
Dr. Dipankar Bhattacharyay

Dr. P.S.V. Ramana Rao

Dr. Susant Kumar Biswal

Dr. M L N Acharyulu

Dr. Chhayabrita Maji

Dr. Tapan Dash

Dr. Saubhagyalaxmi Behera

Dr. Shraban Kumar Sahoo

Dr. Satyanarayan Dhal

Dr. Srikanta Moharana

Dr. Santosh Kumar Satpathy

Dr. Nilaya K. Mohanty

Dr. Anupam Sahoo

Dr. Arun Kumar Pradhan

Dr. Nibedita Nayak

Dr. Prajna Paramita Debata

Dr. Niladri Sarkar

Dr Dojalisa Sahu

Dr. Subhasmita Mishra

Dr. Gangadhar Purohit

Dr. Bidyut Kundu

Mr. Chittaranjan Routray

Mr. Gouri Kumar Sahu

Ms. Meena Kumari Sahoo

Mr. Ashish Kumar Sahoo

Mr. Gyanendra Kumar Mishra

Ms. Gedela Sridevi

Ms. Priyambada Mallick

Mrs. Saraswati Devi

Ms. Kunmun Baisakh

Ms. P.S.Lekshmi Priya

Mrs. Sujata Mohanty

Mr. Sarat Kumar Senapati

Mr. Surya Narayan Panda

Mr. Prakash Kumar Sahoo

Mr. Atanu Ranjan Ojha

Mr. Ananga Udaya Naik

Mr. A. Lakshmu Naidu

Mr. P. Siva Gupta

Mr. Jampana Venkata Narasimha Raju
Focus Areas
- New energy sources:
- Photo voltaic cell
- Li ion Battery
- Graphene applications
- Fibre Reinforced composite:
- Fiber reinforced (CNT)
- Fiber reinforced (Natural)
- Fire proof coating
Center Patents/ Design Patents/ Copyrights
- Chittaranjan Routray: Elected as Fellow to The Society of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professionals, Chennai
- Chittaranjan Routray: Academic Excellence award from Institute of Scholars, Bangalore
- Chittaranjan Routray: The Educationalist-Professional Award from society Of Innovative Educationalist & Scientific Research Professional Accredited with Innovative Scientific Research Professional Malaysia,Sdn Bhd
- K. Sahu, T. Dash, V. Mukherjeea, S.K. Pradhan and B.B. Nayak, “Spheroidal growth of graphite in arc plasma treatment”, Chemical Physics Letters, V.739, P.1-5, 2020.
- Tapan Dash, Tapan Kumar Rout, Binod Bihari Palei, Shubhra Bajpai, Saurabh Kundu, Amar N. Bhagat, Bijoy Kumar Satpathy, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Abhinay Rajput,· Ashok Kumar Sahu and Surendra Kumar Biswal, “Synthesis of α‑Al2O3–graphene composite: a novel product to provide multi‑functionalities on steel strip surface”, SN Applied Sciences, V.2, P. 1-9, 2020.
- K. Sahu, V. Mukherjee, T. Dash, S. K. Pradhan, S.K. Biswal, B. B. Nayak, “Production of C/SiC Nanotubes by Arc Plasma Treatment”, Materials Today: Proceedings, V. 18, P. 575-581, 2019.
- Dash and B. B. Nayak, “Tungsten carbide-Titanium carbide composite preparation by arc plasma melting and its characterization”, Ceramic International, V.45, P. 4771-4780, 2019.
- Joshua O. Olowoyo, Manoj Kumar, Tapan Dash, Sandeep Saran, Sahil Bhandari and Umesh Kumar, “Self-organized copper impregnation and doping in TiO2with enhanced photocatalytic conversion of H2O and CO2to fuel”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, V.43, P. 19468-19480, 2018.
- Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Tapan Dash and Garudadhwaj Hota, “Iron oxide impregnated mesoporous MCM‑41: synthesis,characterization and adsorption studies”, Journal of Porous Materials, V. 27, P. 205-2016, 2020.
- K. Sahu, T. Dash, V. Mukherjee, S. K. Pradhan, T. K. Rout, B.B. Palei, A.K. Sahu, S. K. Biswal, S.K. Biswal and B. B. Nayak, “Synthesis of multi walled carbon nano tubes by arc plasma discharge method and their characterizations”, Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Reasearch, V.5, P.182-190, 2018.
- Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Shraban Kumar Sahoo, Sandip Padhiari, Tapan Dash, Garudadhwaj Hota, “In‑situ synthesis of mixed phase electrospun TiO2nanofbers: a novel visible light photocatalyst”, SN Applied Sciences, V. 1:243, P. 1-12, 2019.
- Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Dash, Susanta Kumar Biswal, “A Novel Alumina-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite: Synthesis and Characterizations”, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, V.8. P.2340-2345, 2018.
- Dhar, T.Dash, B.B.Palei, T.K.Rout, S.K.Biswal, A.Mitra, A.K.Sahu and S.K.Biswal, “Silicon-graphene composite synthesis: Microstructural, spectroscopic and electrical conductivity characterizations”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Online Published, 2020.
- Soumen Dash, Tapan Dash and Tapan Kumar Rout, “Preparation of graphene oxide by dry planetary ball milling technique under oxygen atmosphere”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, V. 872, I. 012180, P.1-6, 2020.
- Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Dash and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Reduced graphene oxide synthesis by dry planetary ball milling technique under hydrogen atmosphere”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, V. 872, I. 012158, P.1-6, 2020.
- Dash, R. K. Sahu, S. Dash,, B.B. Palei, T.K.Rout, S.K. Biswal, B.B. Nayak, “Improvement of Mechanical and Microstructural Behaviour of Graphite Disc After Plasma Treatment”, International Journal of Control and Automation, V. 13, P.272-280, 2020.
- Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Dash and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Successful Synthesis of Graphene-Aluminum Composite with Improved Microhardness”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), V.9, P. 2218-2221, 2020.
- Sushree Subhadarsi Bhole, Tapan Dash, Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Kumar Rout, “Successful Synthesis and XRD study of Alumina-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,10, I.60, P. 24328-24330, 2020.
- Sarita Nayak, Tapan Dash, Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Kumar Rout, “Effect of Graphene towards Microstructural and Mechanical Improvement of Aluminium”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10, I.60, P. 24331-24334, 2020.
- Ananta Kumar Sahu, Tapan Dash, Soumen Dash, Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Binod Bihari Palei, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Tapan Kumar Rout, “Synthesis of Alumina-Magnesium Oxide-GrapheneComposites: Microstructural Investigation”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10, I.60, P. 24335-24338, 2020.
- Subhrajit Dash, Tapan Dash, Debidutta Debasish, Binod Bihari Palei and Tapan Kumar Rout, “Microstructural and Mechanical Studies of Thermal Arc Plasma Treated Tungsten Carbide”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10, I.60, P. 24339-24343, 2020.
- Behera, P. R. Das, P. Nayak , S.K. Patri. “Structural and Electrical properties of Na2Pb2Dy2W2Ti4Ta4O30 Ceramics”, J. Elect. Mat. V. 46, P. 1201, 2017.
- Saparjya S., Behera, B. Behera, P. R. Das, “Structural and electrical properties of a new lead free tungsten bronze ferroelectric ceramics:Na2Ba2Eu2W2Ti4Nb4O30”, Mat. Sci; Mat. Elect., V.28, P.3843,2017.
- Baisakh, S.Behera, S Pati, “Study of the optical properties of c-axis oriented ZnO thin films grown by sol-gel spincoating technique”, IOP Conference Series: Mat. Sci. Eng., V.1 P. 338, 2018,
- K. Mohanty, H. S. Mohanty , B. Behera , D. P.Datta , S. Behera , P. R . Das, “Influence of NaNbO3 on the structural, optical and dielectric properties offree0.05(K0.5Bi0.5TiO3)– 0.95(NaNbO3) composites ceramics”, J. Mat. Sci;Mat. Elect, V.30, P.5833–5844, 2019.
- K. Mohanty ,K.Bhoi, S.Behera , B. Behera · P. R. Das, “ Structural, optical and impedancespectroscopic studies of lead-free0.2(K0.5Bi0.5TiO3)– 0.8(NaNbO3) solid Solution, J. Mat. Sci; Mat. Elect., V. 30, P. 15608–15618,2019.
- Behera, P. R.Das , B.N Parida, “Dielectric and impedance spectroscopy of rare earth-based tungsten bronze ceramic” . Phase Transitions, V. 92, P.974–989, 2019.
- Saparjya, T.Badpanda, S.Behera, B.Behera, P. R. Das, “Effect of Gadolinium on the structural and dielectric properties of BCZT ceramics”, Phase Transitions, V. 93, P.245, 2020.
- N. Parida, Priyabadini Biswal, S. Behera, R. K. Parida& R. Padhee, “Relaxor type ferroelectric phase transition of poly crystalline ceramic Pb1.5Ca0.5BiNdO6,” S Material Science; Mat. Elect, V. 31, P. 8116, 2020.
- Saparjya, S. Behera,T.Badapanda, R. Padhi, P.R.Das., “Effect of La3+ addition on the phase transition, microstructure and electrical properties of BCZT ceramics,” Journal of Material Science; Mat.Elect, V. 31, P.6697, 2020.
- Nirmal Rout, S.Behera ,B. N. Parida, R. K. Parida, R. Padhee, “Effect of substitution of alkaline earth metal ion on structural and dielectric properties of double perovskite”, Phase Transitions, V.93, P.501, 2020.
- S Devi, S.Saparjya, P.R.Das, S.Behera*, “Dielectric, electrical properties and thermalsensitivity of a lead free rare earth compoundwith tungsten bronze-type ceramic thermistor., International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, V. 8, P. 2292, 2018.
- K. Sahu, S.Behera*, S.R . Mishra , “Investigation of optical and structuralproperties of scheelite-type barium tungstateceramic,” International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, V. 8, P. 2292, 2018. .
- Behera,A. Dutta, S.Saparjya, P. R. Das, “Electrical transport properties study of a tungsten bronze- type vanadate ceramic by impedance spectroscopy and electric modulus.” International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, V.8, P.5653-5666, 2018.
- Baisakh, S.K.Biswal, S.Behera, S.Pati, “Synthesis and characterization of high quality Indium doped ZnO nanostructures” International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, V.8, P. 5699-5704, 2018.
- Rout, S.Behera, “Structural and Optical Characterizations of a lead reducing double perovskite.” Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10, P.24321, 2020.
- Devi, S.Sarangi, S.Behera, “Electrical Transport and conduction mechanism of a Europium based Ferroelectric Ceramic’’, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10,P.24314, 2020.
- Devi, S.Behera, S.Sarangi, “Studies of Negative Temperature Coefficient of resistance behaviour for thermistor application in Na2Ba2Eu2W2Ti4Nb4O30 ceramics”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10, P. 23983, 2020.
- Behera, P.R. Das, P,Nayak, “Complex Impedance and conductivity studies of Nd doped ferroelectric oxide.,” Orissa. J. Phy. ISSN 0974-8202, V.23, P. 133,2017.
- L.N.Acharyulu, Ch.Sudheer, “ARTIFICIAL PYRAMMIDS-A MEAN OF CURBIG AIR POLLUTION”, International Journal of Engineering, Science and MathematicsISSN: 2320-0294,V.2,P.280-282, 2017
- L.N.Acharyulu, P.A.Sunny Dayal, P.Jaya Ranga Rao,M.S.S.N.K.V.Raghava Charan, “DRONE ASSISTED ARTIFICIAL RAINS”, Test Engineering and Management,V.8,3684-3690,2018
- L.N.Acharyulu, M.Murali,G.Arun Manohar, SMART TRANSPORTATION USING MISSILES, “ Test Engineering and Management, V-83, P.17 195-17197, 2020
- Jayarangarao, M.L.N.Acharyulu, Aruna Kumari Nakkella, “NANOTECHNOLOGY A REVIVAL APPROACH FOR SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT – MATERIAL SCIENCE”, Journal of Information and Computational Science,V.10.P.60-70,2020.
- V. S. R. Mohana Rao,, Raghu Babu K, M. L. N. Acharyulu, I.S.Ramakoti, “VALIDATION OF DARUNAVIR IN PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS USING MBTH REAGENT Pharmaceutical Formulations using MBTH Reagent” , International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics, V.20.P.42-49,2020
- L.N. Acharyulu , P.V.S.R. Mohana Rao, I. Siva Ramakoti, “Determination of Eletriptan Hydro Bromide in pure and Pharmaceutical Formulations Using Cobalt Thiocyanide and Citric Anhydride by Spectrophotometric Method”, Journal of Applicable Chemistry, V.9,P.567-574,2020
- L.N.Acharyulu, CH.Nooka Raju, Threats To Vizag-Lessons to Learn, Journal of Information and Computational Science,V.10,P.673-676, 2020
- K. Sahu, S. Behera & S R Mishra, “Investigation of optical and structural properties of scheelite-type barium tungstate ceramic”, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, V.-8, I.12, P.2314-2320, 2018
- K.Sahu, S.Behera, S.R.Mishra, “Review on Structural and optical properties of rare earth modified Barium Tungstate ceramic”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20909-20913, 2020
- K.Sahu, S.Behera, “Structural and Electrical properties of La doped BFO-STO based solid solutions”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20921-20928, 2020
- Sk Najmul Islam, P. K. Rath, Satyanarayan Dhal, Arpita Patro and Madhuchhanda Swain, “Theoretical study on Polymer based organic solar cell device for the charged particle detection by SRIM simulation”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20288-20292, 2020
- Sk Najmul Islam, P. K. Rath, N. N. Deshmukh, M. Mishra, “Identification of the n & g for Scintillator using PSD method”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20963-20964, 2020.
- Sk Najmul Islam, “Ease Synthesis of 2,7-Dinitrofluorne”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20929-20933, 2020.
- Sk Najmul Islam, Madhuchhanda Swain, P. K. Rath, Satyanarayan Dhal, “SRIM Simulation on Perovskite solar cell device (a potential candidate for space science)”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20934-20937, 2020
- Sk Najmul Islam, “Facile Alkylation at 9-Position of Fluorne by Varying Different Conditions”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20905-20908, 2020.
- Ray, B. Behera, T. Basu, S. Vajandar , Santosh K. Satpathy and P. Nayak, Modification of structural and dielectric properties of polycrystalline Gd-doped BFO–PZO, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics,8( 4 ), 1850031 (21 pages), 2018.
- Behera, N.K. Mohanty, Santosh K. Satpathy, and BanarjiBehera and P. Nayak, Structural and Impedance Spectroscopy of Ce-Modified Bismuth Ferrite Lead TitanateMultiferroic Composites, Appl. Sci. Lett.4(1), 01, 2018.
- Santosh K. Satpathy, N.K. Mohanty, A.K. Behera, BanarjiBehera, “Effect of Electrical Properties on Gd modified BiFeO3-PbZrO3” Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 43(4), 2017–2026, 2019.
- K. Sahu, Santosh K. Satpathy and Banarji Behera, Dielectric and frequency-dependent transport properties of Lanthanum-doped Bismuth ferrite, JOURNAL OF ADVANCED DIELECTRICS, Vol. 9, No. 4 1950031, 2019.
- K. Sahu, Santosh K. Satpathy, B. Behera, Dielectric and frequency dependent transport properties of Gadolinium doped Bismuth Ferrite, Transaction of Electrical and Electronic Materials,42341(170), 1-10, 2020.
- RajanigandhaBarik, Santosh K. Satpathy, BanarjiBehera, Susanta K. Biswal and RanjanK.Mohapatra, Synthesis and Spectral Characterizations of Nano-Sized Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) Ceramic, Micro and Nanosystems, , 12, 000-000, 2020.
- Debabrata Mohanty, P. Mallick, S.K. Biswal, Banarji Behera, Ranjan K. Mohapatra, Adiraj Behera ,Santosh K. Satpathy, Investigation of structural, dielectric and electrical properties of ZnFe2O4 composite, Materials Today: Proceedings, online published, 2020.
- Debabrata Mohanty, Banarji Behera, Ranjan K. Mohapatra, Santosh K. Satpathy, Dielectric and frequency dependent transport properties in magnesium doped CuFe2O4 composite, Materials Today: Proceedings, online published, 2020
- Lelin Champati, M. Sahu, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Effect on Structural and Dielectric Study of Copper doped SrTiO3, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 24298, 2020.
- Lelin Champati, R. Patra, M. Sahu, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Investigation of Impedance and Modulus Study of Copper doped SrTiO3, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 21593, 2020.
- Rashmiranjan Patra, A. U. Naik, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Structural and dielectric study of Copper doped lead titanate materials, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,10, 24301, 2020.
- Rashmiranjan Patra, A. U. Naik, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Synthesis and characterization of Copper doped perovskite materials, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,10, 21612, 2020.
- K. Satpathy, N.K. Mohanty,A.K Behera, Banarji Behera, Effect on Electrical properties of Gd-doped BiFeO3-PbZrO3, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 43 (4) 2017-2026 (2019).
- K. Mohanty and Gyanendra Kumar Mishra, Structural and Dielectric Properties of Layered Structure Bismuth Oxide ceramic SrBi2V2O9, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,10 (60) 22733 (2020)
- Dibyasingh Mohanta, N. Mohantyand Banarji Behera, Effect of Gd on structural, dielectric and electrical transport properties of multiferroic ceramic composite BiFeO3-NaNbO3, Composites Part C: Open Access(2020) Accepted.
- Gyanendra Kumar Mishra and N.K. Mohanty*, Structural and Impedance Properties of Iron (Fe) based ceramic, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,10 (60) 23302 (2020)
- Tosh, C. R. Routray, “Graft Copolymerization of Methyl Methacrylate onto Cellulose in Homogeneous Medium – Effect of Solvent and Initiator”, International Journal of Chemical Science and Engineering,V.7(1), P.1253-1260 2013
- B .Tosh and C. R. Routray. “Grafting of Cellulose Based Materials: A Review”. Chem Sci Rev Lett, V.3(10), P.74-92 , 2014.
- Routray & B. Tosh, “Thermal Analysis and Characterization of Cellulose Acetate Grafted with Acrylic monomers”, Applied Science and Advanced Materials InternationalVol. 2 (1), P. 37 – 42, 2015.
- R. Routray, D. Bhatta, S. K. Biswal , “Structural Characterization and Bio-Activity Study of Schiff Base Metal Complexes”.IJIRT,V.4(8),P. 212-216 , 2018.
- Routray, S. Mohanty, S. K. Sahoo and S. K. Biswal ,“ Fabrication and Characterization of Chitosan/ PCL-G-NH2PAMAM Polyamidoamine Dendrimer Complex for Controlled Release of Anticancer Drug Cyclophosphamide”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10 ( 59 ), P.18367-18376,2020
- R Routray, B.Tosh and A.N.Acharya , “Fabrication of Cellulose Acetate Reinforced Organo Clay Ecofriendly Nanocomposites for Packaging Applications”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, V.10 ( 59 ), P.18884-18890,2020.
- Behera and C. Routray , “Synthesis and Characterization of Reduced graphene oxide from coal using black tea extract”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10(60), P.26525-26530, 2020
- K. Bhujabal and C Routray, “Green Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide from waste dry cells using Azadirachtaindica leaf extract”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10(60), P.19496-19502,2020.
- Mirdha and C. Routray , “Extraction and Characterization of D-limonene oil from orange peels using different solvents”. Mukt Shabd Journal,V.9(5), P.1119-1127, 2020.
- Bisi and C.Routray , “Low cost production of biofuel ethanol from rice straw”. Mukt Shabd Journal,V .9(5),P. 2954-2962,2020.
- Sethy and C. Routray, “ Extraction and Characterization of clove oil from buds and effect of the residue on soil fertility”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10(60), P.25098-25104,2020.
- Moharana and C. Routray , “Performance and Emission Analysis of Diesel Engine with Dual Biodiesel Blend of Castor and Mahua Oil”. Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10(60) P. 25105- 25113,2020.
- S K Biswal, G K Panighahi and S K. Sahoo (corresponding author), “Green synthesis of Fe2O3-Ag nanocomposite using Psidium guajava leaf extract: An eco-friendly and recyclable adsorbent for remediation of Cr(VI) from aqueous media”, Biophysical chemistry, V.263,P.106392,2020
- K. Sahoo, S. Padhiari, S. K. Biswal, B. B. Panda and G. Hota, “Fe3O4nanoparticles functionalized GO/g-C3N42D/2D nanocomposite: An efficient magnetic nanoadsorbent for adsorptive removal of organic pollutants”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, V.244, P.122710 ,2020
- Sultana, S. Behera, S. Nayak, S. K. Biswal and S. K. Sahoo*, “Synthesis and Characterization of MgO nanostructures”, Indian journal of natural sciences,V.10, P.0996,2020
- S. Rout, H. Das, A. Lenka, A. Mohapatra S. K. Biswal and S. K. Sahoo* Synthesis and characterization of MgO-Fe2O3nanocomposite using precipitation method, Indian journal of natural sciences,V.10, P.1025, 2020
- K . Sahoo and G. K. Panigrahi, “ Studies on myelin formation & particulate growth in mixed surfactant system”, Indian journal of natural sciences, V.10,2020
- K. Sahoo and G.K. Panigrahi, “Synthesis and Characterization of Silica Nanocapsules By Using Colloidal Method”, Indian journal of natural sciences,V.10 ,2020
- Sahoo, L. Satapathy, S. Mallick, S. K. Biswal* and S. K. Sahoo*, “Effect of pH on the removal of Congo red dye using MgO nanoparticles”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10, 2020
- Kumar Sahoo*, G. K. Panigrahi, “Synthesis and Characterization of Electrospun PAN / FeO(OH) Composite Nanofibers for Adsorptive Removal of Cong Red Dye”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,V.10 ,2020.
- K. Sahoo, E. C. Tripathy, “Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Properties of wet chemically Fabricated CuS/Graphene Nanocomposite”, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research,V.9, P.265-270, 2020.
- Giri, A. Moharana, A.K. Sahoo, “A Novel Chemical Approach towards CdS Nanoparticles and Study of its Photocatalytic Activity”, Adalya Journal, V.9, P.19-28, 2020.
- K. Mallik, M. Bastia, S. Adak, A. K. Sahoo, “A Novel Chemical Approach towards CdS Nanoparticles and its Graphene Composite and Study of its Photocatalytic Activity”, Adalya Journal, V.9, P. 52-64, 2020.
- Biswal, P. Upadhyaya, S. Pradhan, S. Pradhan, Ashish Kumar Sahoo, “A Facile Wet Chemical Approach towards CuS and its Graphene Composite and Determination of their Dye Degradation Efficiency”, Indian Journal of Natural Science, V. 10, P.16-25, 2020.
- Nibedita Nayak, Arc Plasma Treatment of Boron Carbide: Preparing Porous Free High Hardness Material, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 24305, 2020.
- R. Swain, S.K. Biswal and S.Lenka, “Studies on synthesis, characterization and thermal properties of resins derived from diazotized cardanol – formaldehyde – organic compounds”, Polymer Plastic Technology and. Engineering,V.39 (5), P.927-936, 2000.
- Susanta Kumar Biswal, Ashok Kumar Nayak, Umesh Kumar Parida and P.L. Nayak, “Applications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Sciences”, International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries, V. 2(1), P.21-36, 2012.
- K. Biswal and P.L. Nayak ,”Gelatin Blended with Cloisite 30B (MMT) for control release of Anti-Cancer Drug Curcumin “, International Journal of Pharmascholars,V.1(1), P.24-32,2012.
- Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Anti-Microbial activities of Soya Protein Isolate (SPI)/Cloisite C30B(MMT) Nanocomposite Film”, Journal of Asian Scientific Research,V.11(9), P.539-546, 2012.
- P. Mohanty, S. K. Biswal, Jogesh P. RaoPalve and P.L. Nayak, “Synthesis and Characterization of Polylactic acid/Cloisite 30B (MMT) Nano composite for Controlled Release Anticancer Drug Cur cumin, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and AlliedSciences,V.1(4), P.63-70, 2012.
- K. Khatua, S. K. Biswal, Jogesh P. Rao Palve and P.L. Nayak, “Synthesis and Characterization of Guar-gum\Cloisite 30B Nano composite for Controlled Release of Anti-Cancer drug Curcumin”, Journal of Scientific Research in Pharmacy,V.1(3), P.80-83,2012.
- Lopa Ghosh, G. N. Tiwari and S. K. Biswal, “Role of water temperature and dissolved oxygen to the growth of Catla(Catla Catla) and rohu(LabeoRohita) in Green house Pond”, e-Planet Journal,V.11, P.41-45,2013.
- K. Bindhani, U.K. Parida, S.K. Biswal,R.K. Panigrahi, and P.L. Nayak, “Review of Gold Nanoparticles Featuring Recent Advances toward Biomedical Applications: Opportunity and Challenges”, Reviews in Nano scienceandNanotechnology,V.2, P.247-260,2013.
- K Biswal, U.K. Parida and B.K. Bindhani, “Gold Nanoparticles Capped with Tamarind Seed Polysaccharide Blended with Chitosan Composite for the Growth of Phosphate Mineral, International Journal of current Engineering and Technology,V.3(3), P.1109-1113,2013.
- Umesh Kumar Parida, S.K. Biswal, P.L. Nayak and B.K. Bindhani, “Gold Nano Particles for Biomedical Applications”, World Journal of Nano Science and Technology,V.2(1), P.47-57,2013.
- K. Parida, S.K. Biswal, B.K. Bindhani and P.L. Nayak, “Green Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles Using Elettaria cardamomumL.extract”, World Applied Sciences Journal,V. 28 (7), P.962-967, 2013.
- K. Parida, S.K. Biswal and B.K. Bindhani, “Preparation and Characterization of Green Gold Nanoparticles inhibiting K562 Cell Apoptosis”, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences,V.5(4), P.337 – 345 ,2014.
- K. Parida, S.K. Biswal and B.K. Bindhani, “Preparation and Characterization of Green Gold Nanoparticles Conjugate with OMP85 Protein”, Advanced Materials Letters,V.5(12),P.717-721,2014
- K. Parida, S.K. Biswal and B.K. Bindhani, “Green Synthesis and Characterization of Gold Nanoparticles: Study of Its Biological Mechanism in Human SUDHL-4 Cell Line”, Advances in Biological Chemistry, V.4,P.360 – 375,2014.
- Tosh, P.C Katual and S.K. Biswal, “Synthesis and Characterization of Dilauroyl Chitosan/Clay Nanocomposite for Developmentof Bulk Modified Electrodes”, Applied Science and Advanced Materials International, V.1(2), P.60-65,2014.
- Debi Prasan Mohanty, S.K Biswal and P.L Nayak, “Preparation of Starch-Chitosan Nano Composites for Control Drug Release of Cur cumin”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, V.5(1),P.336-343,2015.
- Lopa Sarkar, S. K. Biswal, R.K. Panigrahi and Bikash Sarkar, “Estimation of Filtration Potential of an Effective Bio sand Filter for Removal of Iron, Turbidity from Various Sources of Water”, Current World Environment, V.10(2), P.656-662,2015.
- Mohanty, S. K Biswal, “Dendritic Polymers for Drug Delivery Applications”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Allied Sciences, V. 4,(4),P.18-27, 2015.
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- Lopa Sarkar, S. K. Biswal, R.K. Panigrahi and Bikash Sarkar,“A Comparative Study to Assess the Removal Efficiency of Iron from Drinking Water Using Various Activated Charcoals”, Environment and Ecology,V.34(3A),P.1178-1183,2016.
- Devi Prasan Mohantyand, S.KBiswal, “Synthesis, Characterization and In Vitro Drug Release of Curcumin loaded Cassava Starch Acetate–Poly Vinyl Alcohol/ Cloisite 30B Nanocomposites”, International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences,V.8(2): (P) 5-11, 2017.
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- N. Panda, S.K. Biswal and U.P. Tripathy, “Improvement of the Physical Strength Properties of Recycled Paper: In a new way”, Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry, V.11 (1) P.189-194, 2018.
- C R Routray, D Bhatta, S K Biswal, “Structural Characterization and Bio-Activity Study of Schiff Base Metal Complexes”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology, V.4 (8), P.212-216,2018.
- K. Sahu, T. Dash, V. Mukherjee, S. K. Pradhan, T. K. Rout, B.B. Palei, A.K. Sahu, S. K. Biswal, S.K. Biswal, B. B. Nayak, “Synthesis of Multi Walled Carbon Nano Tubes by Arc Plasma Discharge Method and their Characterizations”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, V. 5(12), P.182-190,2018.
- Jayasmita Beura, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Saurabh Kundu and Tapan Kumar Rout, “Mill Scales Blended Polymer Composites for Electrical Insulation Applications”, Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, V. 7, P.72-79,2018.
- Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Dash and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “A Novel Alumina-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite: Synthesis and Characterizations”, International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering,V.8(XII) ,P.2340-2345,2018.
- S K Senapati, B P Mishra and S K Biswal, “Synthesis and Characterization of Biodiesel from Simarouba Oil Using Heterogeneous Catalyst, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, V. 8, ( XII), P.2308-2313,2018.
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- S K Senapati, S K Biswal and B P Mishra, “A Review on Potential Source of Biodiesel Production from Non-Edible Oil Seeds of Indian Origin”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, V.6(2), P.106-114,2019.
- N.Panda, S.K. Biswal and U.P. Tripathy, “Improvement of The Physical Strength Properties of Recycled Paper: In A New Way”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, V. 6(2), P.13-20,2019.
- Rajanigandha Barik, Santosh K. Satpathy, Banarji Behera, Susanta K. Biswal and Ranjan K. Mohapatra, “Synthesis and Spectral Characterizations of Nano-Sized Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) Ceramic.” Micro and Nano systems, V.12, P. 001-006, 2019.
- Behera, S.K. Biswal, Bhabani S Panda and Mohammed A Ahemed, “Study of Optical, Structural, Thermal and Dielectric Properties of Poly (vinylidene difluoride)/Cuprous Oxide Polymer Nano Composites”, Asian Journal of Chemistry, V.32(1), P.106-110, 2020.
- Susanta Kumar Biswal, Trushna Mayee Pradhan and Atia Arzoo, “Response of Waste Egg Shells to Soil Fertility and Its Impact on the Growth of VignamungoL. Seedling”, Clay Research,V.38(1), P.29-34, 2019.
- Atanu Ranjan Ojha and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Thermo Physico- Mechanical Behaviour of Palm Stalk Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites Filledwith Granite Powder”, Composites Communications,V.16, P.158-161, 2019.
- Surjya Narayan Panda, Susanta Kumar Biswal, “De-Inking of ONP Paper by using Different Surfactants: In Dissolved Air Flotation Process”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering,V.8(5), P.4609-4613, 2020.
- Binod Bihari Palei, Tapan Dash, Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Successful Synthesis of Graphene-Aluminium Composite with Improved Microhardness”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology,V.9(3), P.2218-2221, 2020.
- Debapriya Pradhan, Susanta K. Biswal and Ranjan K. Mohapatra, “Design, Spectral and Antibacterial Investigations of Some Mixed Ligand Metal Complexes”, Oriental Journal of Chemistry,V.36(2), P.339-343, 2020.
- Jayasmita Beura and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Investigation of Dielectric and Electrical Properties of BiFeO3-PbZrTiO3 (BFO-PZT)-Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Composites”, Gedrag & Organisatie Review,V.33(2), P.831-840, 2020.
- Arpita Tripathy, Manoranjan Behera, Ardhendu Sekhar Rout, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Ajit Dattatreya Phule, “Optical, Structural, and Antimicrobial Study of Gold nanoparticles Synthesized Using an Aqueous Extract of Mimusops elengi Raw Fruits”, Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry,V.10(6), P.7085-7096, 2020.
- Dhar, T. Dash, B.B. Palei, T.K. Rout, S.K. Biswal, A. Mitra, A.K. Sahu, S.K. Biswal, “Silicon-Graphene Composite Synthesis: Microstructural, Spectroscopic and Electrical Conductivity Characterizations”, Materials Today: Proceedings, March 2020.
- Debabrata Mohanty, P. Mallick, S.K. Biswal, Banarji Behera, Ranjan K. Mohapatra, Adiraj Behera, Santosh K. Satpathy, “Investigation of structural, dielectric and electrical properties of ZnFe2O4 composite” , Materials Today: Proceedings,2020.
- Subrata Narayan Das, Susanta K. Biswal, Ranjan K. Mohapatra, “Recent advances on stabilization and rheological behaviour of iron ore slurry for economic pipeline transportation”, Materials Today: Proceedings,2020.
- Ansuman Jena, Manoranjan Behera, Chittaranjan Routray and Susanta Kumar Biswal, “Fabrication, Characterization and Antibacterial Study of Poly (Vinyl Alcohol)PVA/Cuprous Oxide (Cu2O) Nanofluids and Polymer Nanocomposite Films”, Oriental Journal of Chemistry,V.36, 2020.
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- Tapan Dash,Tapan Kumar Rout,Binod Bihari Palei,Shubhra Bajpai,Saurabh Kundu,Amar N. Bhagat,Bijoy Kumar, Satpathy, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Abhinay Rajput, Ashok Kumar Sahu, Surendra Kumar Biswal, “Synthesis of α‑Al2O3–graphene composite: a novel product to provide multi‑functionalities on steel strip surface”, SN Applied Sciences,V.2, P.1147,2020.
- Susanta Kumar Biswal, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi, Shraban Kumar Sahoo, “Green synthesis of Fe2O3-Ag nanocomposite using Psidium guajava leaf extract: An eco-friendly and recyclable adsorbent for remediation of Cr (VI) from aqueous media”, Biophysical Chemistry,V.263 106392,P.01-08. 202
- Pratap K. Chhotaray, Susanta Kumar Biswal, Siddharth Pandey, “Development of novel hybrid ionic fluids for efficient CO2capture and cellulose dissolution”, Journal of Molecular Liquids,V.312, 2020
- Shraban Ku Sahoo, Sandip Padhiari, S.K. Biswal, B.B. Panda, G. Hota, “Fe3O4nanoparticles functionalized GO/g-C3N4 nanocomposite: An efficient magnetic nano adsorbent for adsorptive removal of organic pollutants”, Materials Chemistry and Physics ,V. 244, 122710,P.01-03, 2020.
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- Dr PSVRamanaRao, “A Review On Mechanical And Physical Performance Of Natural Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites” International Journal Of Management, Technology And EngineeringV- X, Issue Iii, March/2020 ISSN: 2249-7455.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Investigations Of Drilling Induced Delamination Damage On Bamboo/Jute Fiber Composites” Journal of Resource Management And TechnologyISSN: 0745-6999.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Processing And Mechanical Behaviour Of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite Materials” International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, V- 24, Issue 06, 2020 : ISSN 1475-7192.
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- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Mechanical Properties Of Bamboo And Jute Fibers Filled With Coconut Shell Ash Reinforced Composites With Epoxy Composites” Test Engineering And Management: 0193-4120 P – 10960- 10966.
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- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Mechanical Properties Of Okra And Jute Fibers Filled With Groundnut Shell Ash Reinforced Composites With Epoxy (LY556) And Epoxy (XIN 100 IN) Resin Matrices” Journal of Materials and Environmental Sciences, 2028;2508 ( J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2018, V-9, Issue 7, P – 2169-2173.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Review On Processing And Effect Of Thermal Treatment On Machinability Of Nickel-Based Superalloy” IJEDR1901012 International Journal Of Engineering Development And Research(Www.Ijedr.Org) IJEDR 2019 | V-7, Issue 1 | : 2321-9939.
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- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Study Of Process Parameters Of Friction Stir Welded Aa 7020 Aluminum Alloy In O And T6 Conditions” International Journal Of Engineering, Science And Mathematics, V-6 Issue 8, December 2017 (Special Issue) : 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Comparirative Study On Drag Coefficient Of Sedan Car Over A 3D Model Ahmed Body Turbulent Flow Analysis Over Bluff Bodies.” International Journal Of Engineering, Science And Mathematics, V 6 Issue 8, December 2017 (Special Issue) : 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765 Journal Homepage: Http://Www.Ijmra.Us.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Design, Static & Dynamic Analysis Of Roll-Cage An All Terrine Vehicle Chassis On Different Material” International Journal Of Engineering, Science And Mathematics, V-6 Issue 8, December 2017 (Special Issue) : 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765 Journal Homepage: Http://Www.Ijesm.Co.In.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Simulation of aerodynamic Flow Parametersovera Simplified Sedan Car” International Journal Of Engineering, Science And MathematicsV6, Issue 8, December2017, : 2320-0294 Impact Factor: 6.765 Journal Homepage: Http://Www.Ijmra.Us.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Review On Chemical Properties Of Biodiesel From Sorghum Oils” International Journal Of Chemtech ResearchCODEN (USA): IJCRGG, : 0974-4290, (Online):2455-9555 V-10 No.3, P – 156-161, 2017.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Design And Fabrication Of Pedal Operator Centrifugal Pump” Open Journal Of Technology & Engineering Disciplines (Ojted)V-2, No. 4, December 2016, P – 25~39 : 2455-6971.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Processing And Mechanical Behaviour Of Hair Fiber Reinforced Polymer Metal Matrix Composites” International Journal Of Mechanical And Production Engineering Research And Development (Ijmperd)P – 2249-6890; (E): 2249-8001 Special Issue, Nov 2016, 469-478.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Review On Chemical Behaviour Of Natural Fiber Composites” A Review On Chemical Behaviour Of Natural Fiber Composites.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Solar Powered Wheel Chair: Mobility For Physically Challenged” International Journal of Current Engineering And Technology2277 – 4106 © 2012 Inpressco. All Rights Reserved. Available at Http://Inpressco.Com/Category/Ijcet.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Study Of Single Cylinder Di-Diesel Engine Performance Fueled With Neat Coconut Oil Methyl Ester (COME) And Methanol As Dual Fuel” Journal of Scientific & Industrial ResearchV-71, January 2012, P – 63-68.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Review paper on ‘Optimization of Machining Performances and current research work in Die sinking EDM’” DRS Research Journal.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Prediction of Surface Roughness and material removal rate in Die-sinking EDM by using Taguchi Technique” International journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Research.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “Comparison of Tetmeth Bisphane Carbonate and Ethylene Terephthalate blend and its effects in a girder of Dam structure” Indian Journal of Natural Sciences.
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Review on Advanced Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced With Nano Particles” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST).
- Dr PSVRamanaRao “A Critical Review on Nano Metal Matrix Composites” Mukt Shabd journal
- Satyanarayan Dhal, P.K. Rath, “SRIM Simulation of Sputtering Effect of a Ferromagnetic Material by normally incident inert (Rn) gas ions”, Test Engineering and Management (TEM) Mattingley Publishing Co, V.-83, I.83, P.14092 – 14095, 2020
- Satyanarayan Dhal, P K Rath, “Morphology Prediction of Indanthrene (Pigment-Blue) using FORCITE”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20429-20431, 2020
- Satyanarayan Dhal, P K Rath, “SRIM Simulation of Sputtering of Lead by Incident 50 keV and 200 keV Xenon ions”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20957-20959, 2020
- Satyanarayan Dhal, P K Rath, “Simulation of Sodium ion having energy 200 keV induced effects as Vanadium as target”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20895-20897, 2020
- Satyanarayan Dhal, “Prediction of Phonon Spectra for Ferromagnetic Nickel using BIOVIA Material Studio”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS), V.-10, I.60, P.20872-20874, 2020
- Prajna Parimita Parida , Dr. Satyanarayan Dhal, “Simulation of Low Energy Alkali ion Irradiation on Al2O3 Nanoparticles using Iradina”, Test Engineering and Management (TEM) Mattingley Publishing Co, V.-83, I.60, P.17589-17594, 2020
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- Dojalisa Sahu, N. R. Panda, B.S. Acharya, P. Nayak, High UV Absorption Efficiency Of Nanocrystalline Zno Synthesized By Ultrasound Assisted Wet Chemical Method, Current Applied Physics, (IF-2.212) 15 (2015) 389-396, Elsevier, ISSN: 1567-1739.
- Dojalisa Sahu, N.R Panda, B.S. Acharya, Effect Of Gd Doping On Structure And Photoluminescence Properties Of Zno Nanocrystals Mater. Res. Express 4(2017) pp.114001( IF-1.929)
- Debasrita Dasha, N.R. Pandab, Dojalisa Sahu, Photoluminescence And Photocatalytic Properties Of Europium Doped Zno Nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science494 (2019) pp.666–674(IF-6.182).
- Dojalisa Sahu, Degradation Of Industrial Phenolic Wastewater Using Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Technique ,ISSN 1070-4272, Russian Journal Of Applied Chemistry, 2020, Vol. 93, No. 6, Pp. 905–915(IF-0.34)
- Dojalisa Sahu, N R. Panda, D Dash , ZnO Nanosheets Exhibiting High UV Blocking Efficiency For Effective Application In Sunscreen, Asian Journal Of Chemistry; Vol. 32, No. 7 (2020), 1809-1814(IF-0.24)
- S Palatsingh, A Mohanta, N R Panda, Dojalisa Sahu, “Evaluation Of Antibacterial Activity, Biodegradability And Mechanical Properties Of Chitosan Blended Zno Biofilm For Food Packaging”, Oriental Journal Of Chemistry2020, Vol. 36, No.(3):Pp1-6
- Dojalisa Sahu, N R Panda, “Synthesis Of Cerium Doped Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles By Aqueous Precipitation Method And Study On The Structural And Optical Properties”, Indian Journal Of Science And Technology, 2020;13(14):1–6,
- Dojalisa Sahu , Nihar R. Panda, Novel Structural And Optical Properties Of Eu Doped Zno Nanoparticles Prepared By Chemical Co-Precipitation Method, Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences(WOS)Vol.10 (59) 2020
- Ghadei and Dojalisa Sahu,”Synthesis, spectral characterization and antibacterial evaluation of 14-memebered tetra-aza- N4 macrocyclic complex”, IJRAR7(1)2020,PP.260
- Dojalisa Sahu, “Production of Hydrogen Gas from Methanol USING Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Method”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol.10 (61 ) 2020 pp 1872
- S Dash, D Dash, N R. Panda, Dojalisa Sahu, “Effect of Lanthanum Doping on the Optical and Antibacterial Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020 pp
- P K Mahanta, S P Sahoo, Dojalisa Sahu, “Structural and Antibacterial Study of Ag Doped ZnO Nanoparticles,Synthesized by Ultrasonication”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020 pp 25079
- Dojalisa Sahu, “Study on Crystallographic and Electronic Band Structure of Wurtzite ZnO”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020 pp 20185
- M R Sahoo and Dojalisa Sahu, “Study on the Electronic Band Structure and Optical Property of Semiconducting TiO2 Nanoparticles”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020,pp 25089
- J P Bharati and Dojalisa Sahu, “In silico Study of Band Gap Modulation for SnO2 Systems”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020,pp 25094
- A Palei and Dojalisa Sahu, “A Comprehensive Review on the Synthesis and Application of ZnO based Nanocomposites”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10( 61) 2020,pp 20189
- Shraban Kumar Sahoo, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi, Jitendra Kumar Sahoo, Arun Kumar Pradhan, Aditya Kumar Purohit , Jyoti Prakash Dhal, “Electrospun magnetic polyacrylonitrile-GO hybrid nanofibers for removing Cr(VI) from water”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, V.326, P.115364-115378, 2021.
- Shraban Kumar Sahoo, Jyoti Prakash Dhal, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi, “Magnesium oxide nanoparticles decorated iron oxide nanorods: Synthesis, characterization and remediation of Congo red dye from aqueous media”, Composites Communications, V.22, P.100496-100501, 2020.
- Shraban Kumar Sahoo, Jitendra Kumar Sahoo, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi, Dillip Kumar Pattanayak, Aninda Sundar Rout, Animesh Lenka, “Preparation of graphene oxide from Bio-soot wastes: As an efficient adsorbent for highly noxious Congo red dye”, FlatChem, V.24, P.100198-100205, 2020
- Shraban Kumar Sahoo, Aditya Kumar Purohit, Gagan Kumar Panigrahi, Jitendra Kumar Sahoo, “Adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous media using graphene oxide Synthesised from bio-soot wastes”, Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, V.10, P. 1-11, 2020
- C R Routray,Influence of gamma – Irradiation on Properties of PAN (Poly Acrylonitrile)Fibers,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol.(10) , Issue( 62), Page(27807-27811),October-2020
- Subhadra Sahu, Surabhi P Sahoo,Chittaranjan Routray,”REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS FROM INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER BY USING ORANGE AND BANANA PEELS”,SodhaSancharBulletin,Vol.(10),Issue(40),Page(14-22),Dec.2020
- Baral, A.K. Pradhan and C.R.Routray,”Synthesis of Nano hydrogel based Cellulose-g-Hema /Nano Cao using Snail Shell for Removal of Cr (VI) from Waste Water”,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,Vol.(12) , Issue( 66), Page(30712-30724),June-2021
- Smrutishree Priyadarsini Behera, Chittaranjan Routray,”Multifunctional Property analysis of Cotton fiber and Cellulose Acetate modified with ZnO nano particles”,International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods,Volume (9), Issue (6),Page(1694-1700),June-2021
- Lelin Champati, R. Patra, M. Sahu, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy Investigation of Impedance and Modulus Study of Copper doped SrTiO3,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10,60, 21593, 2020
- Lelin Champati, M. Sahu, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Effect on Structural and Dielectric Study of Copper doped SrTiO3, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 60, 24298, 2020
- Rashmiranjan Patra, A. U. Naik, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Synthesis and characterization of Copper doped perovskite materials, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 60, 21612, 2020
- Rashmiranjan Patra, A. U. Naik, Srikanta Moharana and Santosh K Satpathy, Structural and dielectric study of Copper doped lead titanate materials, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 10, 60, 24301, 2020
- Rashmiranjan Patra, A. U. Naik, and Santosh K SatpathyStructural and Dielectric Properties of Cobalt doped Strontium Titanate Polymer Composites Prepared by Solid-State Reaction Technique, Shodh Sarita, 10, 2348, 2020
- Rashmiranjan Patra, M. Sahu, and Santosh K Satpathy, Investigation of Conductivity, Impedance and Modulus Study of Cobalt doped Strontium Titanate Polymer Composites Prepared by Solid-State Reaction Technique, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, 10, 2229, 2020
- Ananga U. Naik , Santosh K. Satpathy, and Banarji Behera, Synthesis and Transport Properties of Cobalt Ferrite: A Systematic Overview, Micro and nanosystem, accepted ,2021
- Mohanty, A.U. Naik, P.K. Nayak, Banarji Behera, S.K. Satpathy, “STRUCTURAL AND ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF MAGNESIUM-DOPED CoFe2O4, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Online published, 2021
- K. Sahu1, Priyambada Mallick2, S. K. Satpathy2*, Banarji Behera1,Effect on Structural, Electrical and Temperature sensing behavior of Neodymium doped Bismuth Ferrite, Advanced materials letters, accepted, 2021
- Dojalisa Sahu,Structural And Hyperfine Properties Of Α-Fe2O3 Based Nanocomposites Synthesized By Wet Chemical Method,Sodha Sarita 10940)2020,32-36
- Amrita Palai,Dojalisa Sahu,Theoretical Investigation And Characterization Of Cds Nanostructure For Luminescence Application,Sodha Sarita,7(28)2020,100-103
- Dojalisa Sahu,S Pati,NR Panda,D Das,Effect of incorporation of magnetization in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 by mechanically alloying with -Fe nanoparticles, Materials Letters 300 (2021) 130170
- Dojalisa Sahu,NR Panda,Exhibition of novel photocatalytic activity and photoluminescence properties with high inhibition towards bacterial growth by hydrothermally grown ZnO nanorods,Current Nanoscience, 2021, 17, 1-8
- Debasrita Dash,Dojalisa Sahu, Sm3+ driven enhancement in photocatalytic degradation ofhazardous dyes and photoluminescence properties ofhexagonal-ZnO nanocolumns,Nano Express 2 (2021) 010007
- Satyanarayan Dhal, Das, P., Patro, A., Swain, M., Hota, S.R., Sahu, D. and Chatterjee, S., 2021. Tuning surface wettability of Molybdenum Oxide nanorod mesh by low energy ion beam irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, p.109649.
- Electron Transport Simulation for Hydrogen Electrodes in a Rubidium Island, Arpita Patro, Satyanarayan Dhal* and Subhasmita Mishra, IJONS, Vol.12 / Issue 66 / June / 2021
- Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of Cadmium Selenide using Density Functional Theory S. Dhal, IJONS, Vol.12 / Issue 66 / June / 2021
- Core Level Spectra Prediction of Zinc Oxide using First Principles Method Arpita Patro, Satyanarayan Dhal* and Subhasmita Mishra, IJONS, Vol.12 / Issue 66 / June / 2021
- Srikanta Moharana*, Tarun Yadav, Amit Pathak, Parvez Ahmad Alvi, RN Mahaling, Enhanced dielectric & electrical properties and percolation behavior of PVDF-BiFeO3-Carbon Black (CB) Tri-Phase Composite film. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32(5), (2021) 6038-6046.
- Srikanta Moharana and Ram Naresh Mahaling, Preparation and properties of Benzoxazine (BA) based BiFeO3-Poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) Composites: Enhanced Dielectric Constant and Suppressed Loss. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 60 (10), (2021), 1122-1134.
- Srikanta Moharana and RN Mahaling, Enhancement investigations on Dielectric and Electrical properties of Niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) reinforced Poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF)- Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanocomposite Films. Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies (Accepted), (2021).
Conference proceedings:
Book Chapters:
- Chittaranjan Routray,B.N.Tosh and A.N.Acharya,”“The Basic Research Progresses and Challenges of Graphene as an Electrode Material in Lithium –ion Battery Manufacturing” , nano science and nano technology for multifunctional applications(Technology for futute smart and modern world) in nano science and nano technology for multifunctional applications(Technology for future smart and modern world) pp: 61-71, ISIN: B08MZXQD1W published by Amazon
- Bidyut Kumar Kundu, Chittaranjan Routray, Pragti,”Applications of N,O-donor Based Organic Ligands and their Complexes as Biomaterials”,in emerging material for future technology(current challenges and future perspectives)2nd edition,Pages: 185-198, ISIN : B08RRGMRT6, published by Amazon
- Srikanta Moharana*, Ankita Subhrasmita Gadtya, Rozalin Nayak, R.N Mahaling, Synthesis, Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Silver–Polymer Nanocomposites (2021) Book titled: Silver Micro-Nanoparticles – Properties, Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications, In Tech-Open Publishing, ISBN 978-1-83968-660-3.
Industry Partners
- Mechem India Private Limited
Skill Courses
- New material development using Biovia Material studio
- Bio and Nano Materials
Domain Courses
- Composite Design and Manufacturing
- CNC Machine
- Volatile Matter Furnance
- Analytical Sieve Shaker
- Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine Digital
- Ashing Furnace
- Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM)
- Magnetic Stirre with Hotplate
- Kjeldahl Apparatus
- Ultrasonic bath sonicator
- Calorimeter
- Ruchi Rota Vapor
- Potentiometer
- Hot Air oven
- UV Vis Spectrophotometer
- Parr Isoperibol Bomb Calorimeter