Awards & Achievments
Awards and Achievements
The founders, academicians from top institutions in the country and outside, built the University, against all odds, where it was needed the most. The outcome of the University’s humble effort has been well recognized for emulation. The following are some of its recognitions:
1. Centurion University has been accredited with ‘A’ Grade by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Ministry of HRD in November 2015.
2.Centurion University has been granted the status of 12b by UGC making it eligible for Central assistance in December 2016.
3.Centurion University is the only University invited by the Honourable Prime Minister to address the Nation on World Youth Skills Day – 15th July 2015. National Skill Mission was commissioned and Skilling India programme was launched by the Prime Minister.
4.Research Report of Ernst and Young title, “Role of Higher Education in Creating Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Enterprises” is on the Model of Centurion University, published on 24th November 2016.
5.Honourable Prime Minister’s sub-group of 11 Chief Ministers on skill development hosted by NITI Aayog prominently described CUTM and its model of integrating skill with higher education, ensuring appropriateness and relevance of education in October 2015.
6.NITI Aayog named Centurion University -Gram Tarang as the best practice reference point in the State of Odisha in their report titled, “State Forward: Best Practices from our States” released by the Honourable Prime Minister on 29th September 2016.
7.Cited by name as a model for the, in the debate of the General Assembly of United Nations on Right to Education. CUTM has been privy to be eloquently mentioned in the UN Secretary General Report on Right to Education (67th General Assembly, 2012)
To quote “…In India, the Centurion University of Technology and Management (Odisha) … the only State-enacted University in the private sector with its strong industrial linkage through its Social Entrepreneurship Outreach (Gram Tarang) and its focus on community – has excelled in providing skills to students from rural areas.”
8.Acknowledged by the United Nations for works done in reaching to the underprivileged through employment linked skill development.
9.Case study by UNESCO, “Centurion University model of skilling” in the UNESCO – PROSPECTS: Volume 44, Issue 2 (2014).
10.Case study of Wharton University of Pennsylvania, “Startups Spot Opportunity in Training India’s Informal Workforce” for people living in the Naxalite-infested regions in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh in June 2013.
11.In Australia India Institute Report, titled “A Very Short Policy Brief: Sustainable Skill Development” in November 2016, the first reference of the policy brief is of Gram Tarang.
12.The British Council published a report in August 2016 on Social Enterprise, “Focus on East India” and singled out Centurion University besides two other universities, IIM Calcutta and Xavier.
13.Showcasing of Centurion University’s “Social Enterprise: A Global Outlook” in the Going Global Conference at Cape Town by the British Council in its international research report with a sample size of 200+ Universities where Centurion is the only reference from Indian subcontinent.
14.Centurion University is awarded “Section-1” Status by Australian Government, Department of Education & Training in March 2016
15.Centurion University was given A++ ranking in India in the Annual ranking of B-School by “Business India” and ranked third in the state of Odisha.
16.Centurion University has been granted programmes under Deen Dayal Upadhyay Kaushal Kendra Scheme of the UGC.
17.Invited by State Governments of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Rajasthan and Punjab to setup campuses in their respective states for Skill Development Programmes
18.The University has been privileged to receive letter of Intent (LOI) and Invitation by Government of Andhra Pradesh to set up a University in the state.
19.Centurion University is acknowledged by the United Nations for works done in reaching the underprivileged through employment linked skill development.
20.Centurion University’s Engineering programme is ranked 81 in All India National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) in April 2016 by Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) Initiative, Government of India.
21.Business School Rankings of India, conducted by Career 360 magazine for the year 2014, School of Management, Centurion University has been ranked third after Xavier Institute of Management, (XIMB) and National Institutes of Technology (NIT) in Odisha, obtained National Rank of 57 and has been rated as “AAA” business school ranking of India.
22.Ranked A-4 amongst the promising B-Schools of Excellence by All India Management Association Survey.
23.The University has been notified under 35AC of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India (enabling the University to generate grants up to Rs. 26.45 crores for skill development and facilitating the benefactor to avail 100% tax benefit). The University has already received income tax exemption under 80G and 12A and registered under FCRA.
24.CUTM’s social outreach UMBC is enlisted by Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India in the CSR Hub. Centurion is the first University and UMBC is the first Section 8 Company in the Slum Segment to have been conferred this recognition.
25.The University is approved as an Institute for Training of Trainers (ITOT) of the Director General of Employment and Training (DGET), Ministry of Skill Development, GOI.
26.The Urban Micro Business Centre (UMBC), Centurion University’s innovative entrepreneurship development initiative for slum dwellers, in partnership with Government of India and Government of Odisha, earned the recognition of being “one of the top 5 innovative initiatives in the country” in 2015 for replication in different states from NSDA, MOSDE, Government of India.
27.The University has been co-opted by NSDA, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship to develop the structure for NSQF implementation. It has been invited as a member of the core committee for the National Vocational University by Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India.
28.The Government of Odisha with approval of the Cabinet recommended Government of India to accord Skill University Status through its letter dated 5th October 2016. Recognizing its competence, the Principal Secretary, Higher Education, Government of Odisha has recommended to the Secretary, Defense, Government of India, for offering Centurion University to Produce Components for Defense Equipment.
29.The University got recognition to implement skill integrated higher education during the visit by the delegation of 20 Members of Parliament (MP) headed by the Honourable Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship and Parliamentary Affairs, Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy on 28th January 2016.
30.Won National Innovation Challenge from the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MOSDE) for Organic Agriculture Project in 2015
31.CUTM has the capability for pan-India Assessment and Training under MES-SDI (Modular Employable Skill-Skill Development Initiative) and in Competency Testing Centre and RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) (Accredited by MOSDE, GOI)
32.Centurion University has established a state-of-the-art Allied Health Sciences and Paramedics Learning Laboratory on 27th August 2016. The laboratory is equipped to offer short, medium and long term programs in Clinical Medical Research, General and Emergency Trauma Care, Optometry and Vision Science, Radiology and Imaging Technology.
33.Gram Tarang’s Multi Skill Development Centre (MSDC) was inaugurated in Ludhiana on 13th November 2016. Centurion University through its social outreach entity, Gram Tarang has developed about 80,000 skilled youth and linked to gainful employment from the underprivileged and excluded sections of the society.
34.Centurion is also member of core committee for the National Vocational University by Ministry of Labour and Employment.
35.Adjudged ‘Overall Best Performer’ in skill development by NSDC during the year 2011 – 2012.
36.Adjudged “The Best Skill Provider” by NSDC in 2012 and 2014.
37.Bhubaneswar Campus awarded “Best Performing Center” by NSDC during the year 2013 – 2014.
38.Was awarded FICCI-LeapVault “Skills Champion of India” Award 2010, 2012 and 2013 for extraordinary contribution to skill development in India by FICCI and UK-India Business Council.
39.Was awarded the “Best PPP Project in Vocational Education and Skill Training – 2012” by e-India, AICTE, ELets and Government of Andhra Pradesh
40.Was awarded “Entrepreneur University of the Year, 2012” by School of Educators (SoE) Global Education Awards, 2012
41.Secured eNorth East Award 2012 in the Financial Inclusion category for providing access to banking and other financial services in 500+ Gram Panchayats located in Assam, Manipur and Tripura.
42.Centurion University has become “Dassault System Academy Member” and it is the 1st Academy Member of Dassault Systems in India.
43.Citation by The Economist in its Annual Report of 2013: September 2013, pp 22.
44.Citation by McKinsey and Company in the McKinsey Global Institute Report on Poverty: February 2014, pp 141.
45.Citation by The World Bank in its report on, “Governance for Quality in Higher Education in Odisha, India” as a unique model reiterating the significant edge in the domain of higher education. August 2015.
46.Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Service Pvt. Ltd. received the 12th Manthan Award in the category e-Business and Financial Inclusion.
47.Gram Tarang on National Stage on the occasion of World Skill Day Programme of the Prime Minister
48.Centurion School of Rural Enterprise Management nominated for the Europe Business Assembly’s Prestigious International award titled ‘Best Enterprise and Best Manager of the year’ – 2015
49.Invited member of the core committee for the National Vocational University by Ministry of Labour and Employment
50.Model Career Counselling Centre in partnership with Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India
51.First partner of National Skill Development Corporation with following awards: