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Library Facilities


SECTION Paralakhemundi Bhubaneswar
Circulation Section 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM on working 9.30 A.M to 5.30P.M on working
Reference Section 24 hours 9.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M
Periodicals and News Paper 24 hours 9.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M
Digital Library 24 hours 9.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M
Sunday: 9.30 am to 5.30 PM Sunday: 9.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M
Library is closed on every 2nd Saturday


  1. Circulation Service
  2. Reference Service
  3. Referral Service
  4. Current Awareness
  5. Inter Library Loan Service (ILL)
  6. Selective Dissemination of Information Service
  7. Reprography Service

Membership & Borrowing Entitlement:

Sl no User type Issue type Entitlement Borrowing period Fine
1 Students Text issue 3 books 7 days Rs-5 after due date
Overnight issue 1 book 18 hour Rs-50 after due Hr.
2 Staff Text/Ref. issue 8 books 90 days Rs-50 after due date
3 Faculty Text/Ref. issue 8 books 90 days Rs-50 after due date

Library rules: ACCESS POLICY:

  • Identity Card is compulsory for getting access to the Library.
  • All registered students, scholars, staff and faculties of CUTM, are eligible for Library membership.
  • Library may consider the temporary membership for visiting faculty on special request with due approval from the higher authority.
  • The access to digital library inside the library premises is only for one hour per user or till next user comes.


  • Library users to sign in the log book prior to using the library resources.
  • Strict silence is to be maintained. Gossiping and discussion of any kind inside the library is strictly forbidden.
  • Any attempt of marking, highlighting, underlining, writing upon, folding, cut, rip or removing pages will be considered mutilation of library material. The borrower will be held responsible and the incidents of theft or mutilation will be reported to University authorities and a fine is imposed as per the discrimination of librarian.
  • Personal belongings, Textbooks, Printed materials, files /folders and Issued books are not allowed inside the library. All these are to be kept by the user at the property counter with his own risk.
  • Any verbal or physical abuse against the library staff shall be treated as a violation of the University’s code of conduct and a fine will be imposed accordingly
  • Refreshment of any kind shall not be taken inside the library premises.
  • Arrangement of chairs shouldn’t be disturbed inside the library.
  • Electronic gadgets like Mobile, Laptop, Tab etc., are allowed for e-learning. However, any disturbance or noise from the gadgets is liable to a fine or cancellation of member ship.
  • Photocopying of complete books or journals is strictly prohibited as doing such is a deed of violating copyright act.
  • The library management reserves all right to suspend or withdraw library privileges from any members without any notification.
  • Each student shall obtain no dues certificate from the librarian when there is officially essential


  • The identity card itself is a Library membership card, without which books will not be issued
  • The borrower is only responsible for the books issued against his/her card.
  • Materials borrowed from the library should be returned on or before the due date; otherwise overdue fine will be charged as per the rule.
  • Borrowers are instructed to check the books while borrowing; they will be responsible for any type of damage or mutilation noticed at the time of return, unless these are brought to the notice of the Librarian at the time of issue.
  • The reference books will not be issued to anybody with any circumstances; this has to be referring inside the library only.
  • Night issued books are to be retuned before 10.30 a.m. of next working day; otherwise late fine will charge as per the library rules.
  • The librarian may recall any book from any member at any time and the member shall have to return that book immediately
  • If the books are lost, then the borrower will have to replace the books of the same edition or latest edition or pay twice the cost of the books after getting permission from the librarian. If the lost book is a part of a series or volume set then the user have to replace the total series/ set, along with the overdue fine.
  • No journals, Magazines will be issued to any user.

Note: We encourage our students, staff, scholars & faculties to have their own books for text; library books are only for reference

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