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Center for Data Sciences and Machine Learning


Dr. Sujata Chakravarty

Dean, SoET

Dr. Prafulla Kumar panda

Mr. Amit Kumar

Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohammed Siddique

Dr. Dilip Route

Mrs. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh

Ms. Shivani Nanda

Dr. K.V. Shriharsha

Dr. Figlu Mohanty

Dr. Dhawalewsar Roa

Dr. Subrata Sarangi

Dr. Kamal Kumar Barik

Mr. Sonam Sandeep Dash

Mrs. Sasmita Kumari Pradhan

Dr. Debi Satpathy

Dr. Sisir Ranjan Dash

Dr. Sabyasachi Dey

Dr. Soumik Ray

Mr. Jitendra Parmanik

Mr. Sandeep Jena

Focus Areas

  • Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Processing
  • Plant Disease Detection
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Geomatics and Its Application
  • Big Data Analysis using Hadoop and MangoDB
  • Extract, Transform and Load (ETL)

On-going projects

  • Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda, DST/NRDMS Sanctioned project period of two years (13.6 lakhs) entitled “Development of Disease map and Health care service for selected Diseases in tribal regions of Gajapati and Rayagada district of Odisha” 2015-17 (completed.)
  • Application of Machine Learning in Hyperspectral Image Analysis
  • Machine Learning-Based Eye Health Care System
  • Leaf Disease Detection System
  • Automated Elephant Detection System to desist uncertain Railway accidents by unifying AI and IoT


Center Patents/ Design Patents/ Copyrights

  1. Payal Bhadra, Avijit Balabantaray, S. Chakravarty, “Multi-Level Security and Detection System to Avert Elephant Accidents at Railway Tracks”Application number –202031035660, Publication date – 04/09/2020, Grant Date – 22nd March 2021, Patent number – 362391
  2. Dr. Prafulla Kumar Panda, Identification of hydrocarbon locales of an unexplored basin using space inputs and GIS, Application No.612/KOL/2015 A, Publication Date: 05/06/2015, International classification: G01V9/00
  3. S. ChakravartySmart Attendance and Body Temperature Monitoring System at Working SiteApplication number – 202131001373,(Published 12th February 2021)S. ChakravartySystem and Method for Health Care data Processing through IoT by using Block chain Technology, Application number – 202031048523, (Published 11th December 2020).
  4. S. Chakravarty, Method and Automated Safety Equipment for quick Detection of Biological Events of Hospitalized Patients for COVID Thereof, Application number – 202031039046, (Published 16th October 2020)
  5. S. Chakravarty, Automated Portable Diagnostic System and Method for the Patient in COVID Hospital, Application number – 202031035686 (Published 11th September 2020)
  6. S. Chakravarty, Methods and systems for Agricultural work by smart Agriculture Field Boundary with AI & ICT (Published 16th July 2021)
  7. S. Chakravarty, “Machine Learning Based Computer implemented method for managing production from a Hydrocarbon Reservoir”, Application number – 201941040224, Publication date – 25/10/2019.



Machine Learning Domain

  1. Dash, S., Chakravarty, S., Mohanty, S. N., Pattanaik, C. R., & Jain, S. (2021). A Deep Learning Method to Forecast COVID-19 Outbreak. New Generation Computing, 1-25.
  2. Santoshachandra Rao Karanam, Y. Srinivas, S. Chakravarty, (2021) A systematic review on approach and analysis of bone fracture classification, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier,
  3.  Prasad, J. M. N., S. Chakravarty& Krishna, M. V. (2021). A novel approach to CAD for the detection of small cell and non-small cell lung cancers. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier, (In Press)
  4. Bijay Kumar Paikaray, Debabala Swain, Sujata Chakravarty (2021) “Reversible Selective Embedding for DICOM Image Security and Integrity using Visual Cryptography”, International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics, Inderscience, Vol. 13, No. 5, 2021, pp 498- 514
  5. Nitu Dash, S. Chakravarty, S. Satpathy (2021). An improved harmony search based extreme learning machine for intrusion detection system. Materials Today: Proceedings. Elsevier, (In Press)
  6. F. Mohanty, C. Dora, An optimized KELM approach for the diagnosis of COVID-19 from 2D-SSA reconstructed CXR Images,Optik, October 2021, 167572, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijleo.2021.167572
  7. Mamata Gadanayak, Gautam Sahoo, S. Chakravarty(2020), Indian COVID – 19 time series prediction using Facebook prophet model, International Journal of Computer Application in Technology, Inderscience, Accepted, ISSN number 1741-5047
  8. Satyabrata Dash, Hemraj Saini, S. Chakravarty(2020), COVID-19 Outbreak in Orissa: MLR and H-SVR Based Modelling and Forecasting, International journal of Computer application in technology, Inderscience, Accepted, ISSN number 1741-5047
  9. Satyabrata Dash, S. Chakravarty (2020) A Mathematical Model for Analysis of COVID-19 Outbreak Using Von Bertalanffy Growth Function (VBGF), World Development, Elsevier, (Comunicated).Satyabrata Dash, S. Chakravarty (2020)
  10. Manoj Kumar Behera, Rutuparnna Mishra, Anshit Ransingh, S. Chakravarty (2020), Segmentation of Hard Exudates in Retinal Fundus Images using Deep Convolutional Neural Network, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Volume. 29, No. 6, pp-5192-5199.
  11. Ankita Singh, Jatindra Kumar Dash, Biswajit Behura, S. Chakravarty (2020) Teaching Learning Based Optimized Support Vector Regression Model for Prediction of Indian Stock Market, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 3002 – 3015
  12. Rutuparnna Mishra, Anshit Ransingh, Manoj Kumar Behera, S. Chakravarty (2020) Face Recognition based Smart Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi, Journal of Xidian University, Vol 14, Issue 5, pp 321-331.
  13. Jatindra Kumar Dash, S. Chakravarty (2020) Novel Texture Feature for Content Based Image Retrieval, Test Engineering and Management, Vol 83, 17788 – 17800.
  14. Satyabrata Dash, S. Chakravarty (2020) Security vulnerabilities in Application layer protocols for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication, ADALYA JOURNAL, Volume 9, Issue 4, 248- 268.
  15. Satyabrata Dash, S. Chakravarty (2020) Trustworthiness of Vulnerable VMs with Increasing Number of Attacks in Cloud Environment, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10 / Issue 59 / April / 2020, 18930- 18938.
  16. Manoj Kumar Behera, S. Chakravarty (2020), Prediction of different Stages in Diabetic Retinopathy from Retinal Fundus Images using Radial Basis Function based Support Vector Machine, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Accepted.
  17. Purnima Lal, Puja Kumari, Soumya Samar Brahma, S. Chakravarty (2020), Detecting Malicious URLs Using Machine Learning Techniques, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  18. Payal Bhadra, Avijit Balabantaray, S. Chakravarty (2020) Automated Elephant Detection System to desist uncertain Railway accidents by unifying AI and IoT Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  19. Chinmayee Chaini, S. Chakravarty (2020), ANT Colony Optimization based Artificial Neural Network for Classification of Breast Cancer Dataset Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  20. Anshuman Khuntia, Chinmayee Chaini, S. Chakravarty (2020), Anomaly Based Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Techniques Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  21. Shanti Darshan Ray, Satya Naryan Pati, Prashant Kumar, Manoj Kumar Behera, S. Chakravarty (2020), Prediction of Glaucoma from Retinal Fundus Images using Support Vector Machine Indian Journal of Natural Sciences Accepted
  22. Goutam Sahu, Manoj Kumar Behera, Rakesh Ray, S. Chakravarty (2020), Random Forest Frame Work for Crop Yield Prediction Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  23. Rohit Kumar, Manjeet bhardwaj, Manoj Kumar Behera, Debases Das, S. Chakravarty (2020), Classification of Tomato Leaf Diseases using Image Processing and Machine Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Accepted
  24. Swati Sucharita Barik, Mamata Garanayak, Sasmita Kumari Nayak, “Transfer Learning:Approaches and Methodologies,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Issue.6, pp.852-855, 2019.
  25. Swati Sucharita Barik, Sasmita Kumari Nayak, “Human Face Recognition using LBPH,” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020.
  26. Sasmita Kumarai Nayak, Swati Sucharita Barik, Mamata Beura,” Analysis of Infectious Hepatitis Disease with High Accuracy Using Machine Learning Techniques,” TEST Engineering & Management 83 (Vol. 83: May/June 2020), 14294-14302.
  27. Sasmita Kumarai Nayak, Swati Sucharita Barik, Mamata Beura,” Weather Forecasts Based on Rainfall Prediction Using Machine Learning Methodologies,” Adalya Journal 9 (6), Page No : 72 – 80.
  28. Tapas Ranjan Jena, Swati Sucharita Barik, Sasmita Kumarai Nayak,” Electricity Consumption & Prediction using Machine Learning Models,” Mukt shabd 9 (6), 2804-2818.
  29. Sripada Swain, Sasmita Kumari Nayak, Swati Sucharita Barik,” A Review on Plant Leaf Diseases Detection and Classification Based on Machine Learning Models,” Mukt shabd 9 (6), 5195-5205.
  30. Sasmita Kumari Nayak, Swati Sucharita Barik,” Real-time Object Detection and Recognition Using Deep Learning with YOLO Algorithm for Visually Impaired People,” Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 60, June – 2020.
  31. Swati Sucharita Barik , Stiti prajna, Sasmita Kumari Nayak,”A Review on Human Facial Recognition Techniques,” Indian Journal of Natural Sciences 0976 – 0997, Vol.10, Issue 60, June – 2020.
  32. Mohammed Siddique, S. Das and D. Panda (2017): Hybrid forecasting model for stock value prediction using soft computing technique, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 117 (19); 357-363. ISSN:1311-8080
  33. Mohammed Siddique, S. Mohanty and D. Panda (2018): A hybrid forecasting model for prediction of stock value of Tata steel using support vector regression and particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 119 (14): 1719-1727; ISSN:1311-8080
  34. Mohammed Siddique, S. Mohanty and D. Panda (2018): Daily stock market forecasting using kernel principal component analysis, support vector regression, and teaching learning based optimization, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering, Vol.8 (12) 3691-3704; ISSN: 2249-7455
  35. Mohammed Siddique, S. Mohanty and D. Panda (2019): A hybrid model for forecasting of stock value of Tata steel using orthogonal forward selection, support vector regression and teaching learning based optimization, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol-113 (1): 95-114; ISSN: 0972-0871
  36. Mohammed Siddique and D. Panda (2019): Prediction of Stock Index of Tata Steel using Hybrid Machine Learning Based Optimization Techniques, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol. 8 (2):3186-3193; ISSN: 2277-3878
  37. Mohammed Siddique and D. Panda (2019): A hybrid forecasting model for prediction of stock index of Tata Motors using principal component analysis, support vector regression and particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Vol.9(1): 3032-3037; ISSN: 2249 – 8958
  38. Swati Sucharita Barik and Sujata Chakravarty Rainfall Prediction using Computational Intelligence Techniques: A Review, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 25596- 25600
  39. Mrutyunjoy Murmu, Aashirbad Maharan, Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty Prediction of Cataract from Retinal Fundus Images using Gradient Boosting Algorithm Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23908- 23912
  40. Satya RanjanPrusty, Debasish Das and S. Chakravarty Air Quality Prediction by Machine Learning Technique Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23918- 23922
  41. Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty An Image based Glaucoma Detection Technique using Support Vector Machine Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23928 – 23933
  42. Raj Kumar Sahoo, Debasish Das and S. Chakravarty COVID-19 Outbreak Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques Vol 10, Issue 60.
  43. Tamal Datta, Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty Customer Churn Prediction in Banking using Naïve-Bayes Algorithm Vol 10, Issue 60
  44. Swagat Choudhury, Jayadev Das, Debasish Das and S. Chakravarty Drowsiness Detection System by using Viola Jones and Haar Cascade Algorithm, Vol 10, Issue 60
  45. Mamata Garanayak, Goutam Sahu and S. Chakravarty Prediction of Breast Cancer using Machine Learning Techniques, Vol 10, Issue 60
  46. Stitiprajna Panda , Soumya samar Brahma, Poulomi Maji1 and S. Chakravarty, Odia Handwriting Recognition: Way to find the Identity Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 23988- 23996
  47. Satabdi Swain, Chinmayee Chaini and S. Chakravarty Short Term Electricity Price Forecasting For Deregulated Energy Market, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 24012- 24019
  48. Nitish Mahanand, Nitesh Kumar , Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty Soil Health Monitoring using Machine Learning Techniques Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 24020- 24024
  49. Malini Patel , Simran Subudhi , Debasish Das and S. Chakravarty, Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Computational Intelligence Techniques Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 24025- 24032
  50. Rutuparnna Mishra, Anshit Ransingh, Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty, Face Recognition Based Smart Door Lock Using Raspberry Pi Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 24506-24512
  51. Sasmita Pradhan , Suvendu Kumar Nayak , Manoj Kumar Behera and S. Chakravarty, Prediction of Indian Petrol Price Using Machine Learning Algorithm, Vol 10, Issue 60, pp 24518- 24525
  52. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh N.Jeebaratnam, G. Sridevi, Banitamani Mallik, Comparative Study Between Binomial and Poisson Distribution, Shodh Sarita,7(28), 2020.
  53. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh, Mohammed Siddique (2020). Basic Concepts on Posbist Reliability Theory, High Technology Letters, ISSN: 1006-6748, Vol. 26, Issue-11, Page: 508-513
  54. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh, Mohammed Siddique (2020); Effect of Different Parameters on Prediction Stock Index of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) using Machine Learning Techniques, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, ISSN NO: 2229-3620, Vol. 10, Issue- 40.
  55. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh, Mohammed Siddique (2020). Impact of Different Parameters on Prediction Stock Price of Bank of Baroda using Machine Learning Techniques, Shodh Sarita, ISSN No: 2348-2397, Vol. 7, Issue- 28.
  56. Saubhagyalaxmi Singh, Mohammed Siddique (2020). Impact of Stock Index Parameters on Prediction of Stock Index of Yes Bank using Deep Learning Neural Network Model, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, ISSN NO: 2229-3620, Vol. 10, Issue- 40.
  57. Sumanjit Das, Mohammed Siddique (2020). Currency exchange rate prediction using machine learning techniques, International Journal of Modern Agriculture, ISSN: 2305–7246, Vol. 9, Isuue-4, Page: 168-172. (WoS).
  58. Sasmita Kumari Nayak, Mohammed Siddique. (2020). Effect Of Stock Index Parameters On Forecasting The High Stock Value Of Visa Steel Using Deep Learning Neural Network Model. International Journal of Modern Agriculture, ISSN: 2305–7246, Vol. 9, Isuue-4, Page: 227 – 236. (WoS)
  59. Tumbanath Samantara and Mohammed Siddique (2020). Consequence of Different Parameters on the High Stock Index of Allahabad Bank using Deep Learning Techniques, International Journal of Modern Agriculture, ISSN: 2305–7246, Vol. 9, Isuue-4, Page:     . (WoS)
  60. Siba Prasad Mishra, Saswat Mishra and Mohammad Siddique (2020). The Anthropocene Dialogues on Climate Change to Human Health of Homosapiens in India, Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology. ISSN: 2457-1024 Vol. 39, Issue-24, Page:13-30. (NAAS)
  61. Rajashree P. Behera, Siba Prasad Mishra, Sipalin Nayak, Sagarika Panda and Mohammad Siddique (2020); Toughness Factors Reflections ONM-40 CC by Part Ousting Cement by SCBA & Adding Siyali fibre, Journal of Scientific Research & Reports, ISSN: 2320-0227, Vol. 26, Issue-7: Page:107-118. (NAAS)
  62. Satyasis Mishra, Tadesse H. Ayane, Sunita Satapathy, Mohammed Siddique, Demissie J. Gelmecha, R.C.Mohanty (2020). Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using a Novel Fast and Robust FCM Segmentation and MWCA based LLRBFNN Machine Learning Model, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, ISSN: 2005-4238, Vol. 29, No. 5, Page: 12355-12372. (Scopus)
  63. Mohammed Siddique (2020). Effect of Different Parameters on Prediction High Stock Price of ICICI Bank using Machine Learning Techniques, Shodh Sanchar Bulletin, ISSN NO: 2229-3620, Vol. 10, Issue- 40.
  64. Mohammed Siddique (2020). Effect of Different Parameters on Prediction Stock Price of Punjab National Bank using Machine Learning Techniques, Shodh Sarita, ISSN No: 2348-2397, Vol. 7, Issue- 28
  65. Mohammed Siddique: Rainfall variability under climatic anomalies using SVM, PSO hybrid model of Bhubaneswar Smart City; India, Test Engineering Management, Vol. 83 pp. 17553-17563, ISSN No: 0193-4120 (2020)- Scopus
  66. Mohammed Siddique: Deep Learning Based Business Application for Stock Value Prediction, Test Engineering and Management, Vol. 83, Pg-14032-14038, ISSN NO: 0193-4120 –SCOPUS
  67. Mohammed Siddique: Effect of various Parameters on Stock Price of Axis Bank using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  68. Mohammed Siddique: Impact of various parameters on stock price of State Bank of India using Deep Learning Neural Network Model, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  69. Mohammed Siddique: Analysis and Prediction of Upsurge in Cyclogenesis over Arabian Sea Fabric, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  70. Mohammed Siddique: Effect of Different Parameters on Production of Sorghum Using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  71. Mohammed Siddique: Effect of Different Parameters on Production of Rice Using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  72. Mohammed Siddique: Detection and Classification of Breast Cancer Using FCM based segmentation Algorithms and LLRBFNN Machine LEARNING Model, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol. 10(60), ISSN No: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  73. Mohammed Siddique: Enhancement and Segmentation of Brain Tumor from MR Image Using Modified Water Cycle Algorithm and Relevance Vector Machine, Adalya Journal- Volume 9, Issue 3, Page No-1212-1223 (2020) –WoS
  74. Mohammed Siddique: Mango Leaf Disease Identification and Classification using Modified FRFCM algorithm and APSO based LLWNN Machine Learning Approach, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 59, Page No 18442-18452, ISSN NO: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  75. Mohammed Siddique: Breast Cancer Detection and Classification Using a novel Fast and Robust FCM Segmentation and MWCA based LLRBFNN Machine Learning Model, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 12355-12372, ISSN NO:2005-4238 –SCOPUS
  76. Mohammed Siddique: Role of Different Parameters on Production of Cotton using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 59, Page No 18442-18452, ISSN NO: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  77. Mohammed Siddique: Effect of Different Parameters on Production of Wheat using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 59, Page No 18442-18452, ISSN NO: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  78. Mohammed Siddique: Role of Different Parameters on Production of Cotton using Machine Learning, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Volume 10, Issue 59, Page No 18442-18452, ISSN NO: 0976 – 0997 (2020) – WoS
  79. Mohammed Siddique: Application of soft computing tools in metal forming, Adalya Journal, Volume 9, Issue 3, Page No: 200-208, ISSN NO: 1301-2746 (2020)-  WoS

Earth and Space Science Domain

  1. K. Gaurav, R. Sinha, P.K. Panda .The Indus Flood of 2010 in Pakistan: a perspective analysis using remote sensing data. Journal of Natural Hazards , Nat Hazards (2011) 59:1815–1826 DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9869-6
  2. Prafulla Kumar Panda “Hydrologicaland 1 D Hydrodynamic Modeling of Kosi River Paleo channel, International journal of darshan institute on Engineering research & emerging technologies,  Vol. 1, No. 1, 2012,pp. 52-58
  3. Prafulla Panda, Vulnerability of Flood in India: A Remote Sensing and GIS Approach for Warning, Mitigation and Management. Asian Journal of Science and Technology VOL.5, ISSUE 12, pp.843-846, December 2014
  4. Prafulla Kumar panda and suchitra panda, Space Technology for Natural Disaster Management. international Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue , 1, pp.2489-2491, January, 2015
  5. Prafulla Kumar panda and Alakesh Barman Mapping and Analysis of Land Use and Land Cover in and around Paralakhemundi Using Space Inputs and GIS- National Conference on Recent Advances and Future Prospects in Civil Engineering (RAFPCE-15)
  6. Smruti Rekha Sahoo,  Prafulla Kumar Panda,  P. K. Champati Ray, Hyperspectral Image Analysis for Iron ore Discrimination in Keonjhar District, Odisha,International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG), Volume 4, Issue 2,pp:28-34,March 2015
  7. Prafulla Kumar Panda  and Santiswarup Sahoo Modeling of Floodplain Using Recent Technology, European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, 2015, 2(7): 23-28
  8. Madusmita Ghadai, Prafulla Kumar Panda and M.L.Narasimham Estimation of Hydro-Geological Parameters in CUTM Campus towards Groundwater Quality Measurement- 2016
  9. Prafulla Kumar Panda and G.Tanuja Land use and land cover change detection study using space input andGIS -a case study for Gajapati district, Odisha international Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 8, Issue , 9, pp.2489-2491, September , 2017,19815-19819
  10. MadusmitaGhadai, Prafulla Kumar Panda and M.L.Narasimham, Studies on Assessment of Ground Water Pollution Vulnerability Index for CUTM Campus Paralakhemundi, Odisha through Application of “DRASTIC” Model, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2017, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 2424-2435
  11. Pranati Panda, M. L. Narasimham, Prafulla Kumar Panda Rainfall Data Analysis for Estimation of Rainfall Erosivity Factor International Journal of Engineering, Science and Mathematics,Vol. 6 Issue 8, December 2017 (Special Issue) ,pp.323-328
  12. P.C. Sahoo, P.K. Panda, K.C. Sahu, D.S. Pattainak ,Hydro Geomorphological Characteristics and Delineation of Ground Water Potential Zone – A Case Study of Rushikulya and Bahuda Basin, Ganjam Odisha,  International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2018, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 2540-2550
  13. Panda PK and Narasimham ML, Dynamic Geomorphology of the Kosi Fan in Consequence to a Mega-Avulsion Aided by Space Inputs and Hydraulic Modeling,Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS 2018, Volume 7 , Issue 2 , 1000238
  14. Mahusmita Ghadai,Prafulla Ku. Panda, M.L.Narasimham, Water quality index computations at selected locations: a case study of Brahmaniriver basin, Odisha, India,International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering,Volume-8,Isuue- XVI
  15. P. K. Panda, M.L.Narasimham, I.V.Muralikrishna and Sangeeta Sahu Disease control and combat mapping for tribal fortification using GIS –a case study for selected tribal blocks of Rayagada district, Odisha-Journal of geomatics-volume-13,Issue-2,2019
  16. Prafulla Kumar Panda, Suchitra Panda, Pranati Panda,Durgaprasad Padhi-A model wastewater treatment plant and its implementation Strategy-ADALYA JOURNAL,ISSN NO: 1301-2746,Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2020pp-405-415
  17. B. Sultana, Rosalin Dalai,,Satyajeet Das and  Prafulla Kumar Panda- Effect of Crusher Dust on Geotechnical Properties and Strength Parameters of Highly Plastic Clay, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 16999 – 17004,2020
  18. Prafulla Kumar Panda,M.L.Narasimham,I.V.Muralikrishna,SangeetaSahu,A model for disease control and combat mapping –a case study for selected tribal blocks of Gajapti district, Odisha, Test Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120, Page No 25579 – 25588,2020
  19. Mohit Sahu, Prafulla Kumar Panda, Barsha Behera,  Change detection study using geospatial technology and remotely sensed data- a case study for Gajapati District,Indian Journal of Natural Sciences,vome 10,issue 60,2020
  20. Smruti Rekha Sau,Prafulla Kumar Panda.Pramoad Sahu,PranatiPandaChange Detection in Coastal Zone of Odisha Using Geospatial Technology: A Case Study from Puri District, Test Engineering and Management,volume83, ISSN: 0193-4120 Page No. 14208 – 14222,2020
  21. Debi Pasan Behera,Prafulla Kumar Panda, The Challenge of Producing Methane from Gas Hydrate, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences (IJONS),0976–0997,Volume 10,issue 60,2020
  22. Prafulla Kumar Panda, Suchitra Panda,Pranati Panda,Sunil Biswal, A Dynamic Approach for Sewage Treatment Plant and its Implementation Strategy ,Journal of Critical Reviews,2394-5125,2020
  23. S. Nanda, R. Annadurai,K K Barik, “Geospatial decipherment of groundwater potential of Kattankolathur block of Tamil Nadu using MCDM techniques”, Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, Vol.8, PP.240-250 (Elsevier)
  24. K K Barik, R Annadurai, P K Mishra, R S Mahendra, J K Tripathy and D Mitra, “Statistical Assessment of Long-term Shoreline Change along the northern coast of Odisha, East Coast of India”, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 48 (12), pp. 1990-1998.
  25. C Dalai, J K Tripathy, K K Barik, S R Panda, Groundwater Hydrochemistry around the Shrimp ponds of Ersama and Balikuda Blocks, Odisha, Pollution Research, Special issue, Vol. 38, pp. 47-53, 2019.
  26. S. Nanda, R. Annadurai, K K Barik(2019), Urbanisation persuaded geochemical impact assessment of groundwater quality for Kattankulathur block, Tamil Nadu, South India, International ournal of ChemTech Research, 12 (1), pp. 200-209.
  27. K K Barik, R. Annaduari, P C Mohanty, R S Mahendra, J K Tripathyand D Mitra(2019),Statistical Assessment of Long-term Shoreline Changes along the Odisha Coast, Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 48 (12), pp. 1990-1998
  28. S. Setti; R. Maheswaran; D. Radha; V. Sridhar, M.ASCE; K. K. Barik and M. L. Narasimham(2020)
  29.  Attribution of Hydrologic Changes in a Tropical River Basin to Rainfall Variability and Land-Use Change: Case Study from India, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 25 (8) DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001937
  30. Dynamic Microscopic Basis for IBM-2: A New Approach”, by Subrata Sarangi and Jitendra C Parikh, Pramana-J. Phys., Vol 40 (1993), 43-57. (N) (IF: 1.185 as on 03.05.2020))
  31. “Shape Transitions in Even Mo and Sm Isotopes: Study in a New Microscopic IBM Scheme”, by Subrata Sarangi and Jitendra C. Parikh, Pramana-J. Phys, Vol. 44 (1995), 375-391. (N) (IF: 1.185 as on 03.05.2020))
  32. “Meson Spectrum in a non-relativistic model with instant on induced interaction”, by Bhavyashri, K.B.Vijaya Kuamr, B. Hanumaiah, S.Sarangi and Shan-Gui Zhou, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, Vol. 31 (2005), 981-986. (I)(IF: 1.85 as on 03.05.2020))
  33. “The Effect of Instanton Induced Interaction on P-wave meson spectra in constituent quark model”, by Bhavyashri, S.Sarangi, Godfrey Saldanha and K.B. Vijaya Kumar, Pramana-J. Phys, Vol. 70(1) (2008), 75-85. (N)  (IF: 1.185 (as on 03.05.2020))
  34. “Asymmetric Nuclear Matter: A Variational Approach”,  by S. Sarangi, P.K. Panda, S.K. Sahu and L. Maharana, International Journal of Modern Physics B, Vol. 22 (Nos. 25 &26) (2008), 4524-4537. (I) (IF: 0.38 as on 03.05.2020))
  35. “Study of the asymmetric nuclear matter with pion dressing”, by S.Sarangi, P.K. Panda, S.K. Sahu and L Maharana, Indian J. Phys. Vol. 84(4) (2010), 431-447. (N) (IF: 1.242 as on 03.05.2020))
  36. “Pion correlations in nuclear matter”, by P.K. Panda, S. Sarangi and J. da Providencia, International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 20(1), (2011), 63-80.  (I) (IF: 3.05 as on 03.05.2020))

Materials Sciences

  1.  “Dielectric and Ferroelectric Behavior of Bismuth-Doped Barium Titanate Ceramic Prepared by Microwave Sintering”, by A. Mahapatra, S. Parida, S. Sarangi & T. Badapanda, The Journal of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS), Published online Dec. 2014(JOM, 67(8), 1896-1904 (2014)), ISSN 1047-4838; doi 10.1007/s11837-014-1266-7. (I)  (IF: 2.717 as on 03.05.2020))
  2. “NANOSCALE BASED GRAPHENE: A REVIEW OF ITS PROPERTIES FOR ELECTRONIC AND PHOTONIC APPLICATIONS” by Suchismita Mohanty, Manoj Kumar Pati, Subrat Sarangi, Puspalata Pattojoshi and Gouri Sankar Roy,  International Journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol. 6(4), 2015, pp.3267-3271. (I) (DoI: 10.24327, ISSN: 0976-3031, IF: 7.383, Index Copernicus:81.25, UGC approved with journal number 46629)  (IF: 7.383 as on 03.05.2020))
  4. “Preparation and Characterization of Graphene-grafted Chitosan/ polypyrrole Composite for Thermal, Mechanical and Electrical Properties”, by Suchismita Mohanty, Subrata Sarangi and Gouri Sankar Roy, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol 5(XII), Dec 2017, pp 1367-1372. (DoI: 10.22214, ISSN: 2321-9653, IF:6.887, UGC approved)  (IF: IF: 6.887 as on 03.05.2020))
  5. “Formulation and Evaluation of Chitosan Nanoparticles Coated Graphene-Gold Nanoparticles for Controlled Released of Anticancer Drug Vincristine”, Suchismita Mohanty and Subrata Sarangi, Journal of Advanced Nano-biotechnology,.Volume 2(1), 2018, pp 29- 43. DOI: 10.28921 / jan.2018.02.08, ISSN: 2581-3234)  (IF: not available)
  6. “Preparation and Characterization of Graphene Graphted Chitosan/Orthophenylenediamine Composites for Thermal, Mechanical and Electrical Properties”, Suchismita Mohanty, Subrata Sarangi and Gouri Sankar Roy, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, March 2018, pp 1352-1361, ISSN: 2320-2882, IF:5.97, UGC approved) (IF: 7.97 as on 03.05.2020))
  7. FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF GRAPHENE GRAFTED CHITOSAN/ POLYANILINE NANOCOMPOSITES FOR CONTROLLED RELEASE OF ANTICANCER DRUG DOXORUBICIN”, Suchismita Mohanty, Subrata Sarangi, and Gouri Sankar Roy , International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics ISSN- 0975-7058 Vol 11, Issue 3, pp138-143, 2019, Source Normalized Impact Per Paper (SNIP/IF): 1.203 (Now), ICV: 4.28, SCOPUS and UGC rated) (IF (SNIP): 1.203 as on 03.05.2020))

Data Science Domain

  1. Swarna Prabha Jena, Debaraj Rana, Subrat Kumar Pradhan,” A Hand Written Digit Recognition Based Learning Android Application”, Palarch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE), Vol 17 Issue 9, 2020, PP-2151-2163
  2. Madhumita Das, Debaraj Rana, Swarna Prabha Jena,” India’s Evolving Structure: Miles to go Before 2025”, Palarch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE), Vol 17 Issue 9, 2020, PP-2340-2352
  3. Debaraj Rana, Swarna Prabha Jena, Subrat Kumar Pradhan,” Performance Comparison of PCA and LDA with Linear Regression and Random Forest for IRIS Flower Classification”, Palarch Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology (PJAEE), Vol 17 Issue 9, 2020,PP-2353-2360
  4. Nimay Chandra Giri,  Debaraj Rana,” Live Video Processing using Computer Vision System Toolbox”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10 / Issue 60 / June / 2020, PP-22647-22650
  5. Debaraj Rana, Bhabani Dash and Swarna Prabha Jena,” Barcode Detection using Computer Vision”, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.10 / Issue 60 / June / 2020, PP-23360-23364
  6. D. Rana, S.P. Jena and S.K Pradhan, “Study of Iris Flower Classification using Logistic Regression and Principal Component Analysis” , Indian Journal of Natural Sciences , ISSN: 0976 – 0997, Vol.10 / Issue 60 / June / 2020, PP: 20471-20478
  7. D. Rana, H.K. Sethi, S.P. Jena and S.K Pradhan, “Classroom Attendance System with IoT Notification”, TEST Engineering and Management, ISSN: 0193-4120 , Vol-83, Issue-March/April 2020, PP-17051 – 17057
  8. D. Rana, S.K Sahu, “RBC Classification in Blood Smear Image using Neural Network”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-5, March 2020, PP 2114-2118
  9. Jitendra Pramanik, Sunita Dalai, Debaraj Rana, “Image Registration Using Discrete Wavelet Transform And Particle Swarm Optimization”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 6 (2), 2015, pp.1521-1525, ISSN: 1975-9646
  10. Jitendra Pramanik, Sunita Dalai, Debaraj Rana, “Image Registration Using PSO and APSO: A Comparative Analysis” International Journal of Computer Applications, (0975 – 8887), Volume 116, No. 21, April 2015
  11. Sameer Kumar Das, Jitendra Pramanik, Abhaya Kumar Samal, Nibedita Adhikari, “A Low Overhead Image Registration Algorithm using DWT and WIPSO for Resource Constrained SBC based Embedded System Application”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), Vol-8, Issue-3,2019, 6190-6199, ISSN: 2277-3878
  12. Kabita Sahoo, Abhaya Kumar Samal, Jitendra Pramanik, Subhendu Kumar Pani, “Exploratory Data Analysis using Python”, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Vol-8, Issue-12, 2019, pp.4727-4735, ISSN; 2278-3075


Skill Courses

  • High-Tech Surveying
  • Advanced Geographic Information System and GIS
  • Satellite-Based Remote Sensing
  • Spectral Image Processing using Python

Domain Courses

  • Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Aerial Surveying and Remote Sensing Applications
  • Business Analytics
  • Data Analytics
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