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Good Health and Wellbeing

Good Health and Wellbeing

Students access to health-care information and education services:

The University has students of different age groups. The unique blend of the age groups
necessitates greater attention on Students. The university recognises the vulnerability of this age group; while on one hand they need professional/technical education, on the other hand there is a necessity to make them aware of health and well-being, focussing on safe sexual practises. To this end the University conducts regular awareness programmes for students and staff. A failed relationship or a stress related to academics can thwart both mental and physical development of students can lead to several other cascading negative effects like use of narcotics or psychotropic substances. In order to address these issues, the university has established counselling centre in its main campuses. The university is also committed to abide with the Articles 21 and 19(1) of the Constitution of India which delineates Protection of Life and Personal Liberty and Right to Privacy. Utmost privacy and confidentiality is maintained in all services provided to students and staff.

The University has students of different age groups. The unique blend of the age groups
necessitates greater attention on Students. The university recognises the vulnerability of this age group; while on one hand they need professional/technical education, on the other hand there is a necessity to make them aware of health and well-being, focussing on safe sexual practises. To this end the University conducts regular awareness programmes for students and staff. A failed relationship or a stress related to academics can thwart both mental and physical development of students can lead to several other cascading negative effects like use of narcotics or psychotropic substances. In order to address these issues, the university has established counselling centre in its main campuses. The university is also committed to abide with the Articles 21 and 19(1) of the Constitution of India which delineates Protection of Life and Personal Liberty and Right to Privacy. Utmost privacy and confidentiality is maintained in all services provided to students and staff.

Prof Sibakripa Bose

The university provides multifarious counselling services in supporting the students overall personality, sexual and mental health issues. It focusses on creating awareness and mentoring students on good sexual practises, anxiety and stress management and on harmful effects of narcotics and psychotropic substances. The service exhaustively works on promoting safe and healthy sexual practises through various events such as poster, caption, essay writing, debate and drawing competitions, flash mobs, street plays and celebration of international days. It assists in correct choice of contraceptives and promoting good menstrual hygiene practises among adolescent girls. It provides psychological support to pregnant and lactating female staff and crèche facilities for their babies. Apart from this it supports the students and employees on management of stress and prevention on use of narcotics and psychotropic substances and has refers such students to nearby hospitals, drug de-addiction centres and shelters. The service plays a central role incampaigning in the community on prevention of use of narcotics and psychotropic substance like cigarettes, alcohol and others.

Each year Social Work students from Australian Universities seek placements at Centurion University and they have played a pivotal role in the establishment and operation of this service. The service has experienced and well trained professionals from different fields to cater to the needs of students and staff

  1. Prof Sibakripa Bose
  2. Prof Supriya Pattanayak
  3. Mr. Birakishore
  4. Mr. Jayakrishna Behera

For appointments, please reach us out [email protected].

Awareness on No Smoking :
University regularly conducts several program pertaining to create awareness on prevention and use narcotics and psychotropic substances.

Women sexual and reproductive health :
In order to educate women on sexual and reproductive health-care, the University in collaboration with its industry partner, Gap Inc., organises workshops and training sessions for educating women.

Counselling and Guidance :
Our university has established one “Student Mental Health and Counselling Services Center” since 1st July 2019. This service center has a dedicated Counselling Wing that provides individual and group counselling to students and staffs in order to help them maintain and improve their emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual well-being through a self-discovery process that promotes overall well-being. It has a Professional Counsellor who works directly with students and staffs who need personal counselling to relieve stress, anxiety, and boost self-esteem, as well as to impart inter-personal skills and achieve educational goals. It establishes a personal rapport with individual students through a two-tier system of Class Advisors and Department Counsellors. Mr. Samuel Crotty, a student from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, was working as an intern at CUTM, under the supervision of Professor Supriya Pattanayak. His project was to promote better mental health amongst university students. He has spent time interviewing various staff and students about their experience at CUTM. These counselling
programs helped many students who were thriving in their studies, who were facing significant challenges, both at an academic and personal level.

Counselling through Moral Value Education and Events:
Students are provided with opportunities to enrol themselves and engage in value added courses each year. The objective behind facilitating this course is to impart values into their life available as non-credit courses). Courses like Yoga and Meditation; Health and Lifestyle; Music/ Dance; Life Skills & Moral Value Education; Gardening; Human Behaviour & Relations; Society and Culture; Self-Management: Insights from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita; Value-Based Leadership: The Valmiki Ramayana Perspective are few among the courses available to them.

Events Organized for Mental Health Support:
There is increasing service needs for older persons all over the world, with related political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal consequences. The Sixth International Gerontology Conference on “Youth is a Gift and Age is an Art: Gerontological Issues and Higher Education” is organized by Centurion University of
Technology & Management, Paralakhemundi Campus as an extension of the last five conferences held in Japan, Russia and India. Its broad objective was to bring together professionals, academicians and researchers from all over the world to exchange ideas and experiences for effectively addressing the challenges the old people and society face and the role that higher education can play.

The University is committed to impart training to the students and staffs on stress management. Two major components of these are, Yoga and Meditation. Professional Yoga teachers take up Yoga classes on regular basis in all the campuses. As per Meditation, the University has an MoU with ACEM School of Meditation, Norway, under this coopration visiting faculty from Oshlow, Norway help and assist in different meditation Practices.

The founder Dr. Are Holen is providing sessions on Meditations for mental peace and for building self-confidence. The objective of the sessions is to understand some important aspects of our lives, training and guide in aspects of group dynamics and mental health, to empower people with positive thoughts. Short courses on different forms of Yoga and Meditations are being conducted periodically and the participants are given certificates for such training.

7th International Day of Yoga was observed on 21st June 2021 in Virtual mode on the theme “Yoga for Wellness” by Centurion University. Resource person for the same were Mr. Shuvendu Dev (Fitness Professional) and Mr. Pintu Debnath (Yoga Professional). Workshop on the need of Yoga for mental and physical wellbeing was demonstrated by them and was live streamed on YouTube.

Centurion University provided the students with new initiative-cum-competition to nurture their inner talent to inculcate and capture values which are sustainable and also contributing towards communities with a unique theme of “UNLOCKED in LOCKDOWN” to provide mental health support and awareness among the students during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the Track Sports, Yoga & Meditation several activities were involved like:

• Any indoor sports activities.
• Yoga & Meditation activities.
• Healthy tips to fight against Corona.


Indian System of Medicine is very popular worldwide.  Considering the importance, Government of India has taken several steps and with its Ministerial approach, establishing AYUSH Department covering all the branches including Ayurveda, Siddha, Homeopathy, Unani, Yoga and Naturopathy, & Tibet Medicine.

Rather than using a term alternative, Indian System of Medicines is an apt word and a direct choice of health and wellbeing especially for a preventive health.  As these schools focus on Diet, Lifestyle Modification and Preventive Health and then focus on curative aspect and link towards sustainable approach aligning with Good Health and Wellbeing (SDG 3) directly.   Also, a focused approach of utilizing the resources may conjoin with Decent Work & Economic Growth (SDG 8) and Responsible Consumption & Production (SDG 12) changing the concept of Lenear economy (Take, Make and Dispose) to Circular Economy (Renew, Remake and Share).

Taking an example of Ayurveda, meaning the Knowledge/Science of Life including every aspect of way of living and then focusing on disease condition.

Ayurveda is a system of Indian Medicine that deals with health in in different aspects of physical health, Social and Spiritual well-being, mental balance, environmental considerations, dietary and lifestyle habits, daily healthy living trends, and treating or managing specific health condition or diseases, this gives a picture of wellbeing and good health and accessible to all the needy.

Similarly, wellness includes other adjoining systems including naturopathy and yoga that gives essence to the healthy life and gives mental stability.  Ayurveda However, to encourage utilization of these systems, reachability to every end-user is necessary in these specific dimensions, Centurions are fortunate enough to utilize the resources of wellness and giving a strong pillar to the introduction the School of Wellness and Cosmetology and Wellness Center that gives exclusive therapies and medicines for the needy individuals.

Given an opportunity to nurture this idea and to bring this to realty and reachability following areas can be covered.

  1. Academic Area.
  2. Clinical & Wellness Area focusing on Health and Wellbeing of Staff and Students and General Public.
  3. Industrial Associations and opportunities including internship and placement assistance.
  4. Business Development.

In Clinical and Wellness Area, several methods can be implemented including Health Camps, She Clincs (Women empowerment), Awareness Sessions, Natural Healing methods, Home Remedies, Healthy Cooking Practices, Diet and Nutrition, and natural way of therapeutic approach, Ayurveda Panchakarma, etc.

The Standard output and SDG 3 alignment with these Indian system of medicines as follows with examples:

  1. Avoiding major diseases when followed a proper diet and lifestyle and focus on pediatric health and She Clinic or Women Health will give evidence-based studies.
  2. Health Cooking practices and home remedies will improve Good Health and Wellbeing.
  3. Maintaining Healthy Lifestyle gives Good Health (Physical and Mental).
  4. Avoiding many surgical interventions will save a lot of money.
  5. Students Education and awareness about Tobacco abuse and drug abuse prevents major health diseases, or cancer.
  6. Awareness on Stress and anxiety to the staff will increase their productivity.



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