About Us

- 2007 PhD in Social Sciences, RMIT University, VIC, Australia
- 1988 MPhil Psychiatric Social Work, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Bangalore, India
- 1986 MA Social Work, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
- 1984 BA, Mysore University, Mysore, India
St Petersburg State University, Russia
Research Fellow
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
Adjunct Professor
Department for International Development (DFID) India | April 2001 – June 2015
State Representative, Odisha
The Department for International Development (DFID), leads the UK government‟s fight against world poverty. Through its network of offices throughout the world, DFID works with governments of developing countries, charities, non-government organisations, businesses and international organisations, like the United Nations, European Commission and the World Bank, to eliminate global poverty and its causes. DFID also responds to overseas emergencies.
State Representative, Odisha
This job mainly involved relationship management with multiple stakeholders including Government, Non-Government, Private Sector, Academic Institutions and other Development Partners. I represented DFIDI in a variety of forums such as workshops, conferences, donor meetings, sectoral support programs, procurement, etc. The DFIDI programs in the state of Odisha that I supported included the Public Sector Reform Program, Public Enterprise Reform Program, Support to the Poverty Task Force and Poverty Monitoring, The Odisha Civil Society and Poverty Program, Support to the Implementation of the Industrial Resolution Policy, R&R, Capacity Building of PRI‟s, The Health Sector Support Program (including Nutrition and WASH), Odisha Girls Incentive Program, Support to Odisha Climate Change Action Plan, The Reconstruction of Schools Program, The Western Odisha Rural Livelihoods Program, The Odisha Tribal Empowerment and Livelihood Program, Land Rights and the Center for Modernizing Government Initiative. My role involved monitoring the programs and supporting the evaluation of the same, from social, economic and environmental impacts.
I helped the team to develop state assistance plan (2011-15), supported the finalisation of business cases and submission of new proposals on Education and Urban Programs. I organized state aid talks, maintained oversight on implementation using the project cycle management principles and monitored results of all programs. Also, I helped the team to develop project logframes with a strong focus on results and Value for money.
I was responsible for, as program officer, the implementation of the Odisha Civil Society and Poverty Program. I also provided the lead to Govt of India‟s “Call to Action-Child Survival” program in Odisha; facilitated Development Partner‟s coordination to support implementation in 10 high priority districts and liaised with GoO to develop a robust plan of implementation to address gaps in services.
Deakin University, VIC, Australia | 2005-2007
Lecturer in Social Work and Associate Field Educator
Delivered two core social work units Community Development (face to face and distance mode) and Social Work Research (entirely by distance). Prepare the study material for the distance mode delivery of the Community Development Course. I was also involved in the development of a new unit, rural social work. One of my other significant responsibilities was to support both International and Domestic Students on placement, a mandatory requirement for Social Work. For this I had to put in place and formalize/ institutionalise the processes for international student placement in the Social Work Program. I participated in the policy dialogue regarding international field placements by being a member of the Combined Schools of Social Work, an innovative approach to collaborative working for field education in Social Work.
Policy and Strategic Planning Unit (DFID funded), Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Odisha | 1999-2001
Social Development Analyst
I supported decentralized health decision making through the formation and operationalization of Village Health Committees and Block Level Committees. I contributed to the development of Health Vision 2010 and prioritized action plans for the health sector in Odisha. I supported intersectoral coordination initiative by bringing together senior officials from various departments to discuss the issue of health on a single platform. Also identified areas of research and initiated collaborations with other Government and non-government organizations. I supported the replication of success stories from other states in India (keeping in mind local specificities) in terms of improved service delivery with special focus on access and control by women and other disadvantaged groups. As Member of the task force set up by Government of Orissa to review the damage caused to health facilities following the supercyclone of 1999, toured several districts and assessed the extent of damage. I also supported the structural and functional review of the health sector.
Center for Youth and Social Development, Odisha | 1998-1999
Consultant Research Coordinator
I led a team of 15 researchers to all the tribal districts of Orissa and conducted a research entitled „Economic Participation of Women in Orissa – A Need Based Analysis‟ (sponsored by PLAN International) – which has subsequently been published and is being used for policy influencing.
RMIT University, Australia | 1994-1997
I tutored in mainly two subjects, research methodology and social work practice and skills. Further delivered guest lectures in a variety of other subjects, such as, postmodernism and its relevance to women from non English speaking backgrounds, on cross cultural practices, on community development and women‟s movements in India and Internationalization of social work. Also did Liaison visits and supervision of students on field work placements.
RMIT University, Intercultural Projects and Resources Center (IPRC), University Office of International Programs | 1996-1997
Program Officer
I supported the formulation and establishment of RMIT International Community Exchange Program (RICE), an exchange program for international students to visit and engage with regional and rural Victoria. This was an immersion program for international students but had great ripple effects for regional and rural Victoria, who had little exposure to persons from varied cultural and ethnic backgrounds. I was also engaged in teaching of intercultural and cross cultural subjects to international students and staff of international division and in various context subjects.
Mahila Samakhya (Indo-Dutch project for women’s empowerment through education), Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India | 1993
My primary responsibility was to evaluate the Mahila Samakhya component of Samuday, a Voluntary Organization in the State of Bihar and submit a report. The society of Rusera in Samastipur district was extremely feudal in its structural composition and assessing the impact (benefits) on women (SC and ST) of the Mahila Samakhya program was well worth the exercise.
Voluntary Health Association (Delhi) | 1992-1993
Executive Secretary
I was responsible for planning a program on School Health, its implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Further I organized and delivered a Creche Workers training program and conducted several programs for creating health awareness (studied health seeking behavior of slum dwellers) among slum dwellers in Delhi.
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, New Delhi | 1990-1991
Medical Social Worker
I was engaged to manage the „Handicapped Program‟ of UNHCR in India. This involved assessment of various disabilities; planning for treatment and rehabilitation of persons who had been in conflict situations where their physical security was threatened and involved liaising with various Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Home visits to the residence of refugees for follow-up were integral to the program. Central to my role was the counseling of disabled persons and their families. I was also responsible for recommending individuals/ families for financial and other assistance where necessary.
Institute of Applied Language Sciences, Mysore | 1988-1989
Following the completion of my MPhil I wanted to take a year off doing things other than my chosen profession. I therefore undertook this job and organized several seminars, workshops and training programs in the field of Social Sciences, which also involved a fair amount of Office administration.
- Director, Gram Tarang Inclusive Development Services Pty Ltd
- Adjunct Professor, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
- Member, Governing Body, Bapuji Rural Enlightenment and Development Society (BREDS, an NGO in Andhra Pradesh)
- Life Member, Mysore Music Association Life Member, Bhubaneswar Music Circle
- Life Member, Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH)
- Government Security Classification, UK Civil Service Mandatory Course Course on Fraud and Corruption, UK Civil Service Mandatory Course
- From Managers to Leaders, British High Commission, New Delhi, April 2013
- From Managing Self to Managing Others, British High Commission, New Delhi, January 2012 Finance Skills for All, delivered by National School of Government, UK
- Climate Change, January 2009, DFID
- ABC Professional Writing Course, May 2008
- Information and Communication for Development, November 2004, delivered by University of Wolverhampton, UK Training on Program Guidance, November 2004, delivered by Jackie French, DFID London
- Leadership Skills Training, August 9-11 2004, delivered by CMPS London Training on Oral Communication, Aug 5-6 2004, delivered by CMPS London
- Strategic Communication for Development Programs, Nov 5th to 7th 2003, at London, conducted by the World Bank Training on Accounting and Procurement, June 2 2004 – DFID India.
- Management Development Program, Training on Managing Relationships and Diversity, New Delhi, conducted by Sheppard Moscow and Focus Consultants
- Project Cycle Management Training, New Delhi, conducted by TDU DFID
- Training on „Team Building‟ by Career Track International, USA conducted in Melbourne
- Pattanayak S, 2009, Insider Outsider in Heather D‟Cruz. Margaret Kumar, and Niranjala Weerakkody. N (eds) Where are you from?: Voices in Transition, accepted for publication, Common Ground Publications.
- Pattanayak S, 2009, „Name: An Address without a postcode‟ in Margaret Kumar, Supriya Pattanayak and Richard Johnson (eds) Framing my name: Shifting Educational Boundaries, accepted for publication, Common Ground Publications.
- Hawkins, L & Pattanayak S, 2010, Virtual Communication for Field Education Placements in a Global Context In Jennifer Martin and Linette Hawkins (eds) Information Communication Technologies for Human Services Education and Delivery: Concepts and Cases, NY: IGI Global, pp 133-150.
- Pattanayak S, 2011, Education of the Scheduled Tribes at the Crossroads in Forum, on line Newsletter of the Deakin University
- Pattanayak S, 2012, „Social Exclusion and Gender‟ in Rath N, Chinara M, Mohanty J and Mohanty A (eds) Social Exclusion and Gender: Some Reflections, Abhijeet Publications, New Delhi.
- Pattanayak S, 2014, Social work practice in India: the challenge of working with diversity, in Ling How Kee, Jennifer Martin and Rosaleen Ow (eds) Cross Cultural Social Work: Local and Global, Palgrave Macmillan, Australia
- Hawkins L, Martin J, McKay E & Pattanayak S, 2015, Internationalising Social Work Education Using Massive Open Online Courses In Elspeth McKay and John Lenarcic (eds) Macro Level Learning through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): Strategies and Predictions for the Future, NY: IGI Global, pp 75-90.
- Pattanayak S, 2016, Linguistic Diversity and the Human Services in India, in Supriya Pattanayak, Chandrabhanu Pattanayak and Jennifer Marie Bayer (eds), Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Perceptions, Practices and Policy, Orient Blackswan, India
- Pattanayak S & Narasimham Peri, 2017, Informal education and learning pathways: supporting livelihood trajectories of Indian Women in an urban slum In Margarita Pavlova, John C Lee, Rupert McLean (eds), Transitions to Post School Life, Springer Publications.
- Pattanayak S, 2018, Metaphors we live by: Appreciating the place of language in indigenous research in Margaret Kumar and Supriya Pattanayak (eds), Positioning Research, Shifting paradigms, interdisciplinarity and indigeneity, Sage Publications, India.
- Smita Mishra Panda, Orlanda Ruthven and Supriya Pattanayak, 2016, Performance, Aspirations, Access and Adaptation of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Students of a Private Engineering College in Odisha, World Bank.
- Smita Mishra Panda and Supriya Pattanayak, 2017, Study on Immediate Outcomes of Farmers Field and Business School Interventions in Pathways SGP project in Kandhamal and Kalahandi Districts of Odisha, CARE India.