Focus Areas
- Social Impact Research
- Sustainable Livelihoods
- Natural Resource Management
- Equity and Empowerment
- Development Policy Research
- FPO Development Projects
- Educational Policies
- Publication
- Workshops
- Dissemination Seminars
- Policy recommendations
- Building networks
- Social and livelihood project implementation
Completed projects
- 2019-20: Impact Evaluation of PACE Training Adolescent Girls Funded by GAP Foundation
- 2018-19: Detailed Livelihood plan of the Families for Second Phase Work at Odisha Funded by Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (CINI)
- 2018-19: Changing Hijra Identity, Livelihood and Role: Narratives from Odisha Funded by CUTM
- 2018-19: Managing Distress Migration and Enhancing Resilience through Climate Appropriate Interventions Under MGNREGS in Western Odisha Funded by DFID
- 2017-18: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Funded by MHRD
- 2017-18: Evaluation Report of Empowerment of Rural Women for Micro Entrepreneurship and Active Participation in the Village Administration in Gajapati and Rayagada Funded by ODISA
- 2017-18: Evaluation Report of Structural Poverty Alleviation and Building up of Local Civil Bodies in Ganjam and Gajapati Districts Funded by ODISA
- 2017-18: Impact Analysis Study of Project Saksham-Holistic education for children with disabilities in urban poor areas of Bhubaneswar, in the state of Odisha Funded by Swabhiman Organization, Bhubaneswar
- 2017-18: Strategic Plan Formulation of Organization for Development Integration and Social Action (ODISA), Berhampur Funded by ODISA
- 2017-18: Detailed Livelihood plan of the Families for Second Phase Work at Odisha Funded by Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (CINI)
- 2016-17: A study of performance, Aspiration, Access and Adaptation of SC and ST student of Engineering Funded by The World Bank
- 2015-16: Promotion of Farmers Producer’s Organization in Wadi/Watershed area of NABARD Funded by NABARD
- 2015-16: Performance Management System Funded by Harsha Trust
Completed Consultancies
- 2019-20: Banking Correspondence, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service & ATYATI, Banglore
- 2018-19: PACE TrainingFunded by GAP Foundation
- 2018-19: Capacity Building program on “Experts in Team”Funded by Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR)
- 2018-19: Assessment for National CSR AwardFunded by Instutute for Rural Management, Anand, India
- 2018-19: Banking Correspondence, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service & ATYATI, Banglore
- 2017-18: Competency Assessment of Urban Worker in The state of APFunded by Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas
- 2017-18: Banking Correspondence, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service & ATYATI, Banglore
- 2017-18: Digital Literacy ProgramFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service (GTIDS)
- 2017-18: Training program of Anganwadi Workers on Early Childhood Education Fundedby Women & Child Development Department, Government of Odisha
- 2016-17: Competency Assessment of Urban WorkerFunded by National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)
- 2016-17: Participatory Planning Monitoring Evaluation & ReportingFunded by Lutheran World Services India Trust
- 2016-17: Banking Correspondence, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service & ATYATI, Banglore
- 2015-16: Competency Assessment of Urban Worker in The state of APFunded by Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal Areas
- 2015-16: Banking Correspondence, West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, KarnatakaFunded by Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service & ATYATI, Banglore
- 2015-16: Competency Assessment of Urban WorkerFunded by National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM)
On-going projects
- Prof. Supriya Pattanayak and Prof. Smita Mishra Panda: Gender Based Domestic violence during COVID-19 Times: Insights from Odisha
- Prof. Supriya Pattanayak and Prof. Smita Mishra Panda: Impact of the Policy of Conferring Joint Titles on Saura Families: A Study of Gajapati District, Odisha
- Prof. Supriya Pattanayak and Prof. Smita Mishra Panda: Retention, Empowerment and Agency of Young Women Workers in Indian Apparel Industry across four states
- Prof. Supriya Pattanayak: Livelihood changes of Fisher Folk Relocating from the Coast
- Dr Bibhunandini Das and Prof. Smita Mishra Panda: Political Representation Vs. Empowerment of Women: A Study on Local Government Representatives in Odisha
- Prof. Anita Patra, Dr. Subhendu Mishra, and Mr. Tapas Bhanta: Effectiveness of Vocational Skill Training Programmes of School of Vocational Education & Training, Centurion University of Technology and Management, Parlakhemundi
- Dr. Madhumita Das and Dr Bibhunandini Das: Assessment of Skill Gap in Handloom Sectors in Odisha
- Dr. Grihalakshmi Kakani, Dr. Subhendu Mishra, and Mr. Pratap Veera Nutritional Security through Millets – Impact Assessment of Odisha Millet Mission Implemented in Gajapati District
- Ms. Debashree Behera, Dr. Shiv Sankar Das, and Mr. Santanu Kumar Sutar: Design and Development of a Solar Parabolic Trough Concentrator for water heating Purpose
Center Patents/ Design Patents/ Copyrights
- Nadarajah, Y. Mejia, G. Pattanayak, S. Gomango, S. Rao, DN, Ashok, M, (2021) Towards Decolonizing Development Education: Study tours as embodied, reflexive and mud up, Journal of Developing Societies, Accepted for publication.
- Panda, SM, Pandey, A and Pattanayak, S (eds) (2021) Social Exclusion and Policies of Inclusion: Issues and Perspectives across the Globe, Accepted for publication by Springer.
- Panda J, Misra S, Pattanayak S, 2020, Exploring Factors Affecting Communication Environment in the Elderly Hearing Impaired: A Study in Indian Context, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 61, Pp 27615- 22, ISSN: 0976 – 0997 (online)
- Pattanayak S, 2020, Online Marriage Market and Everyday Life, Centurion Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Vol 10, No 2, Pp 1-12. ISSN 2395-6216 (print version)/ ISSN 2395-6224 (online version)
- Mishra S, Dash RKSM, Pattanayak S, 2020, Exploring the Success Factors in Competency Mapping in Captive Power Plants of Odisha, European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020, Vol 7, Issue 2, Pages 5686-56, ISSN: 2515-8260 (online).
- Pattanayak, Supriya., Panda, Smita Mishra., Das, Bibhunandini., and Nayak, Payal. (2020). Managing Distress Migration and Enhancing Resilience through Climate Appropriate Interventions under MGNREGS in Western Odisha (India). Gedrag & Organisatie. 33(2), 1414-1426.
- Kumar, Margaret., and Pattanayak, Supriya. (Eds.). (2018). Positioning Research: Shifting Paradigms, Interdisciplinarity and Indigeneity.
- Pattanayak, Supriya. (2018). Metaphors We Live By: Appreciating the Place of Language in Indigenous Research. Positioning Research: Shifting Paradigms, Interdisciplinarity and Indigeneity, 145.
- Pattanayak, Supriya, and Peri, Narasimham. (2018). Informal Education and Learning Pathways: Supporting Livelihood Trajectories of Indian Women in an Urban Slum. In Transitions to Post-School Life, 105-125.
- Linette Hawkins, Martin, Jennifer, McKay Elspeth, and Pattanayak, Supriya (2017). Internationalising social work education using massive open online courses. In Blended learning: Concepts, methodologies, tools, and applications (pp. 1648-1664).
- Linette Hawkins, Pattanayak, Supriya, Martin, Jennifer and Hess, Lee. (2016). Beyond Borders: International Social Work Field Education. In Handbook of Research on Study Abroad Programs and Outbound Mobility, 497-512.
- Panda, Smita Mishra, Pandey, Annapurna D. (2020), ‘Rural Women’s Self-determination and Grassroots Resistance Movement: Reclaiming Land and Traditional Livelihoods in Odisha’, pp 119-142, in Andria D. Trimmer and Elizabeth Wirtz (eds) Female Is to Male as NGOs Is to The State: Gendered Analyses of Non-governmentality, Alabama University Press, USA (forthcoming).
- Bose, Meenakshi., and Panda, Smita Mishra. (2020), Women’s Household Work in India: Its Value and Possibility of Measurement, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 10(3), 9477-9494.
- Panda, Smita Mishra. (2020), Social Dimensions of Post-quake Rehabilitation Programmes in Kachchh, Gujarat (India) Disaster Management Lessons, Journal of Xidian Univeristy, 14(5), 4221-4238
- Panda, Smita Mishra (2020). Role of Women’s Organisations in Revitalising Communities: Some Reflections from the Gujarat Earthquake”, Journal of Xidian University, 14(5), 3336-3354.
- Bose, Meenakshi., Panda, Smita Mishra (2020), Women’s Unpaid Work Through the Eyes of Men in Odisha, India”, Gedrag & Organisatie Review, 33. (2), 595-610.
- Panda, Smita Mishra. (2020), Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation into Production Sectors in the East Godavari River Estuarine Ecosystem, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(59), 18902-18911.
- Panda, Smita Mishra (2020), Women’s Participation in Local Government: Insights from Australia, Adalya Journal, 9(3), 1036-1051.
- Panda, Smita Mishra, Pattanayak, Supriya. (2020). Women Farmers in South Odisha: Empowerment through Agricultural Interventions, Adalya Journal, 9(3), 814-823.
- Panda, Smita Mishra, Pandey Annapurna D. (2020). ‘Women’s Movement for Land and Livelihood: Case Study of Odisha’, in Asha Hans, Amrita Patel, Bidyut Mohanty, Swarnamayee Tripathy (Eds). Women Reinventing Development: The Odisha Experience, Aakar Books, Delhi, 39-64.
- Bose, Meenakshi., Panda, Smita Mishra (2019). Value Perception of Unpaid Work of Household Work – Women’s Perspective in Odisha”, Think India Journal, 22(14), 7651-7671.
- Bose, Meenakshi., Panda, Smita Mishra, (2016). Valuing Women’s Work in India: A Critical Review”, Centurion Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(1), 28-56.
- Lund, Ragnhild., Kusakabe, Kyoko. Panda, Smita Mishra, Wang, Yunxian (2016). Building Bridges Across Transnational Boundaries: Collaboration and Friendship in Research, Emotion, Space and Society, 20, 18-24
- Lund, Ragnhild., Panda, Smita Mishra and Dhal, Manju. (2015), Narrating Spaces of Inclusion and Exclusion in Research Collaboration – researcher-gatekeeper-dialogue, Qualitative Research (Special Issue: Feminist Participatory Methodologies), 1-13.
- Kyoko, Kusakabe, Ragnhild, Lund., Panda, Smita Mishra., Wang., Yunxian (2015). Resettlement in Lao PDR: mobility, resistance and gendered impacts, August, Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography
- Panda, Smita Mishra (2015). ‘Women’s Collective Action and Sustainable Water Management: SEWA’s Water Campaign in Gujarat’, pp 141-165, in Subhadra M. Channa and Marilyn Porter (Eds), Gender, Livelihood and Environment: How Women Manage Resources, Orient Blackswan: New Delhi.
- Lund, Ragnhild., and Smita Mishra Panda (2015), ‘Struggling Bodies and Spaces of Resistance : Adivasi Women Activists in Odisha, India’, pp 147-176, in R. Lund, P. Doneys and B.P. Resurreccion (Eds), Gendered Entanglements: Re-visiting gender in a rapidly changing Asia, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Press: Copenhagen.
- Patra, Anita (2021). Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Creating An Inclusive Environment During Covid -19 Crisis. Psychology and Education ISSN: 0033-3077, volume 58(4), 3408-3412.
- Patra, Anita (2021). Farmers Health in South Odisha: An Empirical Investigation” in Centurion, an Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance, ISBN: 978-81-949112-2-7,162-174
- Patra, Anita (2021). Capacity Building of Pani Panchayats: An Empirical Investigation” in Centurion, an Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance, ISBN: 978-81-949112-2-7,175-186
- Patra, Anita (2021). Empowerment of Self-Help Groups through Capacity Development” in Centurion, an Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance, ISBN: 978-81-949112-2-7, 187-204.
- Patra, Anita (2021). Enterprise Promotion in Odisha: A Case Study of PMEGP in Gajapati” in Centurion, an Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance, ISBN: 978-81-949112-2-7, 205-210.
- Patra, Anita (2020). Citizen Centric E-Governance – Challenges and Issues: A Study in Rayagada District. TEST Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Page No. 14410-14417, Volume 83, Publication Issue: May – June 2020
- Patra, Anita (2020). Assessing Citizen Adoption of ICTs for E-Governance Services at Common Service Centers: A Study in Rayagada District. Kala Sarovar, ISSN: 0975-4520, Page No. 381 – 393, Vol-23 No.02 (IV).
- Patra, Anita (2020). An Analysis on Investor’s Perception towards Investment Decision with reference to Indian Scenario (Andhra Pradesh). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology ISSN: 1567-214x, Page no. 2082 to 2090, Volume 17, Issue 9.
- Patra, Anita (2020). Outcome-Based Skilling Faculty Development Programme. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology ISSN: 1567-214x, Page no. 2075 to 2081, Volume 17, Issue 9.
- Mishra, Binayaka Prasad, Mishra Susant Kumar, and Patra, Anita (2020). Relevance of Investing in Index Funds to beat the Market Volatility in the context of Indian Capital Market. Solid State Technology, 63(2), 920-932.
- Sahoo, Amiya Kumar, Patra, Anita, and Sahu, Dasarathi. (2020). Citizen Centric E-Governance-Challenges and Issues: A Study in Rayagada District. TEST Engineering and Management, 83(5), 14410-14417.
- Patra, Anita and Raju, NSVN. (2020). A Study on Factors Influencing Investor’s Investment Decision. TEST Engineering and Management, 83(5), 14075-14083.
- Bose, Binay Kumar., Patra, Anita., Bhujabal, Bijay., and Dash, Sisir. (2020). Global, Regional, National Vs. State Level Progress in Financial Inclusion of Odisha: A Contemplation. TEST Engineering and Management, 83(4), 17511-17519.
- Patra, Anita and Pani, Prajna. (2020). Emotional Intelligence: A Latent Emotional Capability in Rural Women Entrepreneurs. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 26697-26704.
- Patra, Anita. (2020). A Study of the gap between Expected and Perceived Quality of Life among the Elderly People in Odisha. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 26705-26714.
- Sahoo, Amiya Kumar., Patra, Anita., and Sahu, Dasarathi. (2020). E-Governance and the Influence of Common Service Centers on Rural Citizens: A Study in Rayagada District. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 24714-24720.
- Bantha, Tapas., Nayak, Umakanta., and Patra, Anita. (2020). The Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Emotional Labour: Job Satisfaction as a Mediator. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 19863-19871.
- Sahoo, Amiya Kumar., Patra, Anita., and Sahu, Dasarathi. (2020). Challenges of Common Service Centers of Rayagada District: Findings from a VLE centered analysis. TEST Engineering and Management, 83(4), 17126-17134.
- Bose, Binay Kumar., Patra, Anita., Bhujabal, Bijay., and Dash, Sisir. (2019). Financial inclusion vis-à-vis growth and poverty alleviation: An Empirical Approach. Revista Espacios, 40(42), 11-23.
- Bose, Binay Kumar., Patra, Anita., Bhujabal, Bijay., and Dash, Sisir. (2018). Financial inclusion and Economic Growth: A Critical Appraisal for Evidence-based Policy (EBP). International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 8(12), 2021-2030.
- Sahoo, Amiya Kumar and Patra, Anita. (2018). Factors Motivating the Village Level Entrepreneurs to render e-Governance Services: An empirical study of the CSCs of Rayagada District. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 8(12), 3255-3269.
- Mishra, Anup., Patra, Anita., and Dash, Ranjan Kumar. (2018). Universal Health Care System: Is India Prepared? International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, 8(12), 3185-3195.
- Pattnaik, Jharana Rani and Patra, Anita. (2018). Impact of Information Technology in Indian Banking Industry: A Study on South Odisha. IPE Journal of Management, 8(2), 78-90.
- Patra, Anita. (2017). Mentoring in Educational Institutes: A Holistic Approach. International Multi Journal, 4(2), 22-28.
- Behera, Amir Prasad., Pani, Prajna., and Patra, Anita. (2017). Emotional Intelligence in Higher Education: A Scale Development. International Journal of Education and Research, 7(3), 332-336.
- Bhuyan, Tapas and Patra, Anita. (2017). Use of Library Resources by the Students of Private Engineering Colleges: A Case Study of Odisha. International Journal of Research in Library Science, 3(1), 121-130.
- Bhuyan, Tapas., Satapathy, Sunil Kumar., and Patra, Anita. (2016). Use of Library Resources by the Faculty Members of Private Engineering Colleges: A Case Study of Odisha. INFOLIB, 9(1), 67-73.
- Raju, NSVN and Patra, Anita. (2016). A Study on Investor’s Attitude towards Investment in Equity Stocks with reference to East Godavari, West Godavari & Vijaywada Districts of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Control Theory and Application, 9(41), 1341-1348.
- Raju, NSVN and Patra, Anita. (2016). A Study on Investor’s Attitude towards Investment in Equity Stocks with reference to Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh. International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science, 5(11), 94-99.
- Raju, NSVN and Patra, Anita. (2015). Study of Factors affecting investment decisions of investors with special reference to equity market in selected areas of Kakinada district (A.P.) International Journal of Recent Trends in Management, Commerce, Accountancy, Economics, Public Administration, Law and Allied Researches, 2(6), 55-64.
- Das, Madhumita, and Chatterjee, Bani (2020). Empowerment and Conservation through Ecotourism: A Case of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, Odisha, India, Tourism Review International.
- Pattnaik, Preetiraj., Das, Madhumita, & Parmanik, Tapas (2020) Empowering youth through Employment and Entrepreneurship: A case of Gram Tarang Employability Training Services. In Pattanayak, S. & Mishra Panda, S. Centurion, An Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance. pp. 3-19. Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha
- Das, Madhumita (2020). Coping Mechanism for Natural Disaster: Insights from Cyclone Fani in Odisha, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10 (60), 20400-20408.
- Das, M. (2020). Conservation and Development through Ecotourism: A Case of Bhitarkanika and Sunderban, India. Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10(40)
- Das, Madhumita. (2020). Ecotourism and Conservation: A tale of Two Famous Ecotourism Sites of Odisha, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10 (60), 23487-23495.
- Das, Madhumita and Chatterjee, Bani. (2018). Livelihood in Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary, India: An Impact Assessment of Ecotourism Practices. The Singapore Economic Review, 63(1), 1-29.
- Jena, Lipsa., and Nayak, Umakanta. (2020). Theories of Career Development: An Analysis. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(6), 23515 – 23523.
- Bantha, Tapas., and Nayak, Umakanta. (2020). The Relation of Workplace Spirituality with Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour: The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment. Journal of Indian Business Research (Paper accepted for Publication) Volume/Issue ahead of Print.
- Bantha, Tapas., and Nayak, Umakanta. (2020). Workplace Spirituality: A Researcher’s Perspective. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 19904-19909.
- Bantha, Tapas., Nayak, Umakanta., and Patra Anita. (2020). The Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Emotional Labour: Job Satisfaction as a Mediator. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 19863-19871.
- Bantha, Tapas., and Nayak, Umakanta. (2020). The Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: An Empirical Investigation. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 19840-19849.
- Bantha, T., & Sahni, S. P. (in press). The relation of servant leadership with follower’s organizational citizenship behaviour: Mediating role of generalized self-efficacy. Industrial and Commercial Training.
- Bantha, T., Panda, T. K., & Sahni, S. P. (2021). Growing from the Inside Out: An Exploratory Investigation Into the Construct–Spirituality. Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management, 14(4), 8-21.
- Panigrahi, A., Modak, Satarupa, Padhy, C. (2021). Willingness to Adopt the Recommended Practices of Organic Turmeric among Kandhamal Farmers of Odisha. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, vol. 39(8). 80-87
- Meher, Mita., Modak, Satarupa., Panda, Subhrajyoti., and Panigrahi, Sushree Purabi (2021). Understanding pattern of socio-economics of SHG members engaged in horticulture enterprises in Sonepur district of Odisha. The Pharma Innovation Journal. Vol. SP-10(7). 84-88
- Modak, Satarupa., Meena C Patel, Chitrasena Padhy (2020). Rainbow Revolution in Agriculture- A step towards Sustainability, National Conference on Technology for Improving
Agricultural Production. Agro Economist: An International Journal. 7(2).111-113. - Modak, Satarupa (2020). Role of Phytochemicals in Human Physiological Disorders: Diabetes and obesity. An Analysis of the Phytochemicals vs Synthetics Drugs in Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity. ISBN: 978-613-8-94587. 74-84
- Modak, Satarupa (2020). Advanced Agriculture. Status of Organic Farming and Extension Advisory Services in North Bengal, ISBN: 978-93-88879-99-6 (HB)/ 987-81-94717-6-3 (e-book). 350-362
- Modak S, (2021). Research Scope in Fishery Extension Sector. Recent Updates in Indian Fishery sector, Narendra Publishing House. 42 (I). pp. 444-451. ISBN 9789390611836
- Modak, Satrupa. (2020) Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture in Tripura, an Overview. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 9(7) 3580-3586
- Hanglem, A., Modak, Satrupa., Roy, D. and Pal, P.K. (2019) Constraints faced by the organic farmers of Manipur state, India. Journal of Crop and Weed, 15(1) 178-181.
- Panda, Subhrajyoti., Satarupa Modak., Yanglem Lakshimai Devi, Litan Das, P. K. Pal, and M. S. Nain. (2019). Access and Usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to Accelerate Farmers’ Income. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development. 14(1) 200-205.
- Sardar, A.S., Modak, Satrupa., Das, L., Pal, P.K., Nain, M.S., Panda, S. (2019). Perceptual characterisation for quality assessment of jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Terai districts of West Bengal. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 89(3) 433-438.
- Hanglem, A. & Modak, Satrupa., & Roy, D. & Pal, PK. (2019). Constraints faced by the organic farmers of Manipur state, India. Journal of Crop and Weed, 15(1) 178-181.
- Modak, Satrupa., Patel, MC., Pal, P.K., Das, L. & Nain, M.S. (2018) A study of entrepreneurial competencies of post graduate students in agriculture. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 88(9) 1391-1395
- Modak Satrupa., Patel, M.C., & Pal, P.K. (2017). Problems faced by the postgraduate students in acceptance of agricultural enterprise and suggestions to overcome those problems. International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences.
- Kuotsu, V.S., & Pal. P.K., Roy, D., Mondal, S., Das, L. & Modak, Satrupa. (2017). Community Level Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Comparative Case Study between Selected Naga Tribes in India. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 1-12.
- Sahoo, P.K (2021). An Exploratory Study on ESL students’ Reading Comprehension Skill.
- Sahoo, P.K & Nayak, S. (2020. Red Card for Indigenous Languages: A Question of Identity Language Acquisition Process: An Innovation,Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10 (40)
- Sahoo, P.K (2020). Need of Listening Skill in Second Language Acquisition Process: An Innovation, Amazon Kindle Self-Publishing
- Sahoo, P.K & Dash, B.N (2020) Urban Micro Business Center: A Commitment to Empower Community. In Pattanayak, S. & Mishra Panda, S. Centurion, An Entrepreneurial University in the Making: Local Impact with Global Relevance. pp. 37-52. Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha
- Sahoo, Pradeep Kumar. (2020). ESL Students’ Proficiency in Reading Skills: An Experimental Study. Adalya Journal, 9 (5), 331-338.
- Pradhan, A.K. (2021). Speaking. In Ed. Tripathy, S. Certificate Course in Communication Skills in English for the Western Region. RIE, Bhopal, NCERT
- G. Howji, Allamneni, S. Pradhan, A.K. &; Chauvan, V. (2021). Learning by Doing: Enhancing Speaking Skills of Engineering Students through TBL Approach. International Journal of Aquatic Science. 12 (02). PP.980-986
- Das, S., Behera, D.D., Pradhan, A.K. (2020). Clean Energy Products: A Path for Attaining Livelihood Security. Xpress Publishing
- Nayak, U., Panda, S.M. and Pradhan, A.K. (2020). Decentralised Planning: The Process and Experiences of a Technical Support Institute. In Eds. Pattnayak, S & Panda, S.M. Centurion, An Entrepreneurial University In The Making: Local Impact With Global Relevance. Centurion University. ISBN: 978-81-949112-2-7.
- Pani, P and Pradhan, A.K. (2020). ICT Tools to Design Online Teaching and Learning Materials. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences. 11 (63). PP. 28669-28673
- Pradhan, K.,Howji, N.R. and Singh, A. K. (2020). Application of the Principles of Andragogy in Developing English for Specific Purposes Curriculum. Adalya Journal, 9 (5), 325-330.
- Behera, A. P., Pradhan, A.K., and Pani, P. (2020). Enhancing the skill of Short Presentations through Self-evaluation. TEST Engineering & Management, 83(5), 14396-1440.
- Das, Taneeva (2020), “The Journey of a Language; Odia as a Classical Language”, 5th National Language Conference, Volume 4, pp. 154-164
- Das, Taneeva (2020). Essentialism of Translation in Foreign Language Teaching. Adalya Journal, 9(5), 250-257.
- Das, Taneeva (2020). The Journey of a Language; Odia as a Classical Language. Language, Literature, Culture & Integrity, 4(1), 154-164.
- Das, Taneeva (2020). Exploring the Classical Language: Odia – a Historical Linguistic Approach. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10(60), 23295-23300.
- Das, Taneeva (2019). Revisiting Polari: The lost LGBT Language. International Journal of Language Literature & Translation Studies, 6(3), 167-172.
- Behera, P. Dash, Biswanandan & Pattanayak, D. P. (2021). An Exploratory Study of Lexico-Syntactic Variations in Sambalpuri and Odia. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (Golden Jubilee Volume), 50 (1), 51-78. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4519792
- Pattanayak, S. K, & Dash, Biswanandan. (2020). An Ethnolinguistic Repositioning of Balmiki Language of Odisha: A Bibliographic Appraisal. Asian Languages and Linguistics, 1(2), 205-230. John Benjamins Publishing Company, The Netherlands. DOI:
- Pattanayak, S. K., Dash, Biswanandan. & Singh, B. C. (2020). Revisiting Ethnolinguistic Positioning of Balmiki Language of Odisha: A Bibliographic Appraisal”, Pp. 68-81. In S. K. Prusty, B. N. Dash, et al. (Eds.). Language, Literature, Culture & Integrity, Vol. IV. Bhubaneswar: IOSR. (Book Chapter).
- Mishra, A. S. & Dash, Biswanandan. (2020). “The Social Media Language”, Pp. 111-117. In S. K. Prusty, B. N. Dash, et al. (Eds.). Language, Literature, Culture & Integrity, Vol. II. Bhubaneswar: IOSR. (Book Chapter).
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