About Us

Names of college/Institution, Dates attended
Indian Institute of Management Kolkatta, India, 1987-1989
Osmania University, Hyderabad, India 1983-1987
Degrees Obtained
Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) (IIM – Kolkatta)
Bachelor of Engineering (Osmania University)
- The group believes in using educational institutions as a local social and economic change hub. The institutes engage with the community with a focus on bringing lasting change in the area of social as well as economic development.
- The group is pioneering a unique large scale skill building venture for school drop outs in naxal infested districts of Orissa. The group has promoted a host of special purpose vehicles aimed at skill building, providing escorting services, rural market access services as well as micro finance ventures.
- Innovation was the key to all the interventions and the group believes in finding innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Coordinated CENDERET, the development extension wing of XIMB for 3 years
- CENDERET works in most of the districts of Orissa in Partnership with NGOs and Panchayat representatives. It mainly concentrates on capacity building. Some of the areas of intervention have been Micro Planning, Enterprise promotion, Self Help groups’ promotion, Joint forest Management interventions with focus on community participation.
- He coordinated many national and international research as well as consultancy assignments.
- He developed a five stage “empowerment measurement frame work” which was adopted by the NGOs and Mission Shakti of government of Orissa.
- Worked with Gram Vikas, a leading NGO for four years in two of the most remote tribal regions of Orissa
Micro – Privatization project in rural power distribution
- Prof was one of the Project Directors on this assignment which was implemented in 4500 villages in Orissa (in some of the most under developed areas of the State) and 4500 panchayats of Karnataka. He coined the term “Gram Vidyut Pratinidhi” and along with other colleagues developed the spade work for the electricity franchising policy in India. The model was now incorporated into the national rural electrification policy
- The project aims at introduction of performance contracts at the 11 kV feeder level for revenue cycle activity management. The private entrepreneurs will be helped by the Village Electricity Committees in managing the activities at the village level. The project starts with a social intervention and ends in drawing up performance contracts for revenue cycle management at the feeder level.
- Typically the intervention for any particular feeder takes about 12 months for implementation. In Karnataka, the project was exploring the arrangements in IP set dominated sections.
- It was also exploring the water-energy nexus in these areas. The intervention was partly funded by the electricity utilities and partly by DFID.
Other relevant experience
- Joined as a young professional in DRDA, Kalahandi from IIM Kolkatta campus in the year 1989
- This was a special initiative of the Government of India to improve project management capabilities of the District Rural Development Agencies. Kalahandi hit the national headlines due to the starvation deaths and child selling cases in 1987. The job mandate included developing interventions that would help improve the incomes of poor people in socially deprived conditions and low market development environment.
- Higher Education Link Coordinator for 3 years for the academic link between university of Wales, Bangor, UK and XIMB.
- The link’s objective was to promote joint research in the area of self-recording systems for improving productivity in the Indian farming system. The link resulted in a dissemination workshop on the subject.
Names of employing Organization & Title Held
- Faculty & coordinator, Xavier Institute of Management, 1996 to 2005
- British Chevening Scholar, Small Business Center, Durham Business School, University of Durham, UK, 1995 to 1996
- Program manager, Gram Vikas Berhampur, India, 1991 to 1993
- Addl. Director (Projects), DRDA, Kalahandi, India, 1989 to 1991
- Attended a 3 month course in University of Durham, UK on Building enterprise – 1995
- Attended a 9 month course in University of Durham, UK on business incubators – 1995
- Attended an 8 week course organized by DSE, Berlin Germany on ZOPP (project planning and management) – 1998
- Attended training organized by CORDAID, Netherlands in Bangkok on monitoring and evaluation of projects – 2001