati, Buoyancy driven chemicalized EMHD nanofluid flow through a stretching plate with Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer porous medium, Heat Transfer Research, Vol.11, Issue 50, 2019, pp. 1105-1126. ISSN: 1064-2285.
- Deepak kumar Mohapatra, Satyaranjan Mishra and Swarnalata Jena, Cu‐water and Cu‐kerosene micropolar nanofluid flow over a permeable stretching sheet, Heat Transfer – Asian Research, Vol.4, Issue 48, 2019, pp. 2478-2496.ISSN: 1099-2871.
- B.Mohanty, S. Jena and P.K. Pattnaik, Mhd Nanofluid Flow Over Stretching/Shrinking Surface in Presence of Heat Radiation Using Numerical Method, International Journal on Emerging Technologies, Vol.10, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 119-125. ISSN: 0973-4686.
- P.K. Pattnaik, S. Jena, A. Dei and G. Sahu, Impact of Chemical Reaction on Micropolar Fluid Past a Stretching Sheet, JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.18, Issue 1, 2019, pp. 207-223. ISSN: 0973-5763.
- S.Jena and P. K. Pattnaik, An investigation on viscous incompressible fluid under influence of heat source and mass suction / injection, Advances and applications in Fluid mechanics, Vol.23, Issue 2, 2019, pp. 181-195. ISSN: 0973-4686.
- P.K. Pattnaik, S.R. Mishra and S. Jena, Second grade fluid flow through a porous medium in a rotating system, Adalya Journal, Vol.9, Issue 2, 2020, pp. 1227-1241. ISSN: 1301-2746.
- P.K. Pattnaik, R. Pradhan and S. Jena, Analytical treatment of unsteady MHD flow with heat and mass transfer in presence of heat source and chemical reaction, Adalya Journal, Vol.9, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 1076-1091.ISSN: 1301-2746.
- P.K. Pattnaik, N. Mishra, S. Lenka and S. Jena, Using Buongiorno’s model buoyancy effect on nano-fluid flow induced by a stretching permeable surface, Test Engineering and Management , Vol.83, 2020, pp. 14365-14370. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- P.K. Pattnaik, J. Pradhan and S. Jena, Solutions of Partial Differential Equations by Differential Transform Method, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 60, 2020, pp. 24492-24505.ISSN: 0976 – 0997.
- P.K. Pattnaik, J. R. Pradhan, S. Jena and S. Mishra, Slip and radiation effects on dual solution of stagnation point flow of heat and mass transfer, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 60, 2020, pp. 24484-24491.ISSN: 0976- 0997.
- P.K. Pattnaik, J. Pradhan, S. Jena and S. Mishra, Application of DTM to solve Ordinary Differential Equations, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 60, 2020, pp. 24475-24483.ISSN: 0976 – 0997.
- S.Mishra, J. Pradhan, S. Pradhan, S. Jena and P. K. Pattnaik, Mathematical Model to Develop Rule for Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 60, 2020, pp. 24492-24505. ISSN: 0976 – 0997.
- R. Pattnaik, S. Jena, P. K. Pattnaik, Micropolar nanofluid flow with MHD and viscous dissipation effects towards a stretching sheet with chemical reaction, Journal of SeyBold Report , Vol.15, Issue 7, 2020, pp. 210-220. ISSN: 1533 – 9211.
- K. Pattnaik, J. R. Pattnaik, S. Jena, Dual solution of stagnation point flow of MHD heat and mass transfer, Journal of SeyBold Report , Vol.15, Issue 7, 2020, pp. 236-247. ISSN: 1533 – 9211.
- R. Pattnaik, S. Jena, P. K. Pattnaik, Study of MHD Cassion Fluid Flow in the Presence of Viscous Dissipation and Radiation, Journal of SeyBold Report , Vol.15, Issue 7, 2020, pp. 282-287. ISSN: 1533 – 9211.
- S.Acharya, B. Nayak, S. R. Mishra and S. Jena, Adomian decomposition method for the MHD flow of a viscous fluid with the influence of dissipative heat energy, Heat Transfer, Wiley, Accepted on July 2020.
- S.Jena, S. R. Mishra, P.K. Pattnaik, O.D. Makinde and R.P Sharma, The Nanofluid Flow Between Parallel Plates and Heat Transfer in Presence of Chemical Reaction and Porous Matrix: Nanofluid Flow Between Parallel Plates and Heat Transfer, Latin American Applied Research, Accepted on July 2020.
- Satyabrata Nayak , Amrit Mallick, Sujit Mishra, Mohamad Abdul Razak and Naresh Medimi, Investigation of Mechanical and physical properties of Nickel – Resin composite, Test Engineering and Management, Vol 83, 2020, pp. 14062 – 14066. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Anirban Dalui and Sujit Mishra, Design And Development Of Weldment Bottom Scraper And Its Strength, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, Vol.6(4), 2019,pp.223-231.ISSN: 2349-5162.
- S.P. Das, S.K. Samal and M.R. Padhi, Reduction of Induced Drag by Single Slotted Raked Wingtip, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2015, pp. 1008-1017. ISSN: 2319-8753.
- B.K. Behera and M.R.Padhi, Experimental Investigation Of Silica Gel- Water Adsorption System, International Journal of Mechanical And Production Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2016, pp. 85-88. ISSN: 2320-2092.
- M.R. Padhi and C.R. Routray, Effect of Pouring Temperature on Mechanical Properties of Semisolid Cast A319 Aluminum Alloy, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 2020, pp. 3755 – 3758. ISSN: 2249-8958.
- M.K. Rath and M.R. Padhi, Effect of Cold Weather on Behaviour of Compression Ignition Engine Performance, Combustion and Emission in Various Preheating Mode, Journal of Xidian University, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 2020, pp. 2629-2642. ISSN: 1001-2400.
- M.R. Padhi, Performance Analysis of Variable Compression Ratio Diesel Engine using Castor Biodiesel, Journal of Xidian University, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 2020, pp. 3635-3640. ISSN: 1001-2400.
- S.S. Pradhan, I. Moharana, M.R. Padhi and C.R. Routray, Emission Analysis of a Diesel Engine using Different Blends of Castor Biodiesel, Journal of Xidian University, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 2020, pp. 4916-4923. ISSN: 1001-2400.
- M.R. Padhi, Design and Development of an Air Conditioned Electric Rickshaw, Journal of Xidian University, Vol. 14, Issue 5, 2020, pp. 5727-5730. ISSN: 1001-2400.
- M.R. Padhi, Design and Modelling of Electromagnetic Braking System, Adalya Journal, Vol. 9, Issue 6, 2020, pp. 57-62. ISSN: 1301-2746.
- Deepika Patnaik, S.S.Nayak and Banitamani Mallik, Algorithm and Architecture for Prime-Factor IDCT, International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, Vol. 6, Issue 8,2017,pp.146-152. ISSN: 2320-0294.
- J. Satpathy and Banitamani Mallik, Mathematical Exposition on Eye Movements in Decision Dynamics, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, :8,Issue:XII, 2018,pp.3245-3254. ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Banitamani Mallik, Radhamadhab Dash, Deepak. Acharya and Umakanta Misra, Summability Factor of Improper Integrals, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol.8,Issue:XII , 2018, pp.3233-3244.ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Santosh Kumar Rath,Banitamani Mallik and Balaji Padhy, Role of the Indian Armed Forces in Strategic Decision Making and Reclaiming the Strategic Space, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol.8,Issue:XII, 2018,pp.2842-2848. ISSN: 2249-7455.
- J. Satpathy and Banitamani Mallik, Hematological Judgement in Entrepreneurial Decision, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, 8,Issue:XII, 2018, pp.2849-2863. ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Satya Sreedevi Redla, Vamsi Krishna Mangalampalli and Banitamani Mallik, Invariant Moment Based ID3 Classifier for Face Recognition, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol.8,Issue:XII ,2018,pp.3428-3449. ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Satya Sreedevi Redla, Vamsi Krishna Mangalampalli and Banitamani Mallik, Invariant Moment Based Neural Network Classifier for Face Recognition, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ,Vol. 7,Issue:5,2019,pp.52-58. ISSN: 2277-3878.
- Santosh K Rath, Banitamani Mallik and Jyotirmaya Satpathy, Battle – Field Decision Preference, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Vol. 7,Issue:IV,2019,pp.3809-3816.ISSN: 2321-9653.
- Santosh K Rath, Banitamani Mallik and Jyotirmaya Satpathy, Mathematical Battle – Ground Decisions, International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, Vol.7,Issue:V , 2019,pp.44-54.ISSN: 2321-9653.
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- K.Anuradha, M.Vamsi Krishna, Banitamani Mallik and B.P.Mishra, A Survey Paper on Sentiment Analysis : Approaches, Methods & Challenges, International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, Vol. 67, Issue 10 , 2019,pp.25-34. ISSN:2231-2803.
- Satya Sreedevi Redla, Banitamani Mallik and Vamsi Krishna Mangalampalli, Coefficient of Variation based Decision Tree Classifier for Face Recognition with Invariant Moments, IEEE Conference ,2020, pp. 223 – 229.
- Jyotirmaya Satpathy, Banitamani Mallik , Suruchi Garg , Ahalya Hejmadi and Saylee Gankar, Skin Conductance in ‘SMART’ Managerial Judgement, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 17581- 17588.ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Anup Patnaik, Banitamani Mallik and M.Vamsi Krishna, Holistic trust management protocol for ubiquitous and pervasive IoT network, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 16959 – 16970. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- A S E S N Sudhakar, Banitamani Mallik, S.K.Sahu and Umakanta Misra, Inclusion of Two Summability Methods for Improper Integral, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 14377 – 14380. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Anup Patnaik, Banitamani Mallik and M.Vamsi Krishna, Cluster Priority Based Holistic Trust Management Protocol for Ubiquitous and Pervasive IoT Network, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 13989 – 13997. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Radhamadhab Dash, Banitamani Mallik,S.K.Sahu andUmakanta Misra, Generalized Lipschitz class of a function and Trigonometric Approximation of conjugate series of its Fourier series by product summability, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 14371 – 14376. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Radhamadhab Dash, Banitamani Mallik,S.K.Sahu and Umakant Misra, Generalized Lipschitz class of a function and Trigonometric Approximation of its Fourier series by product summability, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 13983 – 13988. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- N.Jeebaratnam, G. Sridevi and Banitamani Mallik, Cattle Activity and Health Monitoring System Using Accelerometer Sensor, Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020,pp. 14027 – 14031. ISSN: 0193-4120.
- Tusharkanta Das, Tumbanath Samantara and Sukanta Kumar Sahoo, Radiation Effects on the Unsteady MHD Free Convection Flow Past in an Infinite Vertical Plate with Heat Source, International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Sciences , Vol.14(6),2020 ,pp.61-66. ISSN:2070-3910.
- Tumbanath Samantara and S.K.Mishra, Impact of Electrification and Particle Loading on Velocity Profile of Dusty Fluid Flow Over a Stretching Sheet, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology ,Vol.9(3),2020,pp.3140-43. ISSN: 2249-8958.
- Tumbanath Samantara, M.Siddique and Satyajit Ray, Study Of Effects Of Radiation On Heat Transfer of Two Phase Boundary Layer Flow over a Stretching Sheet, International Journal on Emerging Technologies,Vol.10(2B),2019,pp.203-207. ISSN-2249-3255,ISSN No. (Online) : 2249-3255.
- Tumbanath Samantara, Velocity Profile of Fluid Particle Suspension over a Horizontal Plate with Electrification of Particles, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Vol.8(11),2019, pp.1119-1122.ISSN: 2278–3075.
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- Balaji Padhy, P.N.Samanta and U.K.Misra, Minimization of Inventory Cost for Items having Fuzzy Demand with Backlogged Shortages in Positive Lead time. Test Engineering and Management, Vol.83, 2020, pp.14388-14395.
- Balaji Padhy, P. N. Samanta, Boina Anil Kumar and U. K. Misra, Optimization of Three-Level Production Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items with Shortages under Fuzzy Environment. Test Engineering and Management, 83,2020, pp. 14344 – 14357.
- Balaji Padhy, Boina Anil Kumar, UK Mishra and PN Samanta, An EOQ Model For Homogeneous Items With Various Demands and Deterioration Under Fuzzy Environment, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Issue-6,2019.
- Balaji Padhy, Santosh Kumar Rath and Banitamani Mallik, Role of the Indian Armed Forces In Strategic Decision Making and Reclaiming The Strategic Space, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol.8, Issue 12, 2018, pp.2842.
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- P. R. Sastry, K. K. M. Sarma, G. V. R. Babu, and P. H. Krishna , “Common fixed point Theorems for expanding mappings, with expansion factor controlled by a non decreasing function”: A International Research Journal of Pure Algebra,Vol 5(2), 2015,pp. 17-25, ISSN:2248-9037.
- V. R. Babu, K. K. M. Sarma, and P. H. Krishna, Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Fixed Points of Weak Generalized Geraghty Contractions, International Journal of Mathematics and Scientific computing, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2015, ISSN: 2231-5330.
- V. R. Babu, K. K. M. Sarma and P. H. Krishna, “Fixed points of almost Quadratic Geraghty Contractions and Property(P) in partially ordered metric spaces, Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Mathematics, Online Vol. 7, pp. 1-9. ISSN: 1942-9649. 2015.doi: 10.5373/jaram.
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- G. V. R. Babu, K. K. M. Sarma, P. H. Krishna, V. A. Kumari and G. S. Narayana and P. S. Kumar, Common fixed points of a pair of selfmaps satisfying certain weakly contractive inequality involving rational type expressions via two auxiliary functions in partially ordered metric spaces, Facta Universitatis (NIS), Vol. 32, No. 3,2017, pp.329–352, DOI:10.22190/FUMI1703329B.
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- G. V .R. Babu, K. K. M. Sarma and P. H. Krishna, “Common fixed points of four maps satisfying generalized Geraghty contraction condition with an altering distance function in ordered metric spaces” Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, Vol.10, Issue-08, No. 04, 2020, ISSN:2347-7180.
- S.K.Paikray, B.K.Majhi, P.N.Samanta, M.Misra and U.K.Misra, On Double Absolute factorable Matrix Summability, The Journal of Indian Academy of Mathematics, Vol.39, No. 2,2017, pp. 175-202. ISSN:0970-5120.
- B.P. Padhy, B.K. Majhi, P. Samanta, M. Misra, and U. K. Misra, A note on the use of quasi-f-power increasing sequence in absolute indexed Riesz Summability, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Science and Knowledge Research Society.
- Birupakhya P. Padhy, B.K.Majhi, P.Samanta, M.Misra, V.Vandana and U.K.Misra, A note on the absolute indexed norlund summability, New Trends in Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2018, pp.54-59.ISSN:2147-5520.
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